ensure that you have already deployed the following components:
- Redis
- MongoDB
- Kafka
- MinIO
## Origin Deploy
### Enter the target dir
`cd ./deployments/deploy/`
### Deploy configs and dependencies
Upate your configMap `openim-config.yml`. **You can check the official docs for more details.**
In `openim-config.yml`, you need modify the following configurations:
-`kubernetes.namespace`: default is `default`, you can change it to your namespace.
-`address`: set to your already mongodb address or mongo Service name and port in your deployed.
-`database`: set to your mongodb database name.(Need have a created database.)
-`authSource`: set to your mongodb authSource. (authSource is specify the database name associated with the user's credentials, user need create in this database.)
-`address`: set to your already kafka address or kafka Service name and port in your deployed.
-`address`: set to your already redis address or redis Service name and port in your deployed.
-`internalAddress`: set to your minio Service name and port in your deployed.
-`externalAddress`: set to your already expose minio external address.
### Set the secret
A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data. Such as password and secret. Secret is similar to ConfigMaps.
#### Redis:
Update the `redis-password` value in `redis-secret.yml` to your Redis password encoded in base64.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: openim-redis-secret
type: Opaque
redis-password: b3BlbklNMTIz # update to your redis password encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""
#### Mongo:
Update the `mongo_openim_username`, `mongo_openim_password` value in `mongo-secret.yml` to your Mongo username and password encoded in base64.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: openim-mongo-secret
type: Opaque
mongo_openim_username: b3BlbklN # update to your mongo username encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to "" (this user credentials need in authSource database).
mongo_openim_password: b3BlbklNMTIz # update to your mongo password encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""
#### Minio:
Update the `minio-root-user` and `minio-root-password` value in `minio-secret.yml` to your MinIO accessKeyID and secretAccessKey encoded in base64.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: openim-minio-secret
type: Opaque
minio-root-user: cm9vdA== # update to your minio accessKeyID encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""
minio-root-password: b3BlbklNMTIz # update to your minio secretAccessKey encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""
#### Kafka:
Update the `kafka-password` value in `kafka-secret.yml` to your Kafka password encoded in base64.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: openim-kafka-secret
type: Opaque
kafka-password: b3BlbklNMTIz # update to your kafka password encoded in base64, if need empty, you can set to ""