** description("").
** copyright('open-im,www.open-im.io').
** author("fg,Gordon@open-im.io").
** time(2021/3/5 14:31).
package logic
import (
pbPush "Open_IM/pkg/proto/push"
pbRelay "Open_IM/pkg/proto/relay"
type OpenIMContent struct {
SessionType int `json:"sessionType"`
From string `json:"from"`
To string `json:"to"`
Seq uint32 `json:"seq"`
type AtContent struct {
Text string `json:"text"`
AtUserList []string `json:"atUserList"`
IsAtSelf bool `json:"isAtSelf"`
func MsgToUser(pushMsg *pbPush.PushMsgReq) {
var wsResult []*pbRelay.SingleMsgToUser
//isOfflinePush := utils.GetSwitchFromOptions(pushMsg.MsgData.Options, constant.IsOfflinePush)
log.InfoByKv("Get msg from msg_transfer And push msg", pushMsg.OperationID, "PushData", pushMsg.String())
grpcCons := getcdv3.GetConn4Unique(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema, strings.Join(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr, ","), config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImOnlineMessageRelayName)
//Online push message
log.InfoByKv("test", pushMsg.OperationID, "len grpc", len(grpcCons), "data", pushMsg.String())
for _, v := range grpcCons {
msgClient := pbRelay.NewOnlineMessageRelayServiceClient(v)
reply, err := msgClient.OnlinePushMsg(context.Background(), &pbRelay.OnlinePushMsgReq{OperationID: pushMsg.OperationID, MsgData: pushMsg.MsgData, PushToUserID: pushMsg.PushToUserID})
if err != nil {
log.InfoByKv("push data to client rpc err", pushMsg.OperationID, "err", err)
if reply != nil && reply.Resp != nil {
wsResult = append(wsResult, reply.Resp...)
log.InfoByKv("push_result", pushMsg.OperationID, "result", wsResult, "sendData", pushMsg.MsgData)
//if isOfflinePush && pushMsg.PushToUserID != pushMsg.MsgData.SendID {
// for _, v := range wsResult {
// if v.ResultCode == 0 {
// continue
// }
// //supported terminal
// for _, t := range pushTerminal {
// if v.RecvPlatFormID == t {
// //Use offline push messaging
// var UIDList []string
// UIDList = append(UIDList, v.RecvID)
// customContent := OpenIMContent{
// SessionType: int(pushMsg.MsgData.SessionType),
// From: pushMsg.MsgData.SendID,
// To: pushMsg.MsgData.RecvID,
// Seq: pushMsg.MsgData.Seq,
// }
// bCustomContent, _ := json.Marshal(customContent)
// jsonCustomContent := string(bCustomContent)
// var content string
// if pushMsg.MsgData.OfflinePushInfo != nil {
// content = pushMsg.MsgData.OfflinePushInfo.Title
// } else {
// switch pushMsg.MsgData.ContentType {
// case constant.Text:
// content = constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.Text]
// case constant.Picture:
// content = constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.Picture]
// case constant.Voice:
// content = constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.Voice]
// case constant.Video:
// content = constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.Video]
// case constant.File:
// content = constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.File]
// case constant.AtText:
// a := AtContent{}
// _ = utils.JsonStringToStruct(string(pushMsg.MsgData.Content), &a)
// if utils.IsContain(v.RecvID, a.AtUserList) {
// content = constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.AtText] + constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.Common]
// } else {
// content = constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.GroupMsg]
// }
// default:
// content = constant.ContentType2PushContent[constant.Common]
// }
// }
// pushResult, err := push.JGAccountListPush(UIDList, content, jsonCustomContent, constant.PlatformIDToName(t))
// if err != nil {
// log.NewError(pushMsg.OperationID, "offline push error", pushMsg.String(), err.Error(), constant.PlatformIDToName(t))
// } else {
// log.NewDebug(pushMsg.OperationID, "offline push return result is ", string(pushResult), pushMsg.MsgData, constant.PlatformIDToName(t))
// }
// }
// }
// }
//func SendMsgByWS(m *pbChat.WSToMsgSvrChatMsg) {
// m.MsgID = rpcChat.GetMsgID(m.SendID)
// m.ClientMsgID = m.MsgID
// switch m.SessionType {
// case constant.SingleChatType:
// sendMsgToKafka(m, m.SendID, "msgKey--sendID")
// sendMsgToKafka(m, m.RecvID, "msgKey--recvID")
// case constant.GroupChatType:
// etcdConn := getcdv3.GetConn(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema, strings.Join(config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr, ","), config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImGroupName)
// client := pbGroup.NewGroupClient(etcdConn)
// req := &pbGroup.Req{
// GroupID: m.RecvID,
// Token: config.Config.Secret,
// OperationID: m.OperationID,
// }
// reply, err := client.(context.Background(), req)
// if err != nil {
// log.Error(m.Token, m.OperationID, "rpc getGroupInfo failed, err = %s", err.Error())
// return
// }
// if reply.ErrorCode != 0 {
// log.Error(m.Token, m.OperationID, "rpc getGroupInfo failed, err = %s", reply.ErrorMsg)
// return
// }
// groupID := m.RecvID
// for i, v := range reply.MemberList {
// m.RecvID = v.UserId + " " + groupID
// sendMsgToKafka(m, utils.IntToString(i), "msgKey--recvID+\" \"+groupID")
// }
// default:
// }
//func sendMsgToKafka(m *pbChat.WSToMsgSvrChatMsg, key string, flag string) {
// pid, offset, err := producer.SendMessage(m, key)
// if err != nil {
// log.ErrorByKv("kafka send failed", m.OperationID, "send data", m.String(), "pid", pid, "offset", offset, "err", err.Error(), flag, key)
// }