@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
package msggateway
import (
cbapi ""
func url() string {
return config.Config.Callback.CallbackUrl
func CallbackUserOnline(ctx context.Context, userID string, platformID int, isAppBackground bool, connID string) error {
if !config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOnline.Enable {
return nil
req := cbapi.CallbackUserOnlineReq{
UserStatusCallbackReq: cbapi.UserStatusCallbackReq{
UserStatusBaseCallback: cbapi.UserStatusBaseCallback{
CallbackCommand: constant.CallbackUserOnlineCommand,
OperationID: mcontext.GetOperationID(ctx),
PlatformID: platformID,
Platform: constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID),
UserID: userID,
Seq: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
IsAppBackground: isAppBackground,
ConnID: connID,
resp := cbapi.CommonCallbackResp{}
return http.CallBackPostReturn(ctx, url(), &req, &resp, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOnline)
func CallbackUserOffline(ctx context.Context, userID string, platformID int, connID string) error {
if !config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOffline.Enable {
return nil
req := &cbapi.CallbackUserOfflineReq{
UserStatusCallbackReq: cbapi.UserStatusCallbackReq{
UserStatusBaseCallback: cbapi.UserStatusBaseCallback{
CallbackCommand: constant.CallbackUserOfflineCommand,
OperationID: mcontext.GetOperationID(ctx),
PlatformID: platformID,
Platform: constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID),
UserID: userID,
Seq: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
ConnID: connID,
resp := &cbapi.CallbackUserOfflineResp{}
return http.CallBackPostReturn(ctx, url(), req, resp, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOffline)
func CallbackUserKickOff(ctx context.Context, userID string, platformID int) error {
if !config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserKickOff.Enable {
return nil
req := &cbapi.CallbackUserKickOffReq{
UserStatusCallbackReq: cbapi.UserStatusCallbackReq{
UserStatusBaseCallback: cbapi.UserStatusBaseCallback{
CallbackCommand: constant.CallbackUserKickOffCommand,
OperationID: mcontext.GetOperationID(ctx),
PlatformID: platformID,
Platform: constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID),
UserID: userID,
Seq: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
resp := &cbapi.CommonCallbackResp{}
return http.CallBackPostReturn(ctx, url(), req, resp, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOffline)
//func callbackUserOnline(operationID, userID string, platformID int, token string, isAppBackground bool, connID string) cbApi.CommonCallbackResp {
// callbackResp := cbApi.CommonCallbackResp{OperationID: operationID}
// if !config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOnline.Enable {
// return callbackResp
// }
// callbackUserOnlineReq := cbApi.CallbackUserOnlineReq{
// Token: token,
// UserStatusCallbackReq: cbApi.UserStatusCallbackReq{
// UserStatusBaseCallback: cbApi.UserStatusBaseCallback{
// CallbackCommand: constant.CallbackUserOnlineCommand,
// OperationID: operationID,
// PlatformID: int32(platformID),
// Platform: constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID),
// },
// UserID: userID,
// },
// Seq: int(time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6),
// IsAppBackground: isAppBackground,
// ConnID: connID,
// }
// callbackUserOnlineResp := &cbApi.CallbackUserOnlineResp{CommonCallbackResp: &callbackResp}
// if err := http.CallBackPostReturn(ctx, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUrl, constant.CallbackUserOnlineCommand, callbackUserOnlineReq, callbackUserOnlineResp, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOnline.CallbackTimeOut); err != nil {
// callbackResp.ErrCode = http2.StatusInternalServerError
// callbackResp.ErrMsg = err.Error()
// }
// return callbackResp
//func callbackUserOffline(operationID, userID string, platformID int, connID string) cbApi.CommonCallbackResp {
// callbackResp := cbApi.CommonCallbackResp{OperationID: operationID}
// if !config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOffline.Enable {
// return callbackResp
// }
// callbackOfflineReq := cbApi.CallbackUserOfflineReq{
// UserStatusCallbackReq: cbApi.UserStatusCallbackReq{
// UserStatusBaseCallback: cbApi.UserStatusBaseCallback{
// CallbackCommand: constant.CallbackUserOfflineCommand,
// OperationID: operationID,
// PlatformID: int32(platformID),
// Platform: constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID),
// },
// UserID: userID,
// },
// Seq: int(time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6),
// ConnID: connID,
// }
// callbackUserOfflineResp := &cbApi.CallbackUserOfflineResp{CommonCallbackResp: &callbackResp}
// if err := http.CallBackPostReturn(ctx, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUrl, constant.CallbackUserOfflineCommand, callbackOfflineReq, callbackUserOfflineResp, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOffline.CallbackTimeOut); err != nil {
// callbackResp.ErrCode = http2.StatusInternalServerError
// callbackResp.ErrMsg = err.Error()
// }
// return callbackResp
//func callbackUserKickOff(operationID string, userID string, platformID int) cbApi.CommonCallbackResp {
// callbackResp := cbApi.CommonCallbackResp{OperationID: operationID}
// if !config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserKickOff.Enable {
// return callbackResp
// }
// callbackUserKickOffReq := cbApi.CallbackUserKickOffReq{
// UserStatusCallbackReq: cbApi.UserStatusCallbackReq{
// UserStatusBaseCallback: cbApi.UserStatusBaseCallback{
// CallbackCommand: constant.CallbackUserKickOffCommand,
// OperationID: operationID,
// PlatformID: int32(platformID),
// Platform: constant.PlatformIDToName(platformID),
// },
// UserID: userID,
// },
// Seq: int(time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6),
// }
// callbackUserKickOffResp := &cbApi.CallbackUserKickOffResp{CommonCallbackResp: &callbackResp}
// if err := http.CallBackPostReturn(ctx, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUrl, constant.CallbackUserKickOffCommand, callbackUserKickOffReq, callbackUserKickOffResp, config.Config.Callback.CallbackUserOffline.CallbackTimeOut); err != nil {
// callbackResp.ErrCode = http2.StatusInternalServerError
// callbackResp.ErrMsg = err.Error()
// }
// return callbackResp
@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
package msggateway
import (
var ErrConnClosed = errors.New("conn has closed")
var ErrNotSupportMessageProtocol = errors.New("not support message protocol")
var ErrClientClosed = errors.New("client actively close the connection")
var ErrPanic = errors.New("panic error")
const (
// MessageText is for UTF-8 encoded text messages like JSON.
MessageText = iota + 1
// MessageBinary is for binary messages like protobufs.
// CloseMessage denotes a close control message. The optional message
// payload contains a numeric code and text. Use the FormatCloseMessage
// function to format a close message payload.
CloseMessage = 8
// PingMessage denotes a ping control message. The optional message payload
// is UTF-8 encoded text.
PingMessage = 9
// PongMessage denotes a pong control message. The optional message payload
// is UTF-8 encoded text.
PongMessage = 10
type PongHandler func(string) error
type Client struct {
w *sync.Mutex
conn LongConn
PlatformID int `json:"platformID"`
IsCompress bool `json:"isCompress"`
UserID string `json:"userID"`
IsBackground bool `json:"isBackground"`
ctx *UserConnContext
longConnServer LongConnServer
closed bool
closedErr error
func newClient(ctx *UserConnContext, conn LongConn, isCompress bool) *Client {
return &Client{
w: new(sync.Mutex),
conn: conn,
PlatformID: utils.StringToInt(ctx.GetPlatformID()),
IsCompress: isCompress,
UserID: ctx.GetUserID(),
ctx: ctx,
func (c *Client) ResetClient(ctx *UserConnContext, conn LongConn, isBackground, isCompress bool, longConnServer LongConnServer) {
c.w = new(sync.Mutex)
c.conn = conn
c.PlatformID = utils.StringToInt(ctx.GetPlatformID())
c.IsCompress = isCompress
c.IsBackground = isBackground
c.UserID = ctx.GetUserID()
c.ctx = ctx
c.longConnServer = longConnServer
c.IsBackground = false
c.closed = false
c.closedErr = nil
func (c *Client) pongHandler(_ string) error {
return nil
func (c *Client) readMessage() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
c.closedErr = ErrPanic
fmt.Println("socket have panic err:", r, string(debug.Stack()))
_ = c.conn.SetReadDeadline(pongWait)
for {
messageType, message, returnErr := c.conn.ReadMessage()
if returnErr != nil {
c.closedErr = returnErr
log.ZDebug(c.ctx, "readMessage", "messageType", messageType)
if c.closed == true { //连接刚置位已经关闭,但是协程还没退出的场景
c.closedErr = ErrConnClosed
switch messageType {
case MessageBinary:
_ = c.conn.SetReadDeadline(pongWait)
parseDataErr := c.handleMessage(message)
if parseDataErr != nil {
c.closedErr = parseDataErr
case MessageText:
c.closedErr = ErrNotSupportMessageProtocol
case PingMessage:
err := c.writePongMsg()
log.ZError(c.ctx, "writePongMsg", err)
case CloseMessage:
c.closedErr = ErrClientClosed
func (c *Client) handleMessage(message []byte) error {
if c.IsCompress {
var decompressErr error
message, decompressErr = c.longConnServer.DeCompress(message)
if decompressErr != nil {
return utils.Wrap(decompressErr, "")
var binaryReq Req
err := c.longConnServer.Decode(message, &binaryReq)
if err != nil {
return utils.Wrap(err, "")
if err := c.longConnServer.Validate(binaryReq); err != nil {
return utils.Wrap(err, "")
if binaryReq.SendID != c.UserID {
return utils.Wrap(errors.New("exception conn userID not same to req userID"), binaryReq.String())
ctx := mcontext.WithMustInfoCtx([]string{binaryReq.OperationID, binaryReq.SendID, constant.PlatformIDToName(c.PlatformID), c.ctx.GetConnID()})
log.ZDebug(ctx, "gateway req message", "req", binaryReq.String())
var messageErr error
var resp []byte
switch binaryReq.ReqIdentifier {
case WSGetNewestSeq:
resp, messageErr = c.longConnServer.GetSeq(ctx, binaryReq)
case WSSendMsg:
resp, messageErr = c.longConnServer.SendMessage(ctx, binaryReq)
case WSSendSignalMsg:
resp, messageErr = c.longConnServer.SendSignalMessage(ctx, binaryReq)
case WSPullMsgBySeqList:
resp, messageErr = c.longConnServer.PullMessageBySeqList(ctx, binaryReq)
case WsLogoutMsg:
resp, messageErr = c.longConnServer.UserLogout(ctx, binaryReq)
case WsSetBackgroundStatus:
resp, messageErr = c.setAppBackgroundStatus(ctx, binaryReq)
return fmt.Errorf("ReqIdentifier failed,sendID:%s,msgIncr:%s,reqIdentifier:%d", binaryReq.SendID, binaryReq.MsgIncr, binaryReq.ReqIdentifier)
c.replyMessage(ctx, &binaryReq, messageErr, resp)
return nil
func (c *Client) setAppBackgroundStatus(ctx context.Context, req Req) ([]byte, error) {
resp, isBackground, messageErr := c.longConnServer.SetUserDeviceBackground(ctx, req)
if messageErr != nil {
return nil, messageErr
c.IsBackground = isBackground
//todo callback
return resp, nil
func (c *Client) close() {
defer c.w.Unlock()
c.closed = true
func (c *Client) replyMessage(ctx context.Context, binaryReq *Req, err error, resp []byte) {
errResp := apiresp.ParseError(err)
mReply := Resp{
ReqIdentifier: binaryReq.ReqIdentifier,
MsgIncr: binaryReq.MsgIncr,
OperationID: binaryReq.OperationID,
ErrCode: errResp.ErrCode,
ErrMsg: errResp.ErrMsg,
Data: resp,
log.ZDebug(ctx, "gateway reply message", "resp", mReply.String())
err = c.writeBinaryMsg(mReply)
if err != nil {
log.ZWarn(ctx, "wireBinaryMsg replyMessage", err, "resp", mReply.String())
func (c *Client) PushMessage(ctx context.Context, msgData *sdkws.MsgData) error {
var msg sdkws.PushMessages
conversationID := utils.GetConversationIDByMsg(msgData)
m := map[string]*sdkws.PullMsgs{conversationID: {Msgs: []*sdkws.MsgData{msgData}}}
if utils.IsNotification(conversationID) {
msg.NotificationMsgs = m
} else {
msg.Msgs = m
log.ZDebug(ctx, "PushMessage", "msg", msg)
data, err := proto.Marshal(&msg)
if err != nil {
return err
resp := Resp{
ReqIdentifier: WSPushMsg,
OperationID: mcontext.GetOperationID(ctx),
Data: data,
return c.writeBinaryMsg(resp)
func (c *Client) KickOnlineMessage() error {
resp := Resp{
ReqIdentifier: WSKickOnlineMsg,
return c.writeBinaryMsg(resp)
func (c *Client) writeBinaryMsg(resp Resp) error {
defer c.w.Unlock()
if c.closed == true {
return nil
encodedBuf := bufferPool.Get().([]byte)
resultBuf := bufferPool.Get().([]byte)
encodedBuf, err := c.longConnServer.Encode(resp)
if err != nil {
return utils.Wrap(err, "")
_ = c.conn.SetWriteDeadline(writeWait)
if c.IsCompress {
var compressErr error
resultBuf, compressErr = c.longConnServer.Compress(encodedBuf)
if compressErr != nil {
return utils.Wrap(compressErr, "")
return c.conn.WriteMessage(MessageBinary, resultBuf)
} else {
return c.conn.WriteMessage(MessageBinary, encodedBuf)
func (c *Client) writePongMsg() error {
defer c.w.Unlock()
if c.closed == true {
return nil
_ = c.conn.SetWriteDeadline(writeWait)
return c.conn.WriteMessage(PongMessage, nil)
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package msggateway
import (
type Compressor interface {
Compress(rawData []byte) ([]byte, error)
DeCompress(compressedData []byte) ([]byte, error)
type GzipCompressor struct {
compressProtocol string
func NewGzipCompressor() *GzipCompressor {
return &GzipCompressor{compressProtocol: "gzip"}
func (g *GzipCompressor) Compress(rawData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
gzipBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}
gz := gzip.NewWriter(&gzipBuffer)
if _, err := gz.Write(rawData); err != nil {
return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "")
if err := gz.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "")
return gzipBuffer.Bytes(), nil
func (g *GzipCompressor) DeCompress(compressedData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
buff := bytes.NewBuffer(compressedData)
reader, err := gzip.NewReader(buff)
if err != nil {
return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "NewReader failed")
compressedData, err = io.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, utils.Wrap(err, "ReadAll failed")
_ = reader.Close()
return compressedData, nil
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package msggateway
import "time"
const (
WsUserID = "sendID"
CommonUserID = "userID"
PlatformID = "platformID"
ConnID = "connID"
Token = "token"
OperationID = "operationID"
Compression = "compression"
GzipCompressionProtocol = "gzip"
BackgroundStatus = "isBackground"
const (
WebSocket = iota + 1
const (
//Websocket Protocol
WSGetNewestSeq = 1001
WSPullMsgBySeqList = 1002
WSSendMsg = 1003
WSSendSignalMsg = 1004
WSPushMsg = 2001
WSKickOnlineMsg = 2002
WsLogoutMsg = 2003
WsSetBackgroundStatus = 2004
WSDataError = 3001
const (
// Time allowed to write a message to the peer.
writeWait = 10 * time.Second
// Time allowed to read the next pong message from the peer.
pongWait = 30 * time.Second
// Maximum message size allowed from peer.
maxMessageSize = 51200
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package msggateway
import (
type UserConnContext struct {
RespWriter http.ResponseWriter
Req *http.Request
Path string
Method string
RemoteAddr string
ConnID string
func (c *UserConnContext) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
func (c *UserConnContext) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return nil
func (c *UserConnContext) Err() error {
return nil
func (c *UserConnContext) Value(key any) any {
switch key {
case constant.OpUserID:
return c.GetUserID()
case constant.OperationID:
return c.GetOperationID()
case constant.ConnID:
return c.GetConnID()
case constant.OpUserPlatform:
return constant.PlatformIDToName(utils.StringToInt(c.GetPlatformID()))
case constant.RemoteAddr:
return c.RemoteAddr
return ""
func newContext(respWriter http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) *UserConnContext {
return &UserConnContext{
RespWriter: respWriter,
Req: req,
Path: req.URL.Path,
Method: req.Method,
RemoteAddr: req.RemoteAddr,
ConnID: utils.Md5(req.RemoteAddr + "_" + strconv.Itoa(int(utils.GetCurrentTimestampByMill()))),
func (c *UserConnContext) GetRemoteAddr() string {
return c.RemoteAddr
func (c *UserConnContext) Query(key string) (string, bool) {
var value string
if value = c.Req.URL.Query().Get(key); value == "" {
return value, false
return value, true
func (c *UserConnContext) GetHeader(key string) (string, bool) {
var value string
if value = c.Req.Header.Get(key); value == "" {
return value, false
return value, true
func (c *UserConnContext) SetHeader(key, value string) {
c.RespWriter.Header().Set(key, value)
func (c *UserConnContext) ErrReturn(error string, code int) {
http.Error(c.RespWriter, error, code)
func (c *UserConnContext) GetConnID() string {
return c.ConnID
func (c *UserConnContext) GetUserID() string {
return c.Req.URL.Query().Get(WsUserID)
func (c *UserConnContext) GetPlatformID() string {
return c.Req.URL.Query().Get(PlatformID)
func (c *UserConnContext) GetOperationID() string {
return c.Req.URL.Query().Get(OperationID)
func (c *UserConnContext) GetToken() string {
return c.Req.URL.Query().Get(Token)
func (c *UserConnContext) GetBackground() bool {
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(c.Req.URL.Query().Get(BackgroundStatus))
if err != nil {
return false
} else {
return b
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package msggateway
import (
type Encoder interface {
Encode(data interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Decode(encodeData []byte, decodeData interface{}) error
type GobEncoder struct {
func NewGobEncoder() *GobEncoder {
return &GobEncoder{}
func (g *GobEncoder) Encode(data interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
buff := bytes.Buffer{}
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buff)
err := enc.Encode(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buff.Bytes(), nil
func (g *GobEncoder) Decode(encodeData []byte, decodeData interface{}) error {
buff := bytes.NewBuffer(encodeData)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(buff)
err := dec.Decode(decodeData)
if err != nil {
return utils.Wrap(err, "")
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package msggateway
import ""
func httpError(ctx *UserConnContext, err error) {
apiresp.HttpError(ctx.RespWriter, err)
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
package msggateway
import (
func (s *Server) InitServer(client discoveryregistry.SvcDiscoveryRegistry, server *grpc.Server) error {
rdb, err := cache.NewRedis()
if err != nil {
return err
msgModel := cache.NewMsgCacheModel(rdb)
msggateway.RegisterMsgGatewayServer(server, s)
return nil
func (s *Server) Start() error {
return startrpc.Start(s.rpcPort, config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImMessageGatewayName, s.prometheusPort, s.InitServer)
type Server struct {
rpcPort int
prometheusPort int
LongConnServer LongConnServer
pushTerminal []int
func (s *Server) SetLongConnServer(LongConnServer LongConnServer) {
s.LongConnServer = LongConnServer
func NewServer(rpcPort int, longConnServer LongConnServer) *Server {
return &Server{rpcPort: rpcPort, LongConnServer: longConnServer, pushTerminal: []int{constant.IOSPlatformID, constant.AndroidPlatformID}}
func (s *Server) OnlinePushMsg(context context.Context, req *msggateway.OnlinePushMsgReq) (*msggateway.OnlinePushMsgResp, error) {
panic("implement me")
func (s *Server) GetUsersOnlineStatus(ctx context.Context, req *msggateway.GetUsersOnlineStatusReq) (*msggateway.GetUsersOnlineStatusResp, error) {
if !tokenverify.IsAppManagerUid(ctx) {
return nil, errs.ErrNoPermission.Wrap("only app manager")
var resp msggateway.GetUsersOnlineStatusResp
for _, userID := range req.UserIDs {
clients, ok := s.LongConnServer.GetUserAllCons(userID)
if !ok {
temp := new(msggateway.GetUsersOnlineStatusResp_SuccessResult)
temp.UserID = userID
for _, client := range clients {
if client != nil {
ps := new(msggateway.GetUsersOnlineStatusResp_SuccessDetail)
ps.Platform = constant.PlatformIDToName(client.PlatformID)
ps.Status = constant.OnlineStatus
ps.ConnID = client.ctx.GetConnID()
ps.IsBackground = client.IsBackground
temp.Status = constant.OnlineStatus
temp.DetailPlatformStatus = append(temp.DetailPlatformStatus, ps)
if temp.Status == constant.OnlineStatus {
resp.SuccessResult = append(resp.SuccessResult, temp)
return &resp, nil
func (s *Server) OnlineBatchPushOneMsg(ctx context.Context, req *msggateway.OnlineBatchPushOneMsgReq) (*msggateway.OnlineBatchPushOneMsgResp, error) {
panic("implement me")
func (s *Server) SuperGroupOnlineBatchPushOneMsg(ctx context.Context, req *msggateway.OnlineBatchPushOneMsgReq) (*msggateway.OnlineBatchPushOneMsgResp, error) {
var singleUserResult []*msggateway.SingleMsgToUserResults
for _, v := range req.PushToUserIDs {
var resp []*msggateway.SingleMsgToUserPlatform
tempT := &msggateway.SingleMsgToUserResults{
UserID: v,
clients, ok := s.LongConnServer.GetUserAllCons(v)
if !ok {
log.ZDebug(ctx, "push user not online", "userID", v)
tempT.Resp = resp
singleUserResult = append(singleUserResult, tempT)
log.ZDebug(ctx, "push user online", "clients", clients, "userID", v)
for _, client := range clients {
if client != nil {
temp := &msggateway.SingleMsgToUserPlatform{
RecvID: v,
RecvPlatFormID: int32(client.PlatformID),
if !client.IsBackground || (client.IsBackground == true && client.PlatformID != constant.IOSPlatformID) {
err := client.PushMessage(ctx, req.MsgData)
if err != nil {
temp.ResultCode = -2
resp = append(resp, temp)
} else {
if utils.IsContainInt(client.PlatformID, s.pushTerminal) {
tempT.OnlinePush = true
resp = append(resp, temp)
} else {
temp.ResultCode = -3
resp = append(resp, temp)
tempT.Resp = resp
singleUserResult = append(singleUserResult, tempT)
return &msggateway.OnlineBatchPushOneMsgResp{
SinglePushResult: singleUserResult,
}, nil
func (s *Server) KickUserOffline(ctx context.Context, req *msggateway.KickUserOfflineReq) (*msggateway.KickUserOfflineResp, error) {
for _, v := range req.KickUserIDList {
if clients, _, ok := s.LongConnServer.GetUserPlatformCons(v, int(req.PlatformID)); ok {
for _, client := range clients {
err := client.KickOnlineMessage()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &msggateway.KickUserOfflineResp{}, nil
func (s *Server) MultiTerminalLoginCheck(ctx context.Context, req *msggateway.MultiTerminalLoginCheckReq) (*msggateway.MultiTerminalLoginCheckResp, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package msggateway
import (
func RunWsAndServer(rpcPort, wsPort, prometheusPort int) error {
fmt.Println("start rpc/msg_gateway server, port: ", rpcPort, wsPort, prometheusPort, ", OpenIM version: ", config.Version)
longServer, err := NewWsServer(
if err != nil {
return err
hubServer := NewServer(rpcPort, longServer)
go hubServer.Start()
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package msggateway
import (
type LongConn interface {
//Close this connection
Close() error
// WriteMessage Write message to connection,messageType means data type,can be set binary(2) and text(1).
WriteMessage(messageType int, message []byte) error
// ReadMessage Read message from connection.
ReadMessage() (int, []byte, error)
// SetReadDeadline sets the read deadline on the underlying network connection,
//after a read has timed out, will return an error.
SetReadDeadline(timeout time.Duration) error
// SetWriteDeadline sets to write deadline when send message,when read has timed out,will return error.
SetWriteDeadline(timeout time.Duration) error
// Dial Try to dial a connection,url must set auth args,header can control compress data
Dial(urlStr string, requestHeader http.Header) (*http.Response, error)
// IsNil Whether the connection of the current long connection is nil
IsNil() bool
// SetConnNil Set the connection of the current long connection to nil
// SetReadLimit sets the maximum size for a message read from the peer.bytes
SetReadLimit(limit int64)
SetPongHandler(handler PongHandler)
// GenerateLongConn Check the connection of the current and when it was sent are the same
GenerateLongConn(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error
type GWebSocket struct {
protocolType int
conn *websocket.Conn
handshakeTimeout time.Duration
func newGWebSocket(protocolType int, handshakeTimeout time.Duration) *GWebSocket {
return &GWebSocket{protocolType: protocolType, handshakeTimeout: handshakeTimeout}
func (d *GWebSocket) Close() error {
return d.conn.Close()
func (d *GWebSocket) GenerateLongConn(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
upgrader := &websocket.Upgrader{
HandshakeTimeout: d.handshakeTimeout,
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return true },
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
d.conn = conn
return nil
func (d *GWebSocket) WriteMessage(messageType int, message []byte) error {
return d.conn.WriteMessage(messageType, message)
//func (d *GWebSocket) setSendConn(sendConn *websocket.Conn) {
// d.sendConn = sendConn
func (d *GWebSocket) ReadMessage() (int, []byte, error) {
return d.conn.ReadMessage()
func (d *GWebSocket) SetReadDeadline(timeout time.Duration) error {
return d.conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(timeout))
func (d *GWebSocket) SetWriteDeadline(timeout time.Duration) error {
return d.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(timeout))
func (d *GWebSocket) Dial(urlStr string, requestHeader http.Header) (*http.Response, error) {
conn, httpResp, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(urlStr, requestHeader)
if err == nil {
d.conn = conn
return httpResp, err
func (d *GWebSocket) IsNil() bool {
if d.conn != nil {
return false
return true
func (d *GWebSocket) SetConnNil() {
d.conn = nil
func (d *GWebSocket) SetReadLimit(limit int64) {
func (d *GWebSocket) SetPongHandler(handler PongHandler) {
//func (d *GWebSocket) CheckSendConnDiffNow() bool {
// return d.conn == d.sendConn
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
package msggateway
import (
type Req struct {
ReqIdentifier int32 `json:"reqIdentifier" validate:"required"`
Token string `json:"token" `
SendID string `json:"sendID" validate:"required"`
OperationID string `json:"operationID" validate:"required"`
MsgIncr string `json:"msgIncr" validate:"required"`
Data []byte `json:"data"`
func (r *Req) String() string {
return utils.StructToJsonString(r)
type Resp struct {
ReqIdentifier int32 `json:"reqIdentifier"`
MsgIncr string `json:"msgIncr"`
OperationID string `json:"operationID"`
ErrCode int `json:"errCode"`
ErrMsg string `json:"errMsg"`
Data []byte `json:"data"`
func (r *Resp) String() string {
return utils.StructToJsonString(r)
type MessageHandler interface {
GetSeq(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error)
SendMessage(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error)
SendSignalMessage(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error)
PullMessageBySeqList(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error)
UserLogout(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error)
SetUserDeviceBackground(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, bool, error)
var _ MessageHandler = (*GrpcHandler)(nil)
type GrpcHandler struct {
msgRpcClient *rpcclient.MessageRpcClient
pushClient *rpcclient.PushRpcClient
validate *validator.Validate
func NewGrpcHandler(validate *validator.Validate, client discoveryregistry.SvcDiscoveryRegistry) *GrpcHandler {
msgRpcClient := rpcclient.NewMessageRpcClient(client)
pushRpcClient := rpcclient.NewPushRpcClient(client)
return &GrpcHandler{msgRpcClient: &msgRpcClient,
pushClient: &pushRpcClient, validate: validate}
func (g GrpcHandler) GetSeq(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error) {
req := sdkws.GetMaxSeqReq{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data.Data, &req); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := g.validate.Struct(&req); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := g.msgRpcClient.GetMaxSeq(context, &req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := proto.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (g GrpcHandler) SendMessage(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error) {
msgData := sdkws.MsgData{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data.Data, &msgData); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := g.validate.Struct(&msgData); err != nil {
return nil, err
req := msg.SendMsgReq{MsgData: &msgData}
resp, err := g.msgRpcClient.SendMsg(context, &req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := proto.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (g GrpcHandler) SendSignalMessage(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error) {
resp, err := g.msgRpcClient.SendMsg(context, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := proto.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (g GrpcHandler) PullMessageBySeqList(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error) {
req := sdkws.PullMessageBySeqsReq{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data.Data, &req); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := g.validate.Struct(data); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := g.msgRpcClient.PullMessageBySeqList(context, &req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := proto.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (g GrpcHandler) UserLogout(context context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, error) {
req := push.DelUserPushTokenReq{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data.Data, &req); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := g.pushClient.DelUserPushToken(context, &req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := proto.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (g GrpcHandler) SetUserDeviceBackground(_ context.Context, data Req) ([]byte, bool, error) {
req := sdkws.SetAppBackgroundStatusReq{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(data.Data, &req); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if err := g.validate.Struct(data); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return nil, req.IsBackground, nil
//func (g GrpcHandler) call[T any](ctx context.Context, data Req, m proto.Message, rpc func(ctx context.Context, req proto.Message)) ([]byte, error) {
// if err := proto.Unmarshal(data.Data, m); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// if err := g.validate.Struct(m); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// rpc(ctx, m)
// req := msg.SendMsgReq{MsgData: &msgData}
// resp, err := g.notification.Msg.SendMsg(context, &req)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// c, err := proto.Marshal(resp)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return c, nil
@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
package msggateway
import (
type LongConnServer interface {
Run() error
wsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
GetUserAllCons(userID string) ([]*Client, bool)
GetUserPlatformCons(userID string, platform int) ([]*Client, bool, bool)
Validate(s interface{}) error
SetCacheHandler(cache cache.MsgModel)
SetDiscoveryRegistry(client discoveryregistry.SvcDiscoveryRegistry)
UnRegister(c *Client)
var bufferPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return make([]byte, 1024)
type WsServer struct {
port int
wsMaxConnNum int64
registerChan chan *Client
unregisterChan chan *Client
kickHandlerChan chan *kickHandler
clients *UserMap
clientPool sync.Pool
onlineUserNum int64
onlineUserConnNum int64
handshakeTimeout time.Duration
hubServer *Server
validate *validator.Validate
cache cache.MsgModel
type kickHandler struct {
clientOK bool
oldClients []*Client
newClient *Client
func (ws *WsServer) SetDiscoveryRegistry(client discoveryregistry.SvcDiscoveryRegistry) {
ws.MessageHandler = NewGrpcHandler(ws.validate, client)
func (ws *WsServer) SetCacheHandler(cache cache.MsgModel) {
ws.cache = cache
func (ws *WsServer) UnRegister(c *Client) {
ws.unregisterChan <- c
func (ws *WsServer) Validate(s interface{}) error {
return nil
func (ws *WsServer) GetUserAllCons(userID string) ([]*Client, bool) {
return ws.clients.GetAll(userID)
func (ws *WsServer) GetUserPlatformCons(userID string, platform int) ([]*Client, bool, bool) {
return ws.clients.Get(userID, platform)
func NewWsServer(opts ...Option) (*WsServer, error) {
var config configs
for _, o := range opts {
if config.port < 1024 {
return nil, errors.New("port not allow to listen")
v := validator.New()
return &WsServer{
port: config.port,
wsMaxConnNum: config.maxConnNum,
handshakeTimeout: config.handshakeTimeout,
clientPool: sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return new(Client)
registerChan: make(chan *Client, 1000),
unregisterChan: make(chan *Client, 1000),
kickHandlerChan: make(chan *kickHandler, 1000),
validate: v,
clients: newUserMap(),
Compressor: NewGzipCompressor(),
Encoder: NewGobEncoder(),
}, nil
func (ws *WsServer) Run() error {
var client *Client
go func() {
for {
select {
case client = <-ws.registerChan:
case client = <-ws.unregisterChan:
case onlineInfo := <-ws.kickHandlerChan:
http.HandleFunc("/", ws.wsHandler)
// http.HandleFunc("/metrics", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {})
return http.ListenAndServe(":"+utils.IntToString(ws.port), nil) //Start listening
func (ws *WsServer) registerClient(client *Client) {
var (
userOK bool
clientOK bool
oldClients []*Client
oldClients, userOK, clientOK = ws.clients.Get(client.UserID, client.PlatformID)
if !userOK {
ws.clients.Set(client.UserID, client)
log.ZDebug(client.ctx, "user not exist", "userID", client.UserID, "platformID", client.PlatformID)
atomic.AddInt64(&ws.onlineUserNum, 1)
atomic.AddInt64(&ws.onlineUserConnNum, 1)
} else {
i := &kickHandler{
clientOK: clientOK,
oldClients: oldClients,
newClient: client,
ws.kickHandlerChan <- i
log.ZDebug(client.ctx, "user exist", "userID", client.UserID, "platformID", client.PlatformID)
if clientOK {
ws.clients.Set(client.UserID, client)
log.ZInfo(client.ctx, "repeat login", "userID", client.UserID, "platformID", client.PlatformID, "old remote addr", getRemoteAdders(oldClients))
atomic.AddInt64(&ws.onlineUserConnNum, 1)
} else {
ws.clients.Set(client.UserID, client)
atomic.AddInt64(&ws.onlineUserConnNum, 1)
log.ZInfo(client.ctx, "user online", "online user Num", ws.onlineUserNum, "online user conn Num", ws.onlineUserConnNum)
func getRemoteAdders(client []*Client) string {
var ret string
for i, c := range client {
if i == 0 {
ret = c.ctx.GetRemoteAddr()
} else {
ret += "@" + c.ctx.GetRemoteAddr()
return ret
func (ws *WsServer) multiTerminalLoginChecker(info *kickHandler) {
switch config.Config.MultiLoginPolicy {
case constant.DefalutNotKick:
case constant.PCAndOther:
if constant.PlatformIDToClass(info.newClient.PlatformID) == constant.TerminalPC {
case constant.AllLoginButSameTermKick:
if info.clientOK {
ws.clients.deleteClients(info.newClient.UserID, info.oldClients)
for _, c := range info.oldClients {
err := c.KickOnlineMessage()
if err != nil {
log.ZWarn(c.ctx, "KickOnlineMessage", err)
m, err := ws.cache.GetTokensWithoutError(info.newClient.ctx, info.newClient.UserID, info.newClient.PlatformID)
if err != nil && err != redis.Nil {
log.ZWarn(info.newClient.ctx, "get token from redis err", err, "userID", info.newClient.UserID, "platformID", info.newClient.PlatformID)
if m == nil {
log.ZWarn(info.newClient.ctx, "m is nil", errors.New("m is nil"), "userID", info.newClient.UserID, "platformID", info.newClient.PlatformID)
log.ZDebug(info.newClient.ctx, "get token from redis", "userID", info.newClient.UserID, "platformID", info.newClient.PlatformID, "tokenMap", m)
for k, _ := range m {
if k != info.newClient.ctx.GetToken() {
m[k] = constant.KickedToken
log.ZDebug(info.newClient.ctx, "set token map is ", "token map", m, "userID", info.newClient.UserID)
err = ws.cache.SetTokenMapByUidPid(info.newClient.ctx, info.newClient.UserID, info.newClient.PlatformID, m)
if err != nil {
log.ZWarn(info.newClient.ctx, "SetTokenMapByUidPid err", err, "userID", info.newClient.UserID, "platformID", info.newClient.PlatformID)
func (ws *WsServer) unregisterClient(client *Client) {
defer ws.clientPool.Put(client)
isDeleteUser := ws.clients.delete(client.UserID, client.ctx.GetRemoteAddr())
if isDeleteUser {
atomic.AddInt64(&ws.onlineUserNum, -1)
atomic.AddInt64(&ws.onlineUserConnNum, -1)
log.ZInfo(client.ctx, "user offline", "close reason", client.closedErr, "online user Num", ws.onlineUserNum, "online user conn Num", ws.onlineUserConnNum)
func (ws *WsServer) wsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
connContext := newContext(w, r)
if ws.onlineUserConnNum >= ws.wsMaxConnNum {
httpError(connContext, errs.ErrConnOverMaxNumLimit)
var (
token string
userID string
platformIDStr string
exists bool
compression bool
token, exists = connContext.Query(Token)
if !exists {
httpError(connContext, errs.ErrConnArgsErr)
userID, exists = connContext.Query(WsUserID)
if !exists {
httpError(connContext, errs.ErrConnArgsErr)
platformIDStr, exists = connContext.Query(PlatformID)
if !exists {
httpError(connContext, errs.ErrConnArgsErr)
platformID, err := strconv.Atoi(platformIDStr)
if err != nil {
httpError(connContext, errs.ErrConnArgsErr)
if err := tokenverify.WsVerifyToken(token, userID, platformID); err != nil {
httpError(connContext, err)
m, err := ws.cache.GetTokensWithoutError(context.Background(), userID, platformID)
if err != nil {
httpError(connContext, err)
if v, ok := m[token]; ok {
switch v {
case constant.NormalToken:
case constant.KickedToken:
httpError(connContext, errs.ErrTokenKicked.Wrap())
httpError(connContext, errs.ErrTokenUnknown.Wrap())
} else {
httpError(connContext, errs.ErrTokenNotExist.Wrap())
wsLongConn := newGWebSocket(WebSocket, ws.handshakeTimeout)
err = wsLongConn.GenerateLongConn(w, r)
if err != nil {
httpError(connContext, err)
compressProtoc, exists := connContext.Query(Compression)
if exists {
if compressProtoc == GzipCompressionProtocol {
compression = true
compressProtoc, exists = connContext.GetHeader(Compression)
if exists {
if compressProtoc == GzipCompressionProtocol {
compression = true
client := ws.clientPool.Get().(*Client)
client.ResetClient(connContext, wsLongConn, connContext.GetBackground(), compression, ws)
ws.registerChan <- client
go client.readMessage()
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package msggateway
import "time"
type Option func(opt *configs)
type configs struct {
port int
maxConnNum int64
handshakeTimeout time.Duration
messageMaxMsgLength int
func WithPort(port int) Option {
return func(opt *configs) {
opt.port = port
func WithMaxConnNum(num int64) Option {
return func(opt *configs) {
opt.maxConnNum = num
func WithHandshakeTimeout(t time.Duration) Option {
return func(opt *configs) {
opt.handshakeTimeout = t
func WithMessageMaxMsgLength(length int) Option {
return func(opt *configs) {
opt.messageMaxMsgLength = length
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
package msggateway
import (
type UserMap struct {
m sync.Map
func newUserMap() *UserMap {
return &UserMap{}
func (u *UserMap) GetAll(key string) ([]*Client, bool) {
allClients, ok := u.m.Load(key)
if ok {
return allClients.([]*Client), ok
return nil, ok
func (u *UserMap) Get(key string, platformID int) ([]*Client, bool, bool) {
allClients, userExisted := u.m.Load(key)
if userExisted {
var clients []*Client
for _, client := range allClients.([]*Client) {
if client.PlatformID == platformID {
clients = append(clients, client)
if len(clients) > 0 {
return clients, userExisted, true
return clients, userExisted, false
return nil, userExisted, false
func (u *UserMap) Set(key string, v *Client) {
allClients, existed := u.m.Load(key)
if existed {
log.ZDebug(context.Background(), "Set existed", "user_id", key, "client", *v)
oldClients := allClients.([]*Client)
oldClients = append(oldClients, v)
u.m.Store(key, oldClients)
} else {
log.ZDebug(context.Background(), "Set not existed", "user_id", key, "client", *v)
var clients []*Client
clients = append(clients, v)
u.m.Store(key, clients)
func (u *UserMap) delete(key string, connRemoteAddr string) (isDeleteUser bool) {
allClients, existed := u.m.Load(key)
if existed {
oldClients := allClients.([]*Client)
var a []*Client
for _, client := range oldClients {
if client.ctx.GetRemoteAddr() != connRemoteAddr {
a = append(a, client)
if len(a) == 0 {
return true
} else {
u.m.Store(key, a)
return false
return existed
func (u *UserMap) deleteClients(key string, clients []*Client) (isDeleteUser bool) {
m := utils.SliceToMapAny(clients, func(c *Client) (string, struct{}) {
return c.ctx.GetRemoteAddr(), struct{}{}
allClients, existed := u.m.Load(key)
if existed {
oldClients := allClients.([]*Client)
var a []*Client
for _, client := range oldClients {
if _, ok := m[client.ctx.GetRemoteAddr()]; !ok {
a = append(a, client)
if len(a) == 0 {
return true
} else {
u.m.Store(key, a)
return false
return existed
func (u *UserMap) DeleteAll(key string) {
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
package msgtransfer
import (
unRelationTb ""
kfk ""
pbMsg ""
type ModifyMsgConsumerHandler struct {
modifyMsgConsumerGroup *kfk.MConsumerGroup
extendMsgDatabase controller.ExtendMsgDatabase
extendSetMsgModel unRelationTb.ExtendMsgSetModel
func NewModifyMsgConsumerHandler(database controller.ExtendMsgDatabase) *ModifyMsgConsumerHandler {
return &ModifyMsgConsumerHandler{
modifyMsgConsumerGroup: kfk.NewMConsumerGroup(&kfk.MConsumerGroupConfig{KafkaVersion: sarama.V2_0_0_0,
OffsetsInitial: sarama.OffsetNewest, IsReturnErr: false}, []string{config.Config.Kafka.MsgToModify.Topic},
config.Config.Kafka.Addr, config.Config.Kafka.ConsumerGroupID.MsgToModify),
extendMsgDatabase: database,
func (ModifyMsgConsumerHandler) Setup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
func (ModifyMsgConsumerHandler) Cleanup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
func (mmc *ModifyMsgConsumerHandler) ConsumeClaim(sess sarama.ConsumerGroupSession,
claim sarama.ConsumerGroupClaim) error {
for msg := range claim.Messages() {
ctx := mmc.modifyMsgConsumerGroup.GetContextFromMsg(msg)
log.ZDebug(ctx, "kafka get info to mysql", "ModifyMsgConsumerHandler", msg.Topic, "msgPartition", msg.Partition, "msg", string(msg.Value), "key", string(msg.Key))
if len(msg.Value) != 0 {
mmc.ModifyMsg(ctx, msg, string(msg.Key), sess)
} else {
log.ZError(ctx, "msg get from kafka but is nil", nil, "key", msg.Key)
sess.MarkMessage(msg, "")
return nil
func (mmc *ModifyMsgConsumerHandler) ModifyMsg(ctx context.Context, cMsg *sarama.ConsumerMessage, msgKey string, _ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) {
msgFromMQ := pbMsg.MsgDataToModifyByMQ{}
operationID := mcontext.GetOperationID(ctx)
err := proto.Unmarshal(cMsg.Value, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "msg_transfer Unmarshal msg err", err, "msg", string(cMsg.Value))
log.ZDebug(ctx, "proto.Unmarshal MsgDataToMQ", "msgs", msgFromMQ.String())
for _, msg := range msgFromMQ.Messages {
isReactionFromCache := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(msg.Options, constant.IsReactionFromCache)
if !isReactionFromCache {
ctx = mcontext.SetOperationID(ctx, operationID)
if msg.ContentType == constant.ReactionMessageModifier {
notification := &sdkws.ReactionMessageModifierNotification{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Content, notification); err != nil {
if notification.IsExternalExtensions {
if !notification.IsReact {
// first time to modify
var reactionExtensionList = make(map[string]unRelationTb.KeyValueModel)
extendMsg := unRelationTb.ExtendMsgModel{
ReactionExtensionList: reactionExtensionList,
ClientMsgID: notification.ClientMsgID,
MsgFirstModifyTime: notification.MsgFirstModifyTime,
for _, v := range notification.SuccessReactionExtensions {
reactionExtensionList[v.TypeKey] = unRelationTb.KeyValueModel{
TypeKey: v.TypeKey,
Value: v.Value,
LatestUpdateTime: v.LatestUpdateTime,
if err := mmc.extendMsgDatabase.InsertExtendMsg(ctx, notification.ConversationID, notification.SessionType, &extendMsg); err != nil {
// log.ZError(ctx, "MsgFirstModify InsertExtendMsg failed", notification.ConversationID, notification.SessionType, extendMsg, err.Error())
} else {
if err := mmc.extendMsgDatabase.InsertOrUpdateReactionExtendMsgSet(ctx, notification.ConversationID, notification.SessionType, notification.ClientMsgID, notification.MsgFirstModifyTime, mmc.extendSetMsgModel.Pb2Model(notification.SuccessReactionExtensions)); err != nil {
// log.NewError(operationID, "InsertOrUpdateReactionExtendMsgSet failed")
} else if msg.ContentType == constant.ReactionMessageDeleter {
notification := &sdkws.ReactionMessageDeleteNotification{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Content, notification); err != nil {
if err := mmc.extendMsgDatabase.DeleteReactionExtendMsgSet(ctx, notification.ConversationID, notification.SessionType, notification.ClientMsgID, notification.MsgFirstModifyTime, mmc.extendSetMsgModel.Pb2Model(notification.SuccessReactionExtensions)); err != nil {
// log.NewError(operationID, "InsertOrUpdateReactionExtendMsgSet failed")
@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
package msgtransfer
import (
const ConsumerMsgs = 3
const SourceMessages = 4
const MongoMessages = 5
const ChannelNum = 100
type MsgChannelValue struct {
uniqueKey string
ctx context.Context
ctxMsgList []*ContextMsg
type TriggerChannelValue struct {
ctx context.Context
cMsgList []*sarama.ConsumerMessage
type Cmd2Value struct {
Cmd int
Value interface{}
type ContextMsg struct {
message *sdkws.MsgData
ctx context.Context
type OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler struct {
historyConsumerGroup *kafka.MConsumerGroup
chArrays [ChannelNum]chan Cmd2Value
msgDistributionCh chan Cmd2Value
singleMsgSuccessCount uint64
singleMsgFailedCount uint64
singleMsgSuccessCountMutex sync.Mutex
singleMsgFailedCountMutex sync.Mutex
msgDatabase controller.CommonMsgDatabase
conversationRpcClient *rpcclient.ConversationRpcClient
groupRpcClient *rpcclient.GroupRpcClient
func NewOnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler(database controller.CommonMsgDatabase, conversationRpcClient *rpcclient.ConversationRpcClient, groupRpcClient *rpcclient.GroupRpcClient) *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler {
var och OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler
och.msgDatabase = database
och.msgDistributionCh = make(chan Cmd2Value) //no buffer channel
go och.MessagesDistributionHandle()
for i := 0; i < ChannelNum; i++ {
och.chArrays[i] = make(chan Cmd2Value, 50)
go och.Run(i)
och.conversationRpcClient = conversationRpcClient
och.groupRpcClient = groupRpcClient
och.historyConsumerGroup = kafka.NewMConsumerGroup(&kafka.MConsumerGroupConfig{KafkaVersion: sarama.V2_0_0_0,
OffsetsInitial: sarama.OffsetNewest, IsReturnErr: false}, []string{config.Config.Kafka.LatestMsgToRedis.Topic},
config.Config.Kafka.Addr, config.Config.Kafka.ConsumerGroupID.MsgToRedis)
//statistics.NewStatistics(&och.singleMsgSuccessCount, config.Config.ModuleName.MsgTransferName, fmt.Sprintf("%d second singleMsgCount insert to mongo", constant.StatisticsTimeInterval), constant.StatisticsTimeInterval)
return &och
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) Run(channelID int) {
for {
select {
case cmd := <-och.chArrays[channelID]:
switch cmd.Cmd {
case SourceMessages:
msgChannelValue := cmd.Value.(MsgChannelValue)
ctxMsgList := msgChannelValue.ctxMsgList
ctx := msgChannelValue.ctx
log.ZDebug(ctx, "msg arrived channel", "channel id", channelID, "msgList length", len(ctxMsgList), "uniqueKey", msgChannelValue.uniqueKey)
storageMsgList, notStorageMsgList, storageNotificationList, notStorageNotificationList, modifyMsgList := och.getPushStorageMsgList(ctxMsgList)
log.ZDebug(ctx, "msg lens", "storageMsgList", len(storageMsgList), "notStorageMsgList", len(notStorageMsgList),
"storageNotificationList", len(storageNotificationList), "notStorageNotificationList", len(notStorageNotificationList), "modifyMsgList", len(modifyMsgList))
conversationIDMsg := utils.GetChatConversationIDByMsg(ctxMsgList[0].message)
conversationIDNotification := utils.GetNotificationConversationID(ctxMsgList[0].message)
och.handleMsg(ctx, msgChannelValue.uniqueKey, conversationIDMsg, storageMsgList, notStorageMsgList)
och.handleNotification(ctx, msgChannelValue.uniqueKey, conversationIDNotification, storageNotificationList, notStorageNotificationList)
if err := och.msgDatabase.MsgToModifyMQ(ctx, msgChannelValue.uniqueKey, conversationIDNotification, modifyMsgList); err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "msg to modify mq error", err, "uniqueKey", msgChannelValue.uniqueKey, "modifyMsgList", modifyMsgList)
// 获取消息/通知 存储的消息列表, 不存储并且推送的消息列表,
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) getPushStorageMsgList(totalMsgs []*ContextMsg) (storageMsgList, notStorageMsgList, storageNotificatoinList, notStorageNotificationList, modifyMsgList []*sdkws.MsgData) {
isStorage := func(msg *sdkws.MsgData) bool {
options2 := utils.Options(msg.Options)
if options2.IsHistory() {
return true
} else {
// if !(!options2.IsSenderSync() && conversationID == msg.MsgData.SendID) {
// return false
// }
return false
for _, v := range totalMsgs {
options := utils.Options(v.message.Options)
if !options.IsNotNotification() {
// clone msg from notificationMsg
if options.IsSendMsg() {
msg := proto.Clone(v.message).(*sdkws.MsgData)
// 消息
if v.message.Options != nil {
msg.Options = utils.NewMsgOptions()
if options.IsOfflinePush() {
v.message.Options = utils.WithOptions(utils.Options(v.message.Options), utils.WithOfflinePush(false))
msg.Options = utils.WithOptions(utils.Options(msg.Options), utils.WithOfflinePush(true))
if options.IsUnreadCount() {
v.message.Options = utils.WithOptions(utils.Options(v.message.Options), utils.WithUnreadCount(false))
msg.Options = utils.WithOptions(utils.Options(msg.Options), utils.WithUnreadCount(true))
storageMsgList = append(storageMsgList, msg)
if isStorage(v.message) {
storageNotificatoinList = append(storageNotificatoinList, v.message)
} else {
notStorageNotificationList = append(notStorageNotificationList, v.message)
} else {
if isStorage(v.message) {
storageMsgList = append(storageMsgList, v.message)
} else {
notStorageMsgList = append(notStorageMsgList, v.message)
if v.message.ContentType == constant.ReactionMessageModifier || v.message.ContentType == constant.ReactionMessageDeleter {
modifyMsgList = append(modifyMsgList, v.message)
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) handleNotification(ctx context.Context, key, conversationID string, storageList, notStorageList []*sdkws.MsgData) {
och.toPushTopic(ctx, key, conversationID, notStorageList)
if len(storageList) > 0 {
lastSeq, _, err := och.msgDatabase.BatchInsertChat2Cache(ctx, conversationID, storageList)
if err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "notification batch insert to redis error", err, "conversationID", conversationID, "storageList", storageList)
log.ZDebug(ctx, "success to next topic", "conversationID", conversationID)
och.msgDatabase.MsgToMongoMQ(ctx, key, conversationID, storageList, lastSeq)
och.toPushTopic(ctx, key, conversationID, storageList)
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) toPushTopic(ctx context.Context, key, conversationID string, msgs []*sdkws.MsgData) {
for _, v := range msgs {
och.msgDatabase.MsgToPushMQ(ctx, key, conversationID, v)
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) handleMsg(ctx context.Context, key, conversationID string, storageList, notStorageList []*sdkws.MsgData) {
och.toPushTopic(ctx, key, conversationID, notStorageList)
if len(storageList) > 0 {
lastSeq, isNewConversation, err := och.msgDatabase.BatchInsertChat2Cache(ctx, conversationID, storageList)
if err != nil && errs.Unwrap(err) != redis.Nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "batch data insert to redis err", err, "storageMsgList", storageList)
och.singleMsgFailedCount += uint64(len(storageList))
if isNewConversation {
if storageList[0].SessionType == constant.SuperGroupChatType {
log.ZInfo(ctx, "group chat first create conversation", "conversationID", conversationID)
userIDs, err := och.groupRpcClient.GetGroupMemberIDs(ctx, storageList[0].GroupID)
if err != nil {
log.ZWarn(ctx, "get group member ids error", err, "conversationID", conversationID)
} else {
if err := och.conversationRpcClient.GroupChatFirstCreateConversation(ctx, storageList[0].GroupID, userIDs); err != nil {
log.ZWarn(ctx, "single chat first create conversation error", err, "conversationID", conversationID)
} else {
if err := och.conversationRpcClient.SingleChatFirstCreateConversation(ctx, storageList[0].RecvID, storageList[0].SendID); err != nil {
log.ZWarn(ctx, "single chat first create conversation error", err, "conversationID", conversationID)
log.ZDebug(ctx, "success incr to next topic")
och.singleMsgSuccessCount += uint64(len(storageList))
och.msgDatabase.MsgToMongoMQ(ctx, key, conversationID, storageList, lastSeq)
och.toPushTopic(ctx, key, conversationID, storageList)
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) MessagesDistributionHandle() {
for {
aggregationMsgs := make(map[string][]*ContextMsg, ChannelNum)
select {
case cmd := <-och.msgDistributionCh:
switch cmd.Cmd {
case ConsumerMsgs:
triggerChannelValue := cmd.Value.(TriggerChannelValue)
ctx := triggerChannelValue.ctx
consumerMessages := triggerChannelValue.cMsgList
//Aggregation map[userid]message list
log.ZDebug(ctx, "batch messages come to distribution center", "length", len(consumerMessages))
for i := 0; i < len(consumerMessages); i++ {
ctxMsg := &ContextMsg{}
msgFromMQ := &sdkws.MsgData{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(consumerMessages[i].Value, msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "msg_transfer Unmarshal msg err", err, string(consumerMessages[i].Value))
var arr []string
for i, header := range consumerMessages[i].Headers {
arr = append(arr, strconv.Itoa(i), string(header.Key), string(header.Value))
log.ZInfo(ctx, "consumer.kafka.GetContextWithMQHeader", "len", len(consumerMessages[i].Headers), "header", strings.Join(arr, ", "))
ctxMsg.ctx = kafka.GetContextWithMQHeader(consumerMessages[i].Headers)
ctxMsg.message = msgFromMQ
log.ZDebug(ctx, "single msg come to distribution center", "message", msgFromMQ, "key", string(consumerMessages[i].Key))
//aggregationMsgs[string(consumerMessages[i].Key)] = append(aggregationMsgs[string(consumerMessages[i].Key)], ctxMsg)
if oldM, ok := aggregationMsgs[string(consumerMessages[i].Key)]; ok {
oldM = append(oldM, ctxMsg)
aggregationMsgs[string(consumerMessages[i].Key)] = oldM
} else {
m := make([]*ContextMsg, 0, 100)
m = append(m, ctxMsg)
aggregationMsgs[string(consumerMessages[i].Key)] = m
log.ZDebug(ctx, "generate map list users len", "length", len(aggregationMsgs))
for uniqueKey, v := range aggregationMsgs {
if len(v) >= 0 {
hashCode := utils.GetHashCode(uniqueKey)
channelID := hashCode % ChannelNum
newCtx := withAggregationCtx(ctx, v)
log.ZDebug(newCtx, "generate channelID", "hashCode", hashCode, "channelID", channelID, "uniqueKey", uniqueKey)
och.chArrays[channelID] <- Cmd2Value{Cmd: SourceMessages, Value: MsgChannelValue{uniqueKey: uniqueKey, ctxMsgList: v, ctx: newCtx}}
func withAggregationCtx(ctx context.Context, values []*ContextMsg) context.Context {
var allMessageOperationID string
for i, v := range values {
if opid := mcontext.GetOperationID(v.ctx); opid != "" {
if i == 0 {
allMessageOperationID += opid
} else {
allMessageOperationID += "$" + opid
return mcontext.SetOperationID(ctx, allMessageOperationID)
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) Setup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) Cleanup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error {
return nil
func (och *OnlineHistoryRedisConsumerHandler) ConsumeClaim(sess sarama.ConsumerGroupSession, claim sarama.ConsumerGroupClaim) error { // a instance in the consumer group
for {
if sess == nil {
log.ZWarn(context.Background(), "sess == nil, waiting", nil)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
} else {
rwLock := new(sync.RWMutex)
log.ZDebug(context.Background(), "online new session msg come", "highWaterMarkOffset",
claim.HighWaterMarkOffset(), "topic", claim.Topic(), "partition", claim.Partition())
cMsg := make([]*sarama.ConsumerMessage, 0, 1000)
t := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 100)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-t.C:
if len(cMsg) > 0 {
ccMsg := make([]*sarama.ConsumerMessage, 0, 1000)
for _, v := range cMsg {
ccMsg = append(ccMsg, v)
cMsg = make([]*sarama.ConsumerMessage, 0, 1000)
split := 1000
ctx := mcontext.WithTriggerIDContext(context.Background(), utils.OperationIDGenerator())
log.ZDebug(ctx, "timer trigger msg consumer start", "length", len(ccMsg))
for i := 0; i < len(ccMsg)/split; i++ {
och.msgDistributionCh <- Cmd2Value{Cmd: ConsumerMsgs, Value: TriggerChannelValue{
ctx: ctx, cMsgList: ccMsg[i*split : (i+1)*split]}}
if (len(ccMsg) % split) > 0 {
och.msgDistributionCh <- Cmd2Value{Cmd: ConsumerMsgs, Value: TriggerChannelValue{
ctx: ctx, cMsgList: ccMsg[split*(len(ccMsg)/split):]}}
log.ZDebug(ctx, "timer trigger msg consumer end", "length", len(ccMsg))
for msg := range claim.Messages() {
if len(msg.Value) != 0 {
cMsg = append(cMsg, msg)
sess.MarkMessage(msg, "")
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package msgtransfer
import (
kfk ""
pbMsg ""
type OnlineHistoryMongoConsumerHandler struct {
historyConsumerGroup *kfk.MConsumerGroup
msgDatabase controller.CommonMsgDatabase
func NewOnlineHistoryMongoConsumerHandler(database controller.CommonMsgDatabase) *OnlineHistoryMongoConsumerHandler {
mc := &OnlineHistoryMongoConsumerHandler{
historyConsumerGroup: kfk.NewMConsumerGroup(&kfk.MConsumerGroupConfig{KafkaVersion: sarama.V2_0_0_0,
OffsetsInitial: sarama.OffsetNewest, IsReturnErr: false}, []string{config.Config.Kafka.MsgToMongo.Topic},
config.Config.Kafka.Addr, config.Config.Kafka.ConsumerGroupID.MsgToMongo),
msgDatabase: database,
return mc
func (mc *OnlineHistoryMongoConsumerHandler) handleChatWs2Mongo(ctx context.Context, cMsg *sarama.ConsumerMessage, key string, session sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) {
msg := cMsg.Value
msgFromMQ := pbMsg.MsgDataToMongoByMQ{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(msg, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "unmarshall failed", err, "key", key, "len", len(msg))
if len(msgFromMQ.MsgData) == 0 {
log.ZError(ctx, "msgFromMQ.MsgData is empty", nil, "cMsg", cMsg)
log.ZInfo(ctx, "mongo consumer recv msg", "msgs", msgFromMQ.MsgData)
err = mc.msgDatabase.BatchInsertChat2DB(ctx, msgFromMQ.ConversationID, msgFromMQ.MsgData, msgFromMQ.LastSeq)
if err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "single data insert to mongo err", err, "msg", msgFromMQ.MsgData, "conversationID", msgFromMQ.ConversationID)
var seqs []int64
for _, msg := range msgFromMQ.MsgData {
seqs = append(seqs, msg.Seq)
err = mc.msgDatabase.DeleteMessagesFromCache(ctx, msgFromMQ.ConversationID, seqs)
if err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "remove cache msg from redis err", err, "msg", msgFromMQ.MsgData, "conversationID", msgFromMQ.ConversationID)
mc.msgDatabase.DelUserDeleteMsgsList(ctx, msgFromMQ.ConversationID, seqs)
func (OnlineHistoryMongoConsumerHandler) Setup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
func (OnlineHistoryMongoConsumerHandler) Cleanup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
func (mc *OnlineHistoryMongoConsumerHandler) ConsumeClaim(sess sarama.ConsumerGroupSession, claim sarama.ConsumerGroupClaim) error { // a instance in the consumer group
log.ZDebug(context.Background(), "online new session msg come", "highWaterMarkOffset",
claim.HighWaterMarkOffset(), "topic", claim.Topic(), "partition", claim.Partition())
for msg := range claim.Messages() {
ctx := mc.historyConsumerGroup.GetContextFromMsg(msg)
if len(msg.Value) != 0 {
mc.handleChatWs2Mongo(ctx, msg, string(msg.Key), sess)
} else {
log.ZError(ctx, "mongo msg get from kafka but is nil", nil, "conversationID", msg.Key)
sess.MarkMessage(msg, "")
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
** description("").
** copyright('tuoyun,').
** author("fg,").
** time(2021/5/11 15:37).
package msgtransfer
import (
kfk ""
pbMsg ""
type PersistentConsumerHandler struct {
persistentConsumerGroup *kfk.MConsumerGroup
chatLogDatabase controller.ChatLogDatabase
func NewPersistentConsumerHandler(database controller.ChatLogDatabase) *PersistentConsumerHandler {
return &PersistentConsumerHandler{
persistentConsumerGroup: kfk.NewMConsumerGroup(&kfk.MConsumerGroupConfig{KafkaVersion: sarama.V2_0_0_0,
OffsetsInitial: sarama.OffsetNewest, IsReturnErr: false}, []string{config.Config.Kafka.LatestMsgToRedis.Topic},
config.Config.Kafka.Addr, config.Config.Kafka.ConsumerGroupID.MsgToMySql),
chatLogDatabase: database,
func (pc *PersistentConsumerHandler) handleChatWs2Mysql(ctx context.Context, cMsg *sarama.ConsumerMessage, msgKey string, _ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) {
msg := cMsg.Value
var tag bool
msgFromMQ := pbMsg.MsgDataToMQ{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(msg, &msgFromMQ)
if err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "msg_transfer Unmarshal msg err", err)
log.ZDebug(ctx, "handleChatWs2Mysql", "msg", msgFromMQ.MsgData)
//Control whether to store history messages (mysql)
isPersist := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(msgFromMQ.MsgData.Options, constant.IsPersistent)
//Only process receiver data
if isPersist {
switch msgFromMQ.MsgData.SessionType {
case constant.SingleChatType, constant.NotificationChatType:
if msgKey == msgFromMQ.MsgData.RecvID {
tag = true
case constant.GroupChatType:
if msgKey == msgFromMQ.MsgData.SendID {
tag = true
case constant.SuperGroupChatType:
tag = true
if tag {
log.ZInfo(ctx, "msg_transfer msg persisting", "msg", string(msg))
if err = pc.chatLogDatabase.CreateChatLog(&msgFromMQ); err != nil {
log.ZError(ctx, "Message insert failed", err, "msg", msgFromMQ.String())
func (PersistentConsumerHandler) Setup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
func (PersistentConsumerHandler) Cleanup(_ sarama.ConsumerGroupSession) error { return nil }
func (pc *PersistentConsumerHandler) ConsumeClaim(sess sarama.ConsumerGroupSession, claim sarama.ConsumerGroupClaim) error {
for msg := range claim.Messages() {
ctx := pc.persistentConsumerGroup.GetContextFromMsg(msg)
log.ZDebug(ctx, "kafka get info to mysql", "msgTopic", msg.Topic, "msgPartition", msg.Partition, "msg", string(msg.Value), "key", string(msg.Key))
if len(msg.Value) != 0 {
pc.handleChatWs2Mysql(ctx, msg, string(msg.Key), sess)
} else {
log.ZError(ctx, "msg get from kafka but is nil", nil, "key", msg.Key)
sess.MarkMessage(msg, "")
return nil
Reference in new issue