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package rpcclient
import (
sdkws ""
type Friend struct {
conn grpc.ClientConnInterface
Client friend.FriendClient
discov discoveryregistry.SvcDiscoveryRegistry
func NewFriend(discov discoveryregistry.SvcDiscoveryRegistry) *Friend {
conn, err := discov.GetConn(context.Background(), config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImFriendName)
if err != nil {
client := friend.NewFriendClient(conn)
return &Friend{discov: discov, conn: conn, Client: client}
type FriendRpcClient Friend
func NewFriendRpcClient(discov discoveryregistry.SvcDiscoveryRegistry) FriendRpcClient {
return FriendRpcClient(*NewFriend(discov))
func (f *FriendRpcClient) GetFriendsInfo(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID, friendUserID string) (resp *sdkws.FriendInfo, err error) {
r, err := f.Client.GetDesignatedFriends(ctx, &friend.GetDesignatedFriendsReq{OwnerUserID: ownerUserID, FriendUserIDs: []string{friendUserID}})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp = r.FriendsInfo[0]
// possibleFriendUserID是否在userID的好友中
func (f *FriendRpcClient) IsFriend(ctx context.Context, possibleFriendUserID, userID string) (bool, error) {
resp, err := f.Client.IsFriend(ctx, &friend.IsFriendReq{UserID1: userID, UserID2: possibleFriendUserID})
if err != nil {
return false, err
return resp.InUser1Friends, nil
func (f *FriendRpcClient) GetFriendIDs(ctx context.Context, ownerUserID string) (friendIDs []string, err error) {
req := friend.GetFriendIDsReq{UserID: ownerUserID}
resp, err := f.Client.GetFriendIDs(ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.FriendIDs, nil
func (b *FriendRpcClient) IsBlocked(ctx context.Context, possibleBlackUserID, userID string) (bool, error) {
r, err := b.Client.IsBlack(ctx, &friend.IsBlackReq{UserID1: possibleBlackUserID, UserID2: userID})
if err != nil {
return false, err
return r.InUser2Blacks, nil