package constant
import "errors"
// key = errCode, string = errMsg
type ErrInfo struct {
ErrCode int32
ErrMsg string
var (
OK = ErrInfo{0, ""}
ErrMysql = ErrInfo{100, ""}
ErrMongo = ErrInfo{110, ""}
ErrRedis = ErrInfo{120, ""}
ErrParseToken = ErrInfo{200, "Parse token failed"}
ErrCreateToken = ErrInfo{201, "Create token failed"}
ErrAppServerKey = ErrInfo{300, "key error"}
ErrTencentCredential = ErrInfo{400, ""}
ErrorUserRegister = ErrInfo{600, "User registration failed"}
ErrAccountExists = ErrInfo{601, "The account is already registered and cannot be registered again"}
ErrUserPassword = ErrInfo{602, "User password error"}
ErrRefreshToken = ErrInfo{605, "Failed to refresh token"}
ErrAddFriend = ErrInfo{606, "Failed to add friends"}
ErrAgreeToAddFriend = ErrInfo{607, "Failed to agree application"}
ErrAddFriendToBlack = ErrInfo{608, "Failed to add friends to the blacklist"}
ErrGetBlackList = ErrInfo{609, "Failed to get blacklist"}
ErrDeleteFriend = ErrInfo{610, "Failed to delete friend"}
ErrGetFriendApplyList = ErrInfo{611, "Failed to get friend application list"}
ErrGetFriendList = ErrInfo{612, "Failed to get friend list"}
ErrRemoveBlackList = ErrInfo{613, "Failed to remove blacklist"}
ErrSearchUserInfo = ErrInfo{614, "Can't find the user information"}
ErrDelAppleDeviceToken = ErrInfo{615, ""}
ErrModifyUserInfo = ErrInfo{616, "update user some attribute failed"}
ErrSetFriendComment = ErrInfo{617, "set friend comment failed"}
ErrSearchUserInfoFromTheGroup = ErrInfo{618, "There is no such group or the user not in the group"}
ErrCreateGroup = ErrInfo{619, "create group chat failed"}
ErrJoinGroupApplication = ErrInfo{620, "Failed to apply to join the group"}
ErrQuitGroup = ErrInfo{621, "Failed to quit the group"}
ErrSetGroupInfo = ErrInfo{622, "Failed to set group info"}
ErrParam = ErrInfo{700, "param failed"}
ErrTokenExpired = ErrInfo{701, TokenExpired.Error()}
ErrTokenInvalid = ErrInfo{702, TokenInvalid.Error()}
ErrTokenMalformed = ErrInfo{703, TokenMalformed.Error()}
ErrTokenNotValidYet = ErrInfo{704, TokenNotValidYet.Error()}
ErrTokenUnknown = ErrInfo{705, TokenUnknown.Error()}
ErrAccess = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 800, ErrMsg: "no permission"}
ErrDb = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 900, ErrMsg: "db failed"}
var (
TokenExpired = errors.New("token is timed out, please log in again")
TokenInvalid = errors.New("token has been invalidated")
TokenNotValidYet = errors.New("token not active yet")
TokenMalformed = errors.New("that's not even a token")
TokenUnknown = errors.New("couldn't handle this token")
const (
NoError = 0
FormattingError = 10001
DatabaseError = 10002
LogicalError = 10003
ServerError = 10004
HttpError = 10005
IoErrot = 10006
IntentionalError = 10007
func (e *ErrInfo) Error() string {
return e.ErrMsg