Merge branch 'tuoyun' of into tuoyun

wangchuxiao 3 years ago
commit f33937bc5d

@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ chatpersistencemysql: true
reliablestorage: false
msgCacheTimeout: 60 * 60
msgCacheTimeout: 1800
#token config

@ -40,18 +40,28 @@ func (rpc *rpcChat) PullMessageBySeqList(_ context.Context, in *open_im_sdk.Pull
log.NewInfo(in.OperationID, "rpc PullMessageBySeqList is arriving", in.String())
resp := new(open_im_sdk.PullMessageBySeqListResp)
//msgList, err := commonDB.DB.GetMsgBySeqList(in.UserID, in.SeqList, in.OperationID)
msgList, err := commonDB.DB.GetMsgBySeqListMongo2(in.UserID, in.SeqList, in.OperationID)
redisMsgList, failedSeqList, err := commonDB.DB.GetMessageListBySeq(in.UserID, in.SeqList, in.OperationID)
if err != nil {
log.Error(in.OperationID, "PullMessageBySeqList data error", in.String(), err.Error())
resp.ErrCode = 201
resp.ErrMsg = err.Error()
return resp, nil
if err != redis.ErrNil {
log.Error(in.OperationID, "get message from redis exception", err.Error(), failedSeqList)
} else {
log.Debug(in.OperationID, "get message from redis is nil", failedSeqList)
msgList, err1 := commonDB.DB.GetMsgBySeqListMongo2(in.UserID, failedSeqList, in.OperationID)
if err1 != nil {
log.Error(in.OperationID, "PullMessageBySeqList data error", in.String(), err.Error())
resp.ErrCode = 201
resp.ErrMsg = err.Error()
return resp, nil
} else {
redisMsgList = append(redisMsgList, msgList...)
resp.List = redisMsgList
} else {
resp.List = redisMsgList
//respSingleMsgFormat = singleMsgHandleByUser(SingleMsgFormat, in.UserID)
//respGroupMsgFormat = groupMsgHandleByUser(GroupMsgFormat)
resp.ErrCode = 0
resp.ErrMsg = ""
resp.List = msgList
return resp, nil

@ -10,8 +10,134 @@ import (
func (d *DataBases) BatchInsertChat2DB(userID string, msgList []*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, operationID string, currentMaxSeq uint64) error {
newTime := getCurrentTimestampByMill()
if len(msgList) > GetSingleGocMsgNum() {
return errors.New("too large")
isInit := false
var remain uint64
blk0 := uint64(GetSingleGocMsgNum() - 1)
if currentMaxSeq < uint64(GetSingleGocMsgNum()) {
remain = blk0 - currentMaxSeq
} else {
excludeBlk0 := currentMaxSeq - blk0
remain = (uint64(GetSingleGocMsgNum()) - (excludeBlk0 % uint64(GetSingleGocMsgNum()))) % uint64(GetSingleGocMsgNum())
insertCounter := uint64(0)
msgListToMongo := make([]MsgInfo, 0)
msgListToMongoNext := make([]MsgInfo, 0)
seqUid := ""
seqUidNext := ""
log.Debug(operationID, "remain ", remain, "insertCounter ", insertCounter, "currentMaxSeq ", currentMaxSeq, userID, len(msgList))
var err error
for _, m := range msgList {
log.Debug(operationID, "msg node ", m.String(), m.MsgData.ClientMsgID)
sMsg := MsgInfo{}
sMsg.SendTime = m.MsgData.SendTime
m.MsgData.Seq = uint32(currentMaxSeq)
if sMsg.Msg, err = proto.Marshal(m.MsgData); err != nil {
return utils.Wrap(err, "")
if isInit {
msgListToMongoNext = append(msgListToMongoNext, sMsg)
seqUidNext = getSeqUid(userID, uint32(currentMaxSeq))
log.Debug(operationID, "msgListToMongoNext ", seqUidNext, m.MsgData.Seq, m.MsgData.ClientMsgID, insertCounter, remain)
if insertCounter < remain {
msgListToMongo = append(msgListToMongo, sMsg)
seqUid = getSeqUid(userID, uint32(currentMaxSeq))
log.Debug(operationID, "msgListToMongo ", seqUid, m.MsgData.Seq, m.MsgData.ClientMsgID, insertCounter, remain)
} else {
msgListToMongoNext = append(msgListToMongoNext, sMsg)
seqUidNext = getSeqUid(userID, uint32(currentMaxSeq))
log.Debug(operationID, "msgListToMongoNext ", seqUidNext, m.MsgData.Seq, m.MsgData.ClientMsgID, insertCounter, remain)
ctx := context.Background()
c := d.mongoClient.Database(config.Config.Mongo.DBDatabase).Collection(cChat)
if seqUid != "" {
filter := bson.M{"uid": seqUid}
log.NewDebug(operationID, "filter ", seqUid, "list ", msgListToMongo)
err := c.FindOneAndUpdate(ctx, filter, bson.M{"$push": bson.M{"msg": bson.M{"$each": msgListToMongo}}}).Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error(operationID, "FindOneAndUpdate failed ", err.Error(), filter)
return utils.Wrap(err, "")
if seqUidNext != "" {
filter := bson.M{"uid": seqUidNext}
sChat := UserChat{}
sChat.UID = seqUidNext
sChat.Msg = msgListToMongoNext
log.NewDebug(operationID, "filter ", seqUidNext, "list ", msgListToMongoNext)
if _, err = c.InsertOne(ctx, &sChat); err != nil {
log.NewError(operationID, "InsertOne failed", filter, err.Error(), sChat)
return utils.Wrap(err, "")
log.NewWarn(operationID, "batch mgo cost time ", getCurrentTimestampByMill()-newTime, userID, len(msgList))
return nil
func (d *DataBases) BatchInsertChat2Cache(userID string, msgList []*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, operationID string) (error, uint64) {
newTime := getCurrentTimestampByMill()
if len(msgList) > GetSingleGocMsgNum() {
return errors.New("too large"), 0
currentMaxSeq, err := d.GetUserMaxSeq(userID)
if err == nil {
} else if err == redis.ErrNil {
currentMaxSeq = 0
} else {
return utils.Wrap(err, ""), 0
lastMaxSeq := currentMaxSeq
for _, m := range msgList {
log.Debug(operationID, "msg node ", m.String(), m.MsgData.ClientMsgID)
sMsg := MsgInfo{}
sMsg.SendTime = m.MsgData.SendTime
m.MsgData.Seq = uint32(currentMaxSeq)
log.Debug(operationID, "SetMessageToCache ", userID, len(msgList))
err = d.SetMessageToCache(msgList, userID, operationID)
if err != nil {
log.Error(operationID, "setMessageToCache failed, continue ", err.Error(), len(msgList), userID)
log.NewWarn(operationID, "batch to redis cost time ", getCurrentTimestampByMill()-newTime, userID, len(msgList))
return utils.Wrap(d.SetUserMaxSeq(userID, uint64(currentMaxSeq)), ""), lastMaxSeq
func (d *DataBases) BatchInsertChatBoth(userID string, msgList []*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, operationID string) error {
err, lastMaxSeq := d.BatchInsertChat2Cache(userID, msgList, operationID)
if err != nil {
log.Error(operationID, "BatchInsertChat2Cache failed ", err.Error(), userID, len(msgList))
return err
for {
if runtime.NumGoroutine() > 50000 {
log.NewWarn(operationID, "too many NumGoroutine ", runtime.NumGoroutine())
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
} else {
go d.BatchInsertChat2DB(userID, msgList, operationID, lastMaxSeq)
return nil
func (d *DataBases) BatchInsertChat(userID string, msgList []*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, operationID string) error {
newTime := getCurrentTimestampByMill()
if len(msgList) > GetSingleGocMsgNum() {
@ -104,3 +230,7 @@ func (d *DataBases) BatchInsertChat(userID string, msgList []*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ,
log.NewWarn(operationID, "batch mgo cost time ", getCurrentTimestampByMill()-newTime, userID, len(msgList))
return utils.Wrap(d.SetUserMaxSeq(userID, uint64(currentMaxSeq)), "")
//func (d *DataBases)setMessageToCache(msgList []*pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ, uid string) (err error) {

@ -264,25 +264,48 @@ func (d *DataBases) GetGroupMemberIDListFromCache(groupID string) ([]string, err
result, err := redis.Strings(d.Exec("SMEMBERS", groupCache+groupID))
return result, err
func (d *DataBases) GetMessageListBySeq(userID string, seqList []uint32, operationID string) (seqMsg []*pbCommon.MsgData, failedSeqList []uint32, errResult error) {
for _, v := range seqList {
key := messageCache + userID + "_" + strconv.Itoa(int(v))
result, err := redis.String(d.Exec("HGETALL", key))
if err != nil {
errResult = err
failedSeqList = append(failedSeqList, v)
} else {
msg := pbCommon.MsgData{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(result), &msg)
if err != nil {
errResult = err
failedSeqList = append(failedSeqList, v)
log2.NewWarn(operationID, "Unmarshal err", result, err.Error())
} else {
log2.NewDebug(operationID, "redis get msg is ", msg.String())
seqMsg = append(seqMsg, &msg)
return seqMsg, failedSeqList, errResult
func (d *DataBases) SetMessageToCache(msgList []*pbChat.MsgDataToMQ, uid string) (err error) {
func (d *DataBases) SetMessageToCache(msgList []*pbChat.MsgDataToMQ, uid string, operationID string) error {
var failedList []pbChat.MsgDataToMQ
for _, msg := range msgList {
key := messageCache + uid + "_" + strconv.Itoa(int(msg.MsgData.Seq))
m, err := utils.Pb2Map(msg.MsgData)
if err != nil {
log2.NewWarn("", utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "Pb2Map failed", *msg.MsgData, uid, err.Error())
log2.NewWarn(operationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "Pb2Map failed", msg.MsgData.String(), uid, err.Error())
log2.NewDebug("", "m", m)
log2.NewDebug(operationID, "convert map is ", m)
_, err = d.Exec("hmset", key, redis.Args{}.Add("TIMEOUT", config.Config.MsgCacheTimeout).AddFlat(m)...)
if err != nil {
log2.NewWarn("", utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "redis failed", "args:", key, *msg, uid, m)
log2.NewWarn(operationID, utils.GetSelfFuncName(), "redis failed", "args:", key, *msg, uid, m)
failedList = append(failedList, *msg)
if len(failedList) != 0 {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("set msg to cache failed, failed lists: %s", failedList))
return err
return nil
