#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # https://gist.github.com/cubxxw/28f997f2c9aff408630b072f010c1d64 # set -e set -o pipefail ############################## OpenIM Github ############################## # ... rest of the script ... # TODO # You can configure this script in three ways. # 1. First, set the variables in this column with more comments. # 2. The second is to pass an environment variable via a flag such as --help. # 3. The third way is to set the variable externally, or pass it in as an environment variable # Default configuration for OpenIM Repo # The OpenIM Repo settings can be customized according to your needs. # OpenIM Repo owner, by default it's set to "OpenIMSDK". If you're using a different owner, replace accordingly. OWNER="OpenIMSDK" # The repository name, by default it's "Open-IM-Server". If you're using a different repository, replace accordingly. REPO="Open-IM-Server" # Version of Go you want to use, make sure it is compatible with your OpenIM-Server requirements. # Default is 1.18, if you want to use a different version, replace accordingly. GO_VERSION="1.18" # Default HTTP_PORT is 80. If you want to use a different port, uncomment and replace the value. # HTTP_PORT=80 # CPU core number for concurrent execution. By default it's determined automatically. # Uncomment the next line if you want to set it manually. # CPU=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) # By default, the script uses the latest tag from OpenIM-Server releases. # If you want to use a specific tag, uncomment and replace "v3.0.0" with the desired tag. # LATEST_TAG=v3.0.0 # Default OpenIM install directory is /tmp. If you want to use a different directory, uncomment and replace "/test". # DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR="/test" # GitHub proxy settings. If you are using a proxy, uncomment and replace the empty field with your proxy URL. PROXY= # If you have a GitHub token, replace the empty field with your token. GITHUB_TOKEN= # Default user is "root". If you need to modify it, uncomment and replace accordingly. # USER=root # Default password for redis, mysql, mongo, as well as accessSecret in config/config.yaml. # Remember, it should be a combination of 8 or more numbers and letters. If you want to set a different password, uncomment and replace "openIM123". # PASSWORD=openIM123 # Default endpoint for minio's external service IP and port. If you want to use a different endpoint, uncomment and replace. # ENDPOINT= # Default API_URL, replace if necessary. # API_URL= # Default data directory. If you want to specify a different directory, uncomment and replace "./". # DATA_DIR=./ ############################## OpenIM Functions ############################## # Install horizon of the script # # Pre-requisites: # - git # - make # - jq # - docker # - docker-compose # - go # # Check if the script is run as root function check_isroot() { if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then fatal "Please run the script as root or use sudo." fi } # check if the current directory is a OpenIM git repository function check_git_repo() { if git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Inside a git repository for remote in $(git remote); do repo_url=$(git remote get-url $remote) if [[ $repo_url == "https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server.git" || \ $repo_url == "https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server" || \ $repo_url == "git@github.com:OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server.git" ]]; then # If it's OpenIMSDK repository info "Current directory is OpenIMSDK git repository." info "Executing installation directly." install_openim exit 0 fi debug "Remote: $remote, URL: $repo_url" done # If it's not OpenIMSDK repository debug "Current directory is not OpenIMSDK git repository." fi info "Current directory is not a git repository." } # Function to update and install necessary tools function install_tools() { info "Checking and installing necessary tools, about git, make, jq, docker, docker-compose." local tools=("git" "make" "jq" "docker" "docker-compose") local install_cmd update_cmd os if grep -qEi "debian|buntu|mint" /etc/os-release; then os="Ubuntu" install_cmd="sudo apt install -y" update_cmd="sudo apt update" elif grep -qEi "fedora|rhel" /etc/os-release; then os="CentOS" install_cmd="sudo yum install -y" update_cmd="sudo yum update" else fatal "Unsupported OS, please use Ubuntu or CentOS." fi debug "Detected OS: $os" info "Updating system package repositories..." $update_cmd for tool in "${tools[@]}"; do if ! command -v $tool &> /dev/null; then warn "$tool is not installed. Installing now..." $install_cmd $tool success "$tool has been installed successfully." else info "$tool is already installed." fi done } # Function to check if Docker and Docker Compose are installed function check_docker() { if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null; then fatal "Docker is not installed. Please install Docker first." fi if ! command -v docker-compose &> /dev/null; then fatal "Docker Compose is not installed. Please install Docker Compose first." fi } # Function to download and install Go if it's not already installed function install_go() { command -v go >/dev/null 2>&1 # Determines if GO_VERSION is defined if [ -z "$GO_VERSION" ]; then GO_VERSION="1.18" fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then warn "Go is not installed. Installing now..." curl -LO "https://golang.org/dl/go${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fatal "Download failed! Please check your network connectivity." fi sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz" echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc success "Go has been installed successfully." else info "Go is already installed." fi } function download_source_code() { # If LATEST_TAG was not defined outside the function, get it here example: v3.0.1-beta.1 if [ -z "$LATEST_TAG" ]; then LATEST_TAG=$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/$OWNER/$REPO/tags" | jq -r '.[0].name') fi # If LATEST_TAG is still empty, set a default value local DEFAULT_TAG="v3.0.0" LATEST_TAG="${LATEST_TAG:-$DEFAULT_TAG}" debug "DEFAULT_TAG: $DEFAULT_TAG" info "Use OpenIM Version LATEST_TAG: $LATEST_TAG" # If MODIFIED_TAG was not defined outside the function, modify it here,example: 3.0.1-beta.1 if [ -z "$MODIFIED_TAG" ]; then MODIFIED_TAG=$(echo $LATEST_TAG | sed 's/v//') fi # If MODIFIED_TAG is still empty, set a default value local DEFAULT_MODIFIED_TAG="${DEFAULT_TAG#v}" MODIFIED_TAG="${MODIFIED_TAG:-$DEFAULT_MODIFIED_TAG}" debug "MODIFIED_TAG: $MODIFIED_TAG" # Construct the tarball URL TARBALL_URL="${PROXY}https://github.com/$OWNER/$REPO/archive/refs/tags/$LATEST_TAG.tar.gz" info "Downloaded OpenIM TARBALL_URL: $TARBALL_URL" info "Starting the OpenIM automated one-click deployment script." # Set the download and extract directory to /tmp if [ -z "$DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR" ]; then DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR="/tmp" fi # Check if /tmp directory exists if [ ! -d "$DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR" ]; then warn "$DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR does not exist. Creating it..." mkdir -p "$DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR" fi info "Downloading OpenIM source code from $TARBALL_URL to $DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR" curl -L -o "${DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR}/${MODIFIED_TAG}.tar.gz" $TARBALL_URL tar -xzvf "${DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR}/${MODIFIED_TAG}.tar.gz" -C "$DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR" cd "$DOWNLOAD_OPENIM_DIR/$REPO-$MODIFIED_TAG" git init && git add . && git commit -m "init" --no-verify success "Source code downloaded and extracted to $REPO-$MODIFIED_TAG" } function set_openim_env() { warn "This command can only be executed once. It will modify the component passwords in docker-compose based on the PASSWORD variable in .env, and modify the component passwords in config/config.yaml. If the password in .env changes, you need to first execute docker-compose down; rm components -rf and then execute this command." # Set default values for user input # If the USER environment variable is not set, it defaults to 'root' if [ -z "$USER" ]; then USER="root" debug "USER is not set. Defaulting to 'root'." fi # If the PASSWORD environment variable is not set, it defaults to 'openIM123' # This password applies to redis, mysql, mongo, as well as accessSecret in config/config.yaml if [ -z "$PASSWORD" ]; then PASSWORD="openIM123" debug "PASSWORD is not set. Defaulting to 'openIM123'." fi # If the ENDPOINT environment variable is not set, it defaults to '' # This is minio's external service IP and port, or it could be a domain like storage.xx.xx # The app must be able to access this IP and port or domain if [ -z "$ENDPOINT" ]; then ENDPOINT="" debug "ENDPOINT is not set. Defaulting to ''." fi # If the API_URL environment variable is not set, it defaults to '' # The app must be able to access this IP and port or domain if [ -z "$API_URL" ]; then API_URL="" debug "API_URL is not set. Defaulting to ''." fi # If the DATA_DIR environment variable is not set, it defaults to the current directory './' # This can be set to a directory with large disk space if [ -z "$DATA_DIR" ]; then DATA_DIR="./" debug "DATA_DIR is not set. Defaulting to './'." fi } function install_openim() { info "Installing OpenIM" make -j${CPU} install V=1 info "Checking installation" make check success "OpenIM installation completed successfully. Happy chatting!" } ############################## OpenIM Help ############################## # Function to display help message function cmd_help() { openim_color color_echo ${BRIGHT_GREEN_PREFIX} "Usage: $0 [options]" color_echo ${BRIGHT_GREEN_PREFIX} "Options:" echo color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-i, --install ${CYAN_PREFIX}Execute the installation logic of the script${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-u, --user ${CYAN_PREFIX}set user (default: root)${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-p, --password ${CYAN_PREFIX}set password (default: openIM123)${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-e, --endpoint ${CYAN_PREFIX}set endpoint (default:${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-a, --api ${CYAN_PREFIX}set API URL (default:${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-d, --directory ${CYAN_PREFIX}set directory for large disk space (default: ./)${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-h, --help ${CYAN_PREFIX}display this help message and exit${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-cn, --china ${CYAN_PREFIX}set to use the Chinese domestic proxy${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-t, --tag ${CYAN_PREFIX}specify the tag (default option, set to latest if not specified)${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-r, --release ${CYAN_PREFIX}specify the release branch (cannot be used with the tag option)${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-gt, --github-token ${CYAN_PREFIX}set the GITHUB_TOKEN (default: not set)${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "-g, --go-version ${CYAN_PREFIX}set the Go language version (default: GO_VERSION=\"1.18\")${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "--install-dir ${CYAN_PREFIX}set the OpenIM installation directory (default: /tmp)${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${BLUE_PREFIX} "--cpu ${CYAN_PREFIX}set the number of concurrent processes${COLOR_SUFFIX}" echo color_echo ${RED_PREFIX} "Note: Only one of the -t/--tag or -r/--release options can be used at a time.${COLOR_SUFFIX}" color_echo ${RED_PREFIX} "If both are used or none of them are used, the -t/--tag option will be prioritized.${COLOR_SUFFIX}" echo exit 1 } function parseinput() { # set default values # USER=root # PASSWORD=openIM123 # ENDPOINT= # API= # DIRECTORY=./ # CHINA=false # TAG=latest # RELEASE="" # GO_VERSION=1.18 # INSTALL_DIR=/tmp # GITHUB_TOKEN="" # CPU=$(nproc) if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then cmd_help exit 1 fi while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in -h|--help) cmd_help exit ;; -u|--user) shift USER=$1 ;; -p|--password) shift PASSWORD=$1 ;; -e|--endpoint) shift ENDPOINT=$1 ;; -a|--api) shift API=$1 ;; -d|--directory) shift DIRECTORY=$1 ;; -cn|--china) CHINA=true ;; -t|--tag) shift TAG=$1 ;; -r|--release) shift RELEASE=$1 ;; -g|--go-version) shift GO_VERSION=$1 ;; --install-dir) shift INSTALL_DIR=$1 ;; -gt|--github-token) shift GITHUB_TOKEN=$1 ;; --cpu) shift CPU=$1 ;; -i|--install) openim_main exit ;; *) echo "Unknown option: $1" cmd_help exit 1 ;; esac shift done } ############################## OpenIM LOG ############################## # Set text color to cyan for header and URL print_with_delay() { text="$1" delay="$2" for i in $(seq 0 $((${#text}-1))); do printf "${text:$i:1}" sleep $delay done printf "\n" } print_progress() { total="$1" delay="$2" printf "[" for i in $(seq 1 $total); do printf "#" sleep $delay done printf "]\n" } # Function for colored echo color_echo() { COLOR=$1 shift echo -e "${COLOR} $* ${COLOR_SUFFIX}" } # Color definitions function openim_color() { COLOR_SUFFIX="\033[0m" # End all colors and special effects BLACK_PREFIX="\033[30m" # Black prefix RED_PREFIX="\033[31m" # Red prefix GREEN_PREFIX="\033[32m" # Green prefix YELLOW_PREFIX="\033[33m" # Yellow prefix BLUE_PREFIX="\033[34m" # Blue prefix SKY_BLUE_PREFIX="\033[36m" # Sky blue prefix WHITE_PREFIX="\033[37m" # White prefix BOLD_PREFIX="\033[1m" # Bold prefix UNDERLINE_PREFIX="\033[4m" # Underline prefix ITALIC_PREFIX="\033[3m" # Italic prefix BRIGHT_GREEN_PREFIX='\033[1;32m' # Bright green prefix CYAN_PREFIX="\033[0;36m" # Cyan prefix } # --- helper functions for logs --- info() { echo -e "[${GREEN_PREFIX}INFO${COLOR_SUFFIX}] " "$@" } warn() { echo -e "[${YELLOW_PREFIX}WARN${COLOR_SUFFIX}] " "$@" >&2 } fatal() { echo -e "[${RED_PREFIX}ERROR${COLOR_SUFFIX}] " "$@" >&2 exit 1 } debug() { echo -e "[${BLUE_PREFIX}DEBUG${COLOR_SUFFIX}]===> " "$@" } success() { echo -e "${BRIGHT_GREEN_PREFIX}=== [SUCCESS] ===${COLOR_SUFFIX}\n=> " "$@" } function openim_logo() { # Set text color to cyan for header and URL echo -e "\033[0;36m" # Display fancy ASCII Art logo # look http://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&h=1&v=1&f=Doh&t=OpenIM print_with_delay ' OOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM OO:::::::::OO I::::::::IM:::::::M M:::::::M OO:::::::::::::OO I::::::::IM::::::::M M::::::::M O:::::::OOO:::::::O II::::::IIM:::::::::M M:::::::::M O::::::O O::::::Oppppp ppppppppp eeeeeeeeeeee nnnn nnnnnnnn I::::I M::::::::::M M::::::::::M O:::::O O:::::Op::::ppp:::::::::p ee::::::::::::ee n:::nn::::::::nn I::::I M:::::::::::M M:::::::::::M O:::::O O:::::Op:::::::::::::::::p e::::::eeeee:::::een::::::::::::::nn I::::I M:::::::M::::M M::::M:::::::M O:::::O O:::::Opp::::::ppppp::::::pe::::::e e:::::enn:::::::::::::::n I::::I M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M O:::::O O:::::O p:::::p p:::::pe:::::::eeeee::::::e n:::::nnnn:::::n I::::I M::::::M M::::M::::M M::::::M O:::::O O:::::O p:::::p p:::::pe:::::::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n I::::I M::::::M M:::::::M M::::::M O:::::O O:::::O p:::::p p:::::pe::::::eeeeeeeeeee n::::n n::::n I::::I M::::::M M:::::M M::::::M O::::::O O::::::O p:::::p p::::::pe:::::::e n::::n n::::n I::::I M::::::M MMMMM M::::::M O:::::::OOO:::::::O p:::::ppppp:::::::pe::::::::e n::::n n::::nII::::::IIM::::::M M::::::M OO:::::::::::::OO p::::::::::::::::p e::::::::eeeeeeee n::::n n::::nI::::::::IM::::::M M::::::M OO:::::::::OO p::::::::::::::pp ee:::::::::::::e n::::n n::::nI::::::::IM::::::M M::::::M OOOOOOOOO p::::::pppppppp eeeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnnn nnnnnnIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM p:::::p p:::::p p:::::::p p:::::::p p:::::::p ppppppppp ' 0.0001 # Display product URL print_with_delay "Discover more and contribute at: https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server" 0.01 # Reset text color back to normal echo -e "\033[0m" # Set text color to green for product description echo -e "\033[1;32m" print_with_delay "Open-IM-Server: Reinventing Instant Messaging" 0.01 print_progress 50 0.02 print_with_delay "Open-IM-Server is not just a product; it's a revolution. It's about bringing the power of seamless, real-time messaging to your fingertips. And it's about joining a global community of developers, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible." 0.01 print_progress 50 0.02 # Reset text color back to normal echo -e "\033[0m" # Set text color to yellow for the Slack link echo -e "\033[1;33m" print_with_delay "Join our developer community on Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/openimsdk/shared_invite/zt-22720d66b-o_FvKxMTGXtcnnnHiMqe9Q" 0.01 # Reset text color back to normal echo -e "\033[0m" } # Main function to run the script function openim_main() { check_git_repo check_isroot openim_color install_tools check_docker install_go download_source_code set_openim_env install_openim openim_logo } parseinput "$@"