# OpenIM Bash Utility Script This script offers a variety of utilities and helpers to enhance and simplify operations related to the OpenIM project. ## Table of Contents - [OpenIM Bash Utility Script](#openim-bash-utility-script) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [brief descriptions of each function](#brief-descriptions-of-each-function) - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Usage](#usage) - [SSH Key Setup](#ssh-key-setup) - [openim::util::ensure-gnu-sed](#openimutilensure-gnu-sed) - [openim::util::ensure-gnu-date](#openimutilensure-gnu-date) - [openim::util::check-file-in-alphabetical-order](#openimutilcheck-file-in-alphabetical-order) - [openim::util::require-jq](#openimutilrequire-jq) - [openim::util::md5](#openimutilmd5) - [openim::util::read-array](#openimutilread-array) - [Color Definitions](#color-definitions) - [openim::util::desc and related functions](#openimutildesc-and-related-functions) - [openim::util::onCtrlC](#openimutilonctrlc) - [openim::util::list-to-string](#openimutillist-to-string) - [openim::util::remove-space](#openimutilremove-space) - [openim::util::gencpu](#openimutilgencpu) - [openim::util::gen-os-arch](#openimutilgen-os-arch) - [openim::util::download-file](#openimutildownload-file) - [openim::util::get-public-ip](#openimutilget-public-ip) - [openim::util::extract-tarball](#openimutilextract-tarball) - [openim::util::check-port-open](#openimutilcheck-port-open) - [openim::util::file-lines-count](#openimutilfile-lines-count) ## brief descriptions of each function **Englist:** 1. `openim::util::ensure-gnu-sed` - Determines if GNU version of `sed` exists on the system and sets its name. 2. `openim::util::ensure-gnu-date` - Determines if GNU version of `date` exists on the system and sets its name. 3. `openim::util::check-file-in-alphabetical-order` - Checks if a file is sorted in alphabetical order. 4. `openim::util::require-jq` - Checks if `jq` is installed. 5. `openim::util::md5` - Outputs the MD5 hash of a file. 6. `openim::util::read-array` - Reads content from standard input into an array. 7. `openim::util::desc` - Displays descriptive information. 8. `openim::util::run::prompt` - Displays a prompt. 9. `openim::util::run::maybe-first-prompt` - Possibly displays the first prompt based on whether it's started or not. 10. `openim::util::run` - Executes a command and captures its output. 11. `openim::util::run::relative` - Returns paths relative to the current script. 12. `openim::util::onCtrlC` - Performs an action when Ctrl+C is pressed. 13. `openim::util::list-to-string` - Converts a list into a string. 14. `openim::util::remove-space` - Removes spaces from a string. 15. `openim::util::gencpu` - Retrieves CPU information. 16. `openim::util::gen-os-arch` - Generates a repository directory based on the operating system and architecture. 17. `openim::util::download-file` - Downloads a file from a URL. 18. `openim::util::get-public-ip` - Retrieves the public IP address of the machine. 19. `openim::util::extract-tarball` - Extracts a tarball to a specified directory. 20. `openim::util::check-port-open` - Checks if a given port is open on the machine. 21. `openim::util::file-lines-count` - Counts the number of lines in a file. ## Introduction This script is mainly used to validate whether the code is correctly formatted by `gofmt`. Apart from that, it offers utilities like setting up SSH keys, various wait conditions, host and platform detection, documentation generation, etc. ## Usage ### SSH Key Setup To set up an SSH key: ```bash #1. Write IPs in a file, one IP per line. Let's name it hosts-file. #2. Modify the default username and password in the script. hosts-file-path="path/to/your/hosts/file" openim:util::setup_ssh_key_copy "$hosts-file-path" "root" "123" ``` ## openim::util::ensure-gnu-sed Ensures the presence of the GNU version of the `sed` command. Different operating systems may have variations of the `sed` command, and this utility function is used to make sure the script uses the GNU version. If it finds the GNU `sed`, it sets the `SED` variable accordingly. If not found, it checks for `gsed`, which is usually the name of GNU `sed` on macOS. If neither is found, an error message is displayed. ## openim::util::ensure-gnu-date Similar to the function for `sed`, this function ensures the script uses the GNU version of the `date` command. If it identifies the GNU `date`, it sets the `DATE` variable. On macOS, it looks for `gdate` as an alternative. In the absence of both, an error message is recommended. ## openim::util::check-file-in-alphabetical-order This function checks if the contents of a given file are sorted in alphabetical order. If not, it provides a command suggestion for the user to sort the file correctly. ## openim::util::require-jq Verifies the installation of `jq`, a popular command-line JSON parser. If it's not present, a prompt to install it is displayed. ## openim::util::md5 A cross-platform function that computes the MD5 hash of its input. This function takes into account the differences in the `md5` command between macOS and Linux. ## openim::util::read-array A function designed to read from stdin and populate an array, line by line. It's provided as an alternative to `mapfile -t` and is compatible with bash 3. ## Color Definitions The script also defines a set of colors to enhance its console output. These include colors like red, yellow, green, blue, cyan, etc., which can be used for better user experience and clear logs. ## openim::util::desc and related functions These functions seem to aid in building interactive demonstrations or tutorials in the terminal. They use the `pv` utility to control the display rate of the output, emulating typing. There's also functionality to handle user prompts and execute commands while capturing their output. ## openim::util::onCtrlC Handles the `CTRL+C` command. It terminates background processes of the script when the user interrupts it using `CTRL+C`. ## openim::util::list-to-string Transforms a list format (like `[10023, 2323, 3434]`) to a space-separated string (`10023 2323 3434`). Also removes unnecessary spaces and characters. ## openim::util::remove-space Removes spaces from a given string. ## openim::util::gencpu Fetches the number of CPUs using the `lscpu` command. ## openim::util::gen-os-arch Identifies the operating system and architecture of the system running the script. This is useful to determine directories or binaries specific to that OS and architecture. ## openim::util::download-file This function can be used to download a file from a URL. If `curl` is available, it uses `curl`. If not, it falls back to `wget`. ```bash function openim::util::download-file() { local url="$1" local dest="$2" if command -v curl &>/dev/null; then curl -L "${url}" -o "${dest}" elif command -v wget &>/dev/null; then wget "${url}" -O "${dest}" else openim::log::error "Neither curl nor wget available. Cannot download file." return 1 fi } ``` ## openim::util::get-public-ip Fetches the public IP address of the machine. ```bash function openim::util::get-public-ip() { if command -v curl &>/dev/null; then curl -s https://ipinfo.io/ip elif command -v wget &>/dev/null; then wget -qO- https://ipinfo.io/ip else openim::log::error "Neither curl nor wget available. Cannot fetch public IP." return 1 fi } ``` ## openim::util::extract-tarball This function extracts a tarball to a specified directory. ```bash function openim::util::extract-tarball() { local tarball="$1" local dest="$2" mkdir -p "${dest}" tar -xzf "${tarball}" -C "${dest}" } ``` ## openim::util::check-port-open Checks if a given port is open on the local machine. ```bash function openim::util::check-port-open() { local port="$1" if command -v nc &>/dev/null; then echo -n > /dev/tcp/"${port}" 2>&1 return $? elif command -v telnet &>/dev/null; then telnet "${port}" 2>&1 | grep -q "Connected" return $? else openim::log::error "Neither nc nor telnet available. Cannot check port." return 1 fi } ``` ## openim::util::file-lines-count Counts the number of lines in a file. ```bash function openim::util::file-lines-count() { local file="$1" if [[ -f "${file}" ]]; then wc -l < "${file}" else openim::log::error "File does not exist: ${file}" return 1 fi } ```