// Copyright © 2023 OpenIM. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package kafka
import (
log "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/log"
prome "github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/pkg/common/prome"
const (
maxRetry = 10 //number of retries
var errEmptyMsg = errors . New ( "binary msg is empty" )
type Producer struct {
topic string
addr [ ] string
config * sarama . Config
producer sarama . SyncProducer
// NewKafkaProducer Initialize kafka producer
func NewKafkaProducer ( addr [ ] string , topic string ) * Producer {
p := Producer { }
p . config = sarama . NewConfig ( ) //Instantiate a sarama Config
p . config . Producer . Return . Successes = true //Whether to enable the successes channel to be notified after the message is sent successfully
p . config . Producer . Return . Errors = true
p . config . Producer . RequiredAcks = sarama . WaitForAll //Set producer Message Reply level 0 1 all
p . config . Producer . Partitioner = sarama . NewHashPartitioner //Set the hash-key automatic hash partition. When sending a message, you must specify the key value of the message. If there is no key, the partition will be selected randomly
if config . Config . Kafka . Username != "" && config . Config . Kafka . Password != "" {
p . config . Net . SASL . Enable = true
p . config . Net . SASL . User = config . Config . Kafka . Username
p . config . Net . SASL . Password = config . Config . Kafka . Password
p . addr = addr
p . topic = topic
var producer sarama . SyncProducer
var err error
for i := 0 ; i <= maxRetry ; i ++ {
producer , err = sarama . NewSyncProducer ( p . addr , p . config ) //Initialize the client
if err == nil {
p . producer = producer
return & p
//TODO If the password is wrong, exit directly
//if packetErr, ok := err.(*sarama.PacketEncodingError); ok {
//if _, ok := packetErr.Err.(sarama.AuthenticationError); ok {
// fmt.Println("Kafka password is wrong.")
//} else {
// fmt.Printf("Failed to create Kafka producer: %v\n", err)
time . Sleep ( time . Duration ( 1 ) * time . Second )
p . producer = producer
return & p
func GetMQHeaderWithContext ( ctx context . Context ) ( [ ] sarama . RecordHeader , error ) {
operationID , opUserID , platform , connID , err := mcontext . GetCtxInfos ( ctx )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return [ ] sarama . RecordHeader {
{ Key : [ ] byte ( constant . OperationID ) , Value : [ ] byte ( operationID ) } ,
{ Key : [ ] byte ( constant . OpUserID ) , Value : [ ] byte ( opUserID ) } ,
{ Key : [ ] byte ( constant . OpUserPlatform ) , Value : [ ] byte ( platform ) } ,
{ Key : [ ] byte ( constant . ConnID ) , Value : [ ] byte ( connID ) } } , err
func GetContextWithMQHeader ( header [ ] * sarama . RecordHeader ) context . Context {
var values [ ] string
for _ , recordHeader := range header {
values = append ( values , string ( recordHeader . Value ) )
return mcontext . WithMustInfoCtx ( values ) // TODO
func ( p * Producer ) SendMessage ( ctx context . Context , key string , msg proto . Message ) ( int32 , int64 , error ) {
log . ZDebug ( ctx , "SendMessage" , "msg" , msg , "topic" , p . topic , "key" , key )
kMsg := & sarama . ProducerMessage { }
kMsg . Topic = p . topic
kMsg . Key = sarama . StringEncoder ( key )
bMsg , err := proto . Marshal ( msg )
if err != nil {
return 0 , 0 , utils . Wrap ( err , "kafka proto Marshal err" )
if len ( bMsg ) == 0 {
return 0 , 0 , utils . Wrap ( errEmptyMsg , "" )
kMsg . Value = sarama . ByteEncoder ( bMsg )
if kMsg . Key . Length ( ) == 0 || kMsg . Value . Length ( ) == 0 {
return 0 , 0 , utils . Wrap ( errEmptyMsg , "" )
kMsg . Metadata = ctx
header , err := GetMQHeaderWithContext ( ctx )
if err != nil {
return 0 , 0 , utils . Wrap ( err , "" )
kMsg . Headers = header
partition , offset , err := p . producer . SendMessage ( kMsg )
log . ZDebug ( ctx , "ByteEncoder SendMessage end" , "key " , kMsg . Key , "key length" , kMsg . Value . Length ( ) )
if err == nil {
prome . Inc ( prome . SendMsgCounter )
return partition , offset , utils . Wrap ( err , "" )