package group
import (
pbChat "Open_IM/pkg/proto/chat"
pbGroup "Open_IM/pkg/proto/group"
type groupServer struct {
rpcPort int
rpcRegisterName string
etcdSchema string
etcdAddr []string
func NewGroupServer(port int) *groupServer {
return &groupServer{
rpcPort: port,
rpcRegisterName: config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImGroupName,
etcdSchema: config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema,
etcdAddr: config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr,
func (s *groupServer) Run() {
log.Info("", "", "rpc group init....")
ip := utils.ServerIP
registerAddress := ip + ":" + strconv.Itoa(s.rpcPort)
//listener network
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", registerAddress)
if err != nil {
log.InfoByArgs("listen network failed,err=%s", err.Error())
log.Info("", "", "listen network success, address = %s", registerAddress)
defer listener.Close()
//grpc server
srv := grpc.NewServer()
defer srv.GracefulStop()
//Service registers with etcd
pbGroup.RegisterGroupServer(srv, s)
err = getcdv3.RegisterEtcd(s.etcdSchema, strings.Join(s.etcdAddr, ","), ip, s.rpcPort, s.rpcRegisterName, 10)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByArgs("get etcd failed,err=%s", err.Error())
err = srv.Serve(listener)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByArgs("listen rpc_group error,err=%s", err.Error())
log.Info("", "", "rpc create group init success")
func (s *groupServer) CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, req *pbGroup.CreateGroupReq) (*pbGroup.CreateGroupResp, error) {
log.InfoByArgs("rpc create group is server,args=%s", req.String())
var (
groupId string
//Parse token, to find current user information
claims, err := token_verify.ParseToken(req.Token)
if err != nil {
log.Error(req.Token, req.OperationID, "err=%s,parse token failed", err.Error())
return &pbGroup.CreateGroupResp{ErrorCode: constant.ErrParseToken.ErrCode, ErrorMsg: constant.ErrParseToken.ErrMsg}, nil
//Time stamp + MD5 to generate group chat id
groupId = utils.Md5(strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10))
err = im_mysql_model.InsertIntoGroup(groupId, req.GroupName, req.Introduction, req.Notification, req.FaceUrl, req.Ex)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("create group chat failed", req.OperationID, "err=%s", err.Error())
return &pbGroup.CreateGroupResp{ErrorCode: constant.ErrCreateGroup.ErrCode, ErrorMsg: constant.ErrCreateGroup.ErrMsg}, nil
isMagagerFlag := 0
tokenUid := claims.UID
if utils.IsContain(tokenUid, config.Config.Manager.AppManagerUid) {
isMagagerFlag = 1
if isMagagerFlag == 0 {
//Add the group owner to the group first, otherwise the group creation will fail
us, err := im_mysql_model.FindUserByUID(claims.UID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("", req.OperationID, "find userInfo failed", err.Error())
return &pbGroup.CreateGroupResp{ErrorCode: constant.ErrCreateGroup.ErrCode, ErrorMsg: constant.ErrCreateGroup.ErrMsg}, nil
err = im_mysql_model.InsertIntoGroupMember(groupId, claims.UID, us.Name, us.Icon, constant.GroupOwner)
if err != nil {
log.Error("", req.OperationID, "create group chat failed,err=%s", err.Error())
return &pbGroup.CreateGroupResp{ErrorCode: constant.ErrCreateGroup.ErrCode, ErrorMsg: constant.ErrCreateGroup.ErrMsg}, nil
err = db.DB.AddGroupMember(groupId, claims.UID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "", "create mongo group member failed, db.DB.AddGroupMember fail [err: %s]", err.Error())
return &pbGroup.CreateGroupResp{ErrorCode: constant.ErrCreateGroup.ErrCode, ErrorMsg: constant.ErrCreateGroup.ErrMsg}, nil
//Binding group id and member id
for _, user := range req.MemberList {
us, err := im_mysql_model.FindUserByUID(user.Uid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("", req.OperationID, "find userInfo failed,uid=%s", user.Uid, err.Error())
err = im_mysql_model.InsertIntoGroupMember(groupId, user.Uid, us.Name, us.Icon, user.SetRole)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByArgs("pull %s to group %s failed,err=%s", user.Uid, groupId, err.Error())
err = db.DB.AddGroupMember(groupId, user.Uid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("", "", "add mongo group member failed, db.DB.AddGroupMember fail [err: %s]", err.Error())
if isMagagerFlag == 1 {
//type NotificationContent struct {
// IsDisplay int32 `json:"isDisplay"`
// DefaultTips string `json:"defaultTips"`
// Detail string `json:"detail"`
//} n := NotificationContent{
// IsDisplay: 1,
// DefaultTips: "You have joined the group chat:" + createGroupResp.Data.GroupName,
// Detail: createGroupResp.Data.GroupId,
// }
////Push message when create group chat
n := content_struct.NotificationContent{1, req.GroupName, groupId}
SendID: claims.UID,
RecvID: groupId,
Content: n.ContentToString(),
SendTime: utils.GetCurrentTimestampByNano(),
MsgFrom: constant.SysMsgType, //Notification message identification
ContentType: constant.CreateGroupTip, //Add friend flag
SessionType: constant.GroupChatType,
OperationID: req.OperationID,
log.Info(req.Token, req.OperationID, "rpc create group success return")
return &pbGroup.CreateGroupResp{GroupID: groupId}, nil