#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Controls verbosity of the script output and logging. OPENIM_VERBOSE="${OPENIM_VERBOSE:-5}" # Enable logging by default. Set to false to disable. ENABLE_LOGGING=true # If OPENIM_OUTPUT is not set, set it to the default value if [[ ! -v OPENIM_OUTPUT ]]; then OPENIM_OUTPUT="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../_output" && pwd -P)" fi # Set the log file path LOG_FILE="${OPENIM_OUTPUT}/logs/openim_$(date '+%Y%m%d').log" if [[ ! -d "${OPENIM_OUTPUT}/logs" ]]; then mkdir -p "${OPENIM_OUTPUT}/logs" touch "$LOG_FILE" fi # Define the logging function function echo_log() { if $ENABLE_LOGGING; then echo -e "$@" | tee -a "${LOG_FILE}" else echo -e "$@" fi } # MAX_LOG_SIZE=10485760 # 10MB # Clear logs from 5 days ago # find $OPENIM_OUTPUT_LOGS -type f -name "*.log" -mtime +5 -exec rm -f {} \; # Handler for when we exit automatically on an error. # Borrowed from https://gist.github.com/ahendrix/7030300 openim::log::errexit() { local err="${PIPESTATUS[*]}" # If the shell we are in doesn't have errexit set (common in subshells) then # don't dump stacks. set +o | grep -qe "-o errexit" || return set +o xtrace local code="${1:-1}" # Print out the stack trace described by $function_stack if [ ${#FUNCNAME[@]} -gt 2 ] then openim::log::error "Call tree:" for ((i=1;i<${#FUNCNAME[@]}-1;i++)) do openim::log::error " ${i}: ${BASH_SOURCE[${i}+1]}:${BASH_LINENO[${i}]} ${FUNCNAME[${i}]}(...)" done fi openim::log::error_exit "Error in ${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}. '${BASH_COMMAND}' exited with status ${err}" "${1:-1}" 1 } openim::log::install_errexit() { # trap ERR to provide an error handler whenever a command exits nonzero this # is a more verbose version of set -o errexit trap 'openim::log::errexit' ERR # setting errtrace allows our ERR trap handler to be propagated to functions, # expansions and subshells set -o errtrace } # Print out the stack trace # # Args: # $1 The number of stack frames to skip when printing. openim::log::stack() { local stack_skip=${1:-0} stack_skip=$((stack_skip + 1)) if [[ ${#FUNCNAME[@]} -gt ${stack_skip} ]]; then echo_log "Call stack:" >&2 local i for ((i=1 ; i <= ${#FUNCNAME[@]} - stack_skip ; i++)) do local frame_no=$((i - 1 + stack_skip)) local source_file=${BASH_SOURCE[${frame_no}]} local source_lineno=${BASH_LINENO[$((frame_no - 1))]} local funcname=${FUNCNAME[${frame_no}]} echo_log " ${i}: ${source_file}:${source_lineno} ${funcname}(...)" >&2 done fi } # Log an error and exit. # Args: # $1 Message to log with the error # $2 The error code to return # $3 The number of stack frames to skip when printing. openim::log::error_exit() { local message="${1:-}" local code="${2:-1}" local stack_skip="${3:-0}" stack_skip=$((stack_skip + 1)) if [[ ${OPENIM_VERBOSE} -ge 4 ]]; then local source_file=${BASH_SOURCE[${stack_skip}]} local source_line=${BASH_LINENO[$((stack_skip - 1))]} echo_log -e "${COLOR_RED}!!! Error in ${source_file}:${source_line} ${COLOR_SUFFIX}" >&2 [[ -z ${1-} ]] || { echo_log " ${1}" >&2 } openim::log::stack ${stack_skip} echo_log "Exiting with status ${code}" >&2 fi exit "${code}" } # Log an error but keep going. Don't dump the stack or exit. openim::log::error() { timestamp=$(date +"[%m%d %H:%M:%S]") echo_log "!!! ${timestamp} ${1-}" >&2 shift for message; do echo_log " ${message}" >&2 done } # Print an usage message to stderr. The arguments are printed directly. openim::log::usage() { echo_log >&2 local message for message; do echo_log "${message}" >&2 done echo_log >&2 } openim::log::usage_from_stdin() { local messages=() while read -r line; do messages+=("${line}") done openim::log::usage "${messages[@]}" } # Print out some info that isn't a top level status line openim::log::info() { local V="${V:-0}" if [[ ${OPENIM_VERBOSE} < ${V} ]]; then return fi for message; do echo_log "${message}" done } # Just like openim::log::info, but no \n, so you can make a progress bar openim::log::progress() { for message; do echo_log -e -n "${message}" done } # Print out some info that isn't a top level status line openim::log::info_from_stdin() { local messages=() while read -r line; do messages+=("${line}") done openim::log::info "${messages[@]}" } # Print a status line. Formatted to show up in a stream of output. openim::log::status() { local V="${V:-0}" if [[ ${OPENIM_VERBOSE} < ${V} ]]; then return fi timestamp=$(date +"[%m%d %H:%M:%S]") echo_log "+++ ${timestamp} ${1}" shift for message; do echo_log " ${message}" done } openim::log::success() { local V="${V:-0}" if [[ ${OPENIM_VERBOSE} < ${V} ]]; then return fi timestamp=$(date +"%m%d %H:%M:%S") echo_log -e "${COLOR_GREEN}[success ${timestamp}] ${COLOR_SUFFIX}==> " "$@" } function openim::log::test_log() { echo_log "test log" openim::log::info "openim::log::info" openim::log::progress "openim::log::progress" openim::log::status "openim::log::status" openim::log::success "openim::log::success" openim::log::error "openim::log::error" openim::log::error_exit "openim::log::error_exit" } # openim::log::test_log