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Jen Looper 21d1d77b69
graphic for ai/ml/dl/ds
4 years ago
1-intro-to-ML graphic for ai/ml/dl/ds 4 years ago
2-history-of-ML Add a sketchnote for intro/history 4 years ago
3-fairness links to Learn added 4 years ago adding student ambassador twitter handles 4 years ago

Introduction to Machine Learning

In this section of the curriculum, you will be introduced to the base concepts underlying the field of machine learning, what is is, and learn about its history.


  1. Introduction to Machine Learning
  2. The History of Machine Learning and AI
  3. Fairness and Machine Learning


"Introduction to Machine Learning" was written with ♥️ by a team of folks including Muhammad Sakib Khan Inan, Ornella Altunyan and Jen Looper

"The History of Machine Learning" was written with ♥️ by Jen Looper and Amy Boyd

"Fairness and Machine Learning" was written with ♥️ by Tomomi Imura