#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Common utilities, variables and checks for all build scripts. set -o errexit set +o nounset set -o pipefail ulimit -n 200000 OPENIM_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/../.. && pwd -P) [[ -z ${COMMON_SOURCED} ]] && source "${OPENIM_ROOT}"/scripts/install/common.sh SERVER_NAME="openim-msggateway" function openim::msggateway::start() { openim::log::info "Start OpenIM Msggateway, binary root: ${SERVER_NAME}" openim::log::status "Start OpenIM Msggateway, path: ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_BINARY}" openim::util::stop_services_with_name ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_BINARY} # OpenIM message gateway service port OPENIM_MESSAGE_GATEWAY_PORTS=$(openim::util::list-to-string ${OPENIM_MESSAGE_GATEWAY_PORT} ) read -a OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_PORTS_ARRAY <<< ${OPENIM_MESSAGE_GATEWAY_PORTS} openim::util::stop_services_on_ports ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_PORTS_ARRAY[*]} # OpenIM WS port OPENIM_WS_PORTS=$(openim::util::list-to-string ${OPENIM_WS_PORT} ) read -a OPENIM_WS_PORTS_ARRAY <<< ${OPENIM_WS_PORTS} # Message Gateway Prometheus port of the service MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS=$(openim::util::list-to-string ${MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORT} ) read -a MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS_ARRAY <<< ${MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS} openim::log::status "OpenIM Mssage Getway ports: ${OPENIM_MESSAGE_GATEWAY_PORTS[*]}" openim::log::status "OpenIM WS ports: ${OPENIM_WS_PORTS[*]}" openim::log::status "OpenIM Prometheus ports: ${MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS[*]}" openim::log::status "OpenIM Msggateway config path: ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_CONFIG}" if [ ${#OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_PORTS_ARRAY[@]} -ne ${#OPENIM_WS_PORTS_ARRAY[@]} ]; then openim::log::error_exit "ws_ports does not match push_rpc_ports or prome_ports in quantity!!!" fi for ((i = 0; i < ${#OPENIM_WS_PORTS_ARRAY[@]}; i++)); do openim::log::info "start push process, port: ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_PORTS_ARRAY[$i]}, prometheus port: ${MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS_ARRAY[$i]}" PROMETHEUS_PORT_OPTION="" if [[ -n "${MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS_ARRAY[$i]}" ]]; then PROMETHEUS_PORT_OPTION="--prometheus_port ${MSG_GATEWAY_PROM_PORTS_ARRAY[$i]}" fi nohup ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_BINARY} --port ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_PORTS_ARRAY[$i]} --ws_port ${OPENIM_WS_PORTS_ARRAY[$i]} $PROMETHEUS_PORT_OPTION -c ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_CONFIG} >> ${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 & done openim::util::check_process_names ${SERVER_NAME} } ###################################### Linux Systemd ###################################### SYSTEM_FILE_PATH="/etc/systemd/system/${SERVER_NAME}.service" # Print the necessary information after installation function openim::msggateway::info() { cat << EOF openim-msggateway listen on: ${OPENIM_MSGGATEWAY_HOST} EOF } # install openim-msggateway function openim::msggateway::install() { pushd "${OPENIM_ROOT}" # 1. Build openim-msggateway make build BINS=${SERVER_NAME} openim::common::sudo "cp ${OPENIM_OUTPUT_HOSTBIN}/${SERVER_NAME} ${OPENIM_INSTALL_DIR}/bin" openim::log::status "${SERVER_NAME} binary: ${OPENIM_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/${SERVER_NAME}" # 2. Generate and install the openim-msggateway configuration file (openim-msggateway.yaml) echo ${LINUX_PASSWORD} | sudo -S bash -c \ "./scripts/genconfig.sh ${ENV_FILE} deployments/templates/${SERVER_NAME}.yaml > ${OPENIM_CONFIG_DIR}/${SERVER_NAME}.yaml" openim::log::status "${SERVER_NAME} config file: ${OPENIM_CONFIG_DIR}/${SERVER_NAME}.yaml" # 3. Create and install the ${SERVER_NAME} systemd unit file echo ${LINUX_PASSWORD} | sudo -S bash -c \ "./scripts/genconfig.sh ${ENV_FILE} deployments/templates/init/${SERVER_NAME}.service > ${SYSTEM_FILE_PATH}" openim::log::status "${SERVER_NAME} systemd file: ${SYSTEM_FILE_PATH}" # 4. Start the openim-msggateway service openim::common::sudo "systemctl daemon-reload" openim::common::sudo "systemctl restart ${SERVER_NAME}" openim::common::sudo "systemctl enable ${SERVER_NAME}" openim::msggateway::status || return 1 openim::msggateway::info openim::log::info "install ${SERVER_NAME} successfully" popd } # Unload function openim::msggateway::uninstall() { set +o errexit openim::common::sudo "systemctl stop ${SERVER_NAME}" openim::common::sudo "systemctl disable ${SERVER_NAME}" openim::common::sudo "rm -f ${OPENIM_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/${SERVER_NAME}" openim::common::sudo "rm -f ${OPENIM_CONFIG_DIR}/${SERVER_NAME}.yaml" openim::common::sudo "rm -f /etc/systemd/system/${SERVER_NAME}.service" set -o errexit openim::log::info "uninstall ${SERVER_NAME} successfully" } # Status Check function openim::msggateway::status() { # Check the running status of the ${SERVER_NAME}. If active (running) is displayed, the ${SERVER_NAME} is started successfully. systemctl status ${SERVER_NAME}|grep -q 'active' || { openim::log::error "${SERVER_NAME} failed to start, maybe not installed properly" return 1 } # The listening port is hardcode in the configuration file if echo | telnet 7070 2>&1|grep refused &>/dev/null;then openim::log::error "cannot access health check port, ${SERVER_NAME} maybe not startup" return 1 fi } if [[ "$*" =~ openim::msggateway:: ]];then eval $* fi