syntax = "proto3"; package open_im_sdk;//The package name to which the proto file belongs option go_package = "./sdk_ws;open_im_sdk";//The generated go pb file is in the current directory, and the package name is open_im_sdk message PullMessageBySeqListResp { int64 MaxSeq = 1; int64 MinSeq = 2; repeated GatherFormat SingleUserMsg = 3; repeated GatherFormat GroupUserMsg = 4; } message PullMessageBySeqListReq{ repeated int64 seqList =1; } message GetMaxAndMinSeqReq { } message GetMaxAndMinSeqResp { int64 maxSeq = 1; int64 minSeq = 2; } message GatherFormat{ // @inject_tag: json:"id" string ID = 1; // @inject_tag: json:"list" repeated MsgFormat List = 2;//detail msg } message MsgFormat{ // @inject_tag: json:"sendID" string SendID = 1; // @inject_tag: json:"recvID" string RecvID = 2; // @inject_tag: json:"msgFrom" int32 MsgFrom = 3; // @inject_tag: json:"contentType" int32 ContentType = 4; // @inject_tag: json:"serverMsgID" string ServerMsgID = 5; // @inject_tag: json:"content" string Content = 6; // @inject_tag: json:"seq" int64 Seq = 7; // @inject_tag: json:"sendTime" int64 SendTime = 8; // @inject_tag: json:"senderPlatformID" int32 SenderPlatformID = 9; // @inject_tag: json:"senderNickName" string SenderNickName = 10; // @inject_tag: json:"senderFaceUrl" string SenderFaceURL = 11; // @inject_tag: json:"clientMsgID" string ClientMsgID = 12; } message UserSendMsgReq { map Options= 1; string SenderNickName = 2; string SenderFaceURL = 3; int32 PlatformID = 4; int32 SessionType = 5; int32 MsgFrom = 6; int32 ContentType = 7; string RecvID = 8; repeated string ForceList = 9; string Content = 10; string ClientMsgID = 11; } message UserSendMsgResp { string ServerMsgID = 1; string ClientMsgID = 2; int64 sendTime = 3; } message MsgData { string sendID = 1; string recvID = 2; int32 sessionType = 3; int32 msgFrom = 4; int32 contentType = 5; string serverMsgID = 6; string content =7; int64 sendTime =8; int64 seq =9; int32 senderPlatformID =10; string senderNickName =11; string senderFaceURL =12; string clientMsgID =13; }