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OpenIM isn't just an open-source instant messaging component, it's an integral part of your application ecosystem. Check out this diagram to understand how AppServer, AppClient, OpenIMServer, and OpenIMSDK interact.
**OpenIMSDK** seamlessly integrates into your application, delivering a rich, real-time messaging experience without requiring intricate UI integration. It provides:
+ **Modular Composition**: It's comprised of several modules, such as the gateway and multiple RPC services, offering a versatile messaging environment.
+ **Microservices Architecture**: Supporting cluster modes, it assures outstanding performance and scalability to manage communication effectively across various instances.
+ **Diverse Deployment Options**: Adapts to your operational preferences, offering deployment via source code, Kubernetes, or Docker.
+ **REST API**: OpenIMServer provides REST API for business systems, aiming to empower your operations with additional functionalities like group creation and message push via backend interfaces.
+ **Callbacks**: To expand its utility across varied business forms, OpenIMServer offers callback capabilities. That is, it sends a request to the business server before or after an event occurs, such as sending a message, enriching the interaction and data exchange flow in the communication processes.
**OpenIM** offers a powerful and reliable instant messaging platform, ensuring versatile communication across multiple platforms with the following key features:
✅ **Robust Chat Capabilities:** Including roles (application administrator, group owner, etc.) and features like muting, group announcements, and dynamic message loading.
✅ **Open Source:** The code of OpenIM is open source and aims to build a leading global IM open source community. [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/OpenIMSDK)
✅ **Extensibility:** Implemented in Golang, OpenIM introduces an "everything is a message" communication model, simplifying custom messages and feature extension.
🤲 In order to facilitate the user experience, we have provided a variety of deployment solutions, you can choose your own deployment method according to the list below:
We have our own version management policy, if you are interested in our version management, I recommend reading [📚 OpenIM Version](https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/blob/main/docs/contrib/version.md), We recommend using stable versions such as `v3.3.0` and `v3.2.0` whenever possible. `v3.1.1-alpha.3` as well as `v3.3.0-beta.0` and `v3.2.0-rc.0` are pre-release or beta versions and are not recommended.
Set `OPENIM_VERSION` environment variables for the latest `OPENIM_VERSION` number, or replace the `OPENIM_VERSION` for you to install the OpenIM-Server `OPENIM_VERSION`:
OpenIM isn't just an open-source instant messaging component, it's an integral part of your application ecosystem. Check out this diagram to understand how AppServer, AppClient, OpenIMServer, and OpenIMSDK interact.
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OpenIM Our goal is to build a top-level open source community. We have a set of standards, in the [Community repository](https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/community).
If you'd like to contribute to this Open-IM-Server repository, please read our [contributor documentation](https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
Before you start, please make sure your changes are in demand. The best for that is to create a [new discussion](https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/discussions/new/choose) OR [Slack Communication](https://join.slack.com/t/openimsdk/shared_invite/zt-22720d66b-o_FvKxMTGXtcnnnHiMqe9Q), or if you find an issue, [report it](https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/issues/new/choose) first.
Our conference is in the [OpenIM Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/openimsdk/shared_invite/zt-22720d66b-o_FvKxMTGXtcnnnHiMqe9Q) 🎯, then you can search the Open-IM-Server pipeline to join
We take notes of each [biweekly meeting](https://github.com/orgs/OpenIMSDK/discussions/categories/meeting) in [GitHub discussions](https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/discussions/categories/meeting), Our historical meeting notes, as well as replays of the meetings are available at [Google Docs :bookmark_tabs:](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nx8MDpuG74NASx081JcCpxPgDITNTpIIos0DS6Vr9GU/edit?usp=sharing).
Check out our [user case studies](https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/community/blob/main/ADOPTERS.md) page for a list of the project users. Don't hesitate to leave a [📝comment](https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/issues/379) and share your use case.
OpenIM is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server/tree/main/LICENSE) for the full license text.
The OpenIM logo, including its variations and animated versions, displayed in this repository [OpenIM](https://github.com/openimsdk/open-im-server) under the [assets/logo](./assets/logo) and [assets/logo-gif](assets/logo-gif) directories, are protected by copyright laws.