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194 lines
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# Maze simulation environment for Reinforcement Learning tutorial
# by Dmitry Soshnikov
# http://soshnikov.com
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cv2
import random
import math
def clip(min,max,x):
if x<min:
return min
if x>max:
return max
return x
def imload(fname,size):
img = cv2.imread(fname)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img = cv2.resize(img,(size,size),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
img = img / np.max(img)
return img
def draw_line(dx,dy,size=50):
if dx==0:
m = (size-2)//2
l = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)*(size-4)/2
a = math.atan(dy/dx)
s = -1 if dx<0 else 1
return p
def probs(v):
v = v-v.min()
if (v.sum()>0):
v = v/v.sum()
return v
class Board:
class Cell:
empty = 0
water = 1
wolf = 2
tree = 3
apple = 4
def __init__(self,width,height,size=50):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.size = size+2
self.matrix = np.zeros((width,height))
self.grid_color = (0.6,0.6,0.6)
self.background_color = (1.0,1.0,1.0)
self.grid_thickness = 1
self.grid_line_type = cv2.LINE_AA
self.pics = {
"wolf" : imload('images/wolf.png',size-4),
"apple" : imload('images/apple.png',size-4),
"human" : imload('images/human.png',size-4)
self.human = (0,0)
self.frame_no = 0
def randomize(self,water_size=5, num_water=3, num_wolves=1, num_trees=5, num_apples=3,seed=None):
if seed:
for _ in range(num_water):
x = random.randint(0,self.width-1)
y = random.randint(0,self.height-1)
for _ in range(water_size):
self.matrix[x,y] = Board.Cell.water
x = clip(0,self.width-1,x+random.randint(-1,1))
y = clip(0,self.height-1,y+random.randint(-1,1))
for _ in range(num_trees):
while True:
x = random.randint(0,self.width-1)
y = random.randint(0,self.height-1)
if self.matrix[x,y]==Board.Cell.empty:
self.matrix[x,y] = Board.Cell.tree # tree
for _ in range(num_wolves):
while True:
x = random.randint(0,self.width-1)
y = random.randint(0,self.height-1)
if self.matrix[x,y]==Board.Cell.empty:
self.matrix[x,y] = Board.Cell.wolf # wolf
for _ in range(num_apples):
while True:
x = random.randint(0,self.width-1)
y = random.randint(0,self.height-1)
if self.matrix[x,y]==Board.Cell.empty:
self.matrix[x,y] = Board.Cell.apple
def at(self,pos=None):
if pos:
return self.matrix[pos[0],pos[1]]
return self.matrix[self.human[0],self.human[1]]
def is_valid(self,pos):
return pos[0]>=0 and pos[0]<self.width and pos[1]>=0 and pos[1] < self.height
def move_pos(self, pos, dpos):
return (pos[0] + dpos[0], pos[1] + dpos[1])
def move(self,dpos):
new_pos = self.move_pos(self.human,dpos)
self.human = new_pos
def random_pos(self):
x = random.randint(0,self.width-1)
y = random.randint(0,self.height-1)
return (x,y)
def random_start(self):
while True:
pos = self.random_pos()
if self.at(pos) == Board.Cell.empty:
self.human = pos
def image(self,Q=None):
img = np.zeros((self.height*self.size+1,self.width*self.size+1,3))
img[:,:,:] = self.background_color
# Draw water
for x in range(self.width):
for y in range(self.height):
if (x,y) == self.human:
ov = self.pics['human']
img[self.size*y+2:self.size*y+ov.shape[0]+2,self.size*x+2:self.size*x+2+ov.shape[1],:] = np.minimum(ov,1.0)
if self.matrix[x,y] == Board.Cell.water:
img[self.size*y:self.size*(y+1),self.size*x:self.size*(x+1),:] = (0,0,1.0)
if self.matrix[x,y] == Board.Cell.wolf:
ov = self.pics['wolf']
img[self.size*y+2:self.size*y+ov.shape[0]+2,self.size*x+2:self.size*x+2+ov.shape[1],:] = np.minimum(ov,1.0)
if self.matrix[x,y] == Board.Cell.apple: # apple
ov = self.pics['apple']
img[self.size*y+2:self.size*y+ov.shape[0]+2,self.size*x+2:self.size*x+2+ov.shape[1],:] = np.minimum(ov,1.0)
if self.matrix[x,y] == Board.Cell.tree: # tree
img[self.size*y:self.size*(y+1),self.size*x:self.size*(x+1),:] = (0,1.0,0)
if self.matrix[x,y] == Board.Cell.empty and Q is not None:
p = probs(Q[x,y])
dx,dy = 0,0
for i,(ddx,ddy) in enumerate([(-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)]):
dx += ddx*p[i]
dy += ddy*p[i]
l = draw_line(dx,dy,self.size)
img[self.size*y+2:self.size*y+l.shape[0]+2,self.size*x+2:self.size*x+2+l.shape[1],:] = l
# Draw grid
for i in range(self.height+1):
img[:,i*self.size] = 0.3
#cv2.line(img,(0,i*self.size),(self.width*self.size,i*self.size), self.grid_color, self.grid_thickness,lineType=self.grid_line_type)
for j in range(self.width+1):
img[j*self.size,:] = 0.3
#cv2.line(img,(j*self.size,0),(j*self.size,self.height*self.size), self.grid_color, self.grid_thickness,lineType=self.grid_line_type)
return img
def plot(self,Q=None):
def saveimage(self,filename,Q=None):
def walk(self,policy,save_to=None,start=None):
n = 0
if start:
self.human = start
while True:
if save_to:
if self.at() == Board.Cell.apple:
return n # success!
if self.at() in [Board.Cell.wolf, Board.Cell.water]:
return -1 # eaten by wolf or drowned
while True:
a = policy(self)
new_pos = self.move_pos(self.human,a)
if self.is_valid(new_pos) and self.at(new_pos)!=Board.Cell.water:
self.move(a) # do the actual move
n+=1 |