// Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package unrelation import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options" unRelationTb "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/db/table/unrelation" "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/utils" ) type ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver struct { mgoDB *mongo.Database ExtendMsgSetCollection *mongo.Collection } func NewExtendMsgSetMongoDriver(mgoDB *mongo.Database) unRelationTb.ExtendMsgSetModelInterface { return &ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver{mgoDB: mgoDB, ExtendMsgSetCollection: mgoDB.Collection(unRelationTb.CExtendMsgSet)} } func (e *ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver) CreateExtendMsgSet(ctx context.Context, set *unRelationTb.ExtendMsgSetModel) error { _, err := e.ExtendMsgSetCollection.InsertOne(ctx, set) return err } func (e *ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver) GetAllExtendMsgSet( ctx context.Context, ID string, opts *unRelationTb.GetAllExtendMsgSetOpts, ) (sets []*unRelationTb.ExtendMsgSetModel, err error) { regex := fmt.Sprintf("^%s", ID) var findOpts *options.FindOptions if opts != nil { if opts.ExcludeExtendMsgs { findOpts = &options.FindOptions{} findOpts.SetProjection(bson.M{"extend_msgs": 0}) } } cursor, err := e.ExtendMsgSetCollection.Find(ctx, bson.M{"doc_id": primitive.Regex{Pattern: regex}}, findOpts) if err != nil { return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "") } err = cursor.All(ctx, &sets) if err != nil { return nil, utils.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("cursor is %s", cursor.Current.String())) } return sets, nil } func (e *ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver) GetExtendMsgSet( ctx context.Context, conversationID string, sessionType int32, maxMsgUpdateTime int64, ) (*unRelationTb.ExtendMsgSetModel, error) { var err error findOpts := options.Find(). SetLimit(1). SetSkip(0). SetSort(bson.M{"source_id": -1}). SetProjection(bson.M{"extend_msgs": 0}) // update newest find := bson.M{ "source_id": primitive.Regex{Pattern: fmt.Sprintf("^%s", conversationID)}, "session_type": sessionType, } if maxMsgUpdateTime > 0 { find["max_msg_update_time"] = maxMsgUpdateTime } result, err := e.ExtendMsgSetCollection.Find(ctx, find, findOpts) if err != nil { return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "") } var setList []unRelationTb.ExtendMsgSetModel if err := result.All(ctx, &setList); err != nil { return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "") } if len(setList) == 0 { return nil, nil } return &setList[0], nil } // first modify msg func (e *ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver) InsertExtendMsg( ctx context.Context, conversationID string, sessionType int32, msg *unRelationTb.ExtendMsgModel, ) error { set, err := e.GetExtendMsgSet(ctx, conversationID, sessionType, 0) if err != nil { return utils.Wrap(err, "") } if set == nil || set.ExtendMsgNum >= set.GetExtendMsgMaxNum() { var index int32 if set != nil { index = set.SplitConversationIDAndGetIndex() } err = e.CreateExtendMsgSet(ctx, &unRelationTb.ExtendMsgSetModel{ ConversationID: set.GetConversationID(conversationID, index), SessionType: sessionType, ExtendMsgs: map[string]unRelationTb.ExtendMsgModel{msg.ClientMsgID: *msg}, ExtendMsgNum: 1, CreateTime: msg.MsgFirstModifyTime, MaxMsgUpdateTime: msg.MsgFirstModifyTime, }) } else { _, err = e.ExtendMsgSetCollection.UpdateOne(ctx, bson.M{"conversation_id": set.ConversationID, "session_type": sessionType}, bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"max_msg_update_time": msg.MsgFirstModifyTime, "$inc": bson.M{"extend_msg_num": 1}, fmt.Sprintf("extend_msgs.%s", msg.ClientMsgID): msg}}) } return utils.Wrap(err, "") } // insert or update func (e *ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver) InsertOrUpdateReactionExtendMsgSet( ctx context.Context, conversationID string, sessionType int32, clientMsgID string, msgFirstModifyTime int64, reactionExtensionList map[string]*unRelationTb.KeyValueModel, ) error { var updateBson = bson.M{} for _, v := range reactionExtensionList { updateBson[fmt.Sprintf("extend_msgs.%s.%s", clientMsgID, v.TypeKey)] = v } upsert := true opt := &options.UpdateOptions{ Upsert: &upsert, } set, err := e.GetExtendMsgSet(ctx, conversationID, sessionType, msgFirstModifyTime) if err != nil { return utils.Wrap(err, "") } if set == nil { return fmt.Errorf("conversationID %s has no set", conversationID) } _, err = e.ExtendMsgSetCollection.UpdateOne( ctx, bson.M{"source_id": set.ConversationID, "session_type": sessionType}, bson.M{"$set": updateBson}, opt, ) return utils.Wrap(err, "") } // delete TypeKey func (e *ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver) DeleteReactionExtendMsgSet( ctx context.Context, conversationID string, sessionType int32, clientMsgID string, msgFirstModifyTime int64, reactionExtensionList map[string]*unRelationTb.KeyValueModel, ) error { var updateBson = bson.M{} for _, v := range reactionExtensionList { updateBson[fmt.Sprintf("extend_msgs.%s.%s", clientMsgID, v.TypeKey)] = "" } set, err := e.GetExtendMsgSet(ctx, conversationID, sessionType, msgFirstModifyTime) if err != nil { return utils.Wrap(err, "") } if set == nil { return fmt.Errorf("conversationID %s has no set", conversationID) } _, err = e.ExtendMsgSetCollection.UpdateOne( ctx, bson.M{"source_id": set.ConversationID, "session_type": sessionType}, bson.M{"$unset": updateBson}, ) return err } func (e *ExtendMsgSetMongoDriver) TakeExtendMsg( ctx context.Context, conversationID string, sessionType int32, clientMsgID string, maxMsgUpdateTime int64, ) (extendMsg *unRelationTb.ExtendMsgModel, err error) { findOpts := options.Find(). SetLimit(1). SetSkip(0). SetSort(bson.M{"source_id": -1}). SetProjection(bson.M{fmt.Sprintf("extend_msgs.%s", clientMsgID): 1}) regex := fmt.Sprintf("^%s", conversationID) result, err := e.ExtendMsgSetCollection.Find( ctx, bson.M{ "source_id": primitive.Regex{Pattern: regex}, "session_type": sessionType, "max_msg_update_time": bson.M{"$lte": maxMsgUpdateTime}, }, findOpts, ) if err != nil { return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "") } var setList []unRelationTb.ExtendMsgSetModel if err := result.All(ctx, &setList); err != nil { return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "") } if len(setList) == 0 { return nil, utils.Wrap(errors.New("GetExtendMsg failed, len(setList) == 0"), "") } if v, ok := setList[0].ExtendMsgs[clientMsgID]; ok { return &v, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("cant find client msg id: %s", clientMsgID) }