# [Lesson Topic]

Add a sketchnote if possible/appropriate

![Embed a video here if available](video-url)

## [Pre-lecture quiz](link-to-quiz-app)

Describe what we will learn

### Introduction

Describe what will be covered

> Notes

### Prerequisite

What steps should have been covered before this lesson?

### Preparation

Preparatory steps to start this lesson


[Step through content in blocks]

## [Topic 1]

### Task:

Work together to progressively enhance your codebase to build the project with shared code:

code blocks

✅ Knowledge Check - use this moment to stretch students' knowledge with open questions

## [Topic 2]

## [Topic 3]

🚀 Challenge: Add a challenge for students to work on collaboratively in class to enhance the project

Optional: add a screenshot of the completed lesson's UI if appropriate

## [Post-lecture quiz](link-to-quiz-app)

## Review & Self Study

**Assignment**: [Assignment Name](assignment.md)