#!/usr/bin/env bash source ./style_info.cfg source ./path_info.cfg source ./function.sh #service filename service_filename=( #api open_im_api open_im_cms_api #rpc open_im_user open_im_friend open_im_group open_im_auth open_im_admin_cms open_im_message_cms open_im_statistics ${msg_name} open_im_office open_im_organization ) #service config port name service_port_name=( #api port name openImApiPort openImCmsApiPort #rpc port name openImUserPort openImFriendPort openImGroupPort openImAuthPort openImAdminCmsPort openImMessageCmsPort openImStatisticsPort openImOfflineMessagePort openImOfficePort ) for ((i = 0; i < ${#service_filename[*]}; i++)); do #Check whether the service exists service_name="ps -aux |grep -w ${service_filename[$i]} |grep -v grep" count="${service_name}| wc -l" if [ $(eval ${count}) -gt 0 ]; then pid="${service_name}| awk '{print \$2}'" echo "${service_filename[$i]} service has been started,pid:$(eval $pid)" echo "killing the service ${service_filename[$i]} pid:$(eval $pid)" #kill the service that existed kill -9 $(eval $pid) sleep 0.5 fi cd ../bin #Get the rpc port in the configuration file portList=$(cat $config_path | grep ${service_port_name[$i]} | awk -F '[:]' '{print $NF}') list_to_string ${portList} #Start related rpc services based on the number of ports for j in ${ports_array}; do #Start the service in the background # ./${service_filename[$i]} -port $j & nohup ./${service_filename[$i]} -port $j >>../logs/openIM.log 2>&1 & sleep 1 pid="netstat -ntlp|grep $j |awk '{printf \$7}'|cut -d/ -f1" echo -e "${GREEN_PREFIX}${service_filename[$i]} start success,port number:$j pid:$(eval $pid)$COLOR_SUFFIX" done done