# 머신러닝 소개하기
커리큘럼의 이 섹션에서, 머신러닝 필드의 기초가 될 기본 개념, 의미, 역사와 연구자가 이용하는 기술을 배울 예정입니다. 새로운 ML의 세계로 같이 모험을 떠납시다!
> Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash
### 강의
1. [머신러닝 소개하기](1-intro-to-ML/translations/README.ko.md)
1. [머신러닝과 AI의 역사](2-history-of-ML/translations/README.ko.md)
1. [공정성과 머신러닝](3-fairness/translations/README.ko.md)
1. [머신러닝의 기술](4-techniques-of-ML/translations/README.ko.md)
### 크레딧
"Introduction to Machine Learning" was written with ♥️ by a team of folks including [Muhammad Sakib Khan Inan](https://twitter.com/Sakibinan), [Ornella Altunyan](https://twitter.com/ornelladotcom) and [Jen Looper](https://twitter.com/jenlooper)
"The History of Machine Learning" was written with ♥️ by [Jen Looper](https://twitter.com/jenlooper) and [Amy Boyd](https://twitter.com/AmyKateNicho)
"Fairness and Machine Learning" was written with ♥️ by [Tomomi Imura](https://twitter.com/girliemac)
"Techniques of Machine Learning" was written with ♥️ by [Jen Looper](https://twitter.com/jenlooper) and [Chris Noring](https://twitter.com/softchris)