# Build a Web App to use a ML Model In this lesson, you will train an ML model on a data set that's out of this world: _UFO sightings over the past century_, sourced from NUFORC's database. You will learn: - How to 'pickle' a trained model - How to use that model in a Flask app We will continue our use of notebooks to clean data and train our model, but you can take the process one step further by exploring using a model 'in the wild', so to speak: in a web app. To do this, you need to build a web app using Flask. ## [Pre-lecture quiz](https://jolly-sea-0a877260f.azurestaticapps.net/quiz/17/) ## Building an app There are several ways to build web apps to consume machine learning models. Your web architecture may influence the way your model is trained. Imagine that you are working in a business where the data science group has trained a model that they want you to use in an app. ### Considerations There are many questions you need to ask: - **Is it a web app or a mobile app?** If you are building a mobile app or need to use the model in an IoT context, you could use [TensorFlow Lite](https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/) and use the model in an Android or iOS app. - **Where will the model reside**? In the cloud or locally? - **Offline support**. Does the app have to work offline? - **What technology was used to train the model?** The chosen technology may influence the tooling you need to use. - **Using Tensor flow**. If you are training a model using TensorFlow, for example, that ecosystem provides the ability to convert a TensorFlow model for use in a web app by using [TensorFlow.js](https://www.tensorflow.org/js/). - **Using PyTorch**. If you are building a model using a library such as [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org/), you have the option to export it in [ONNX](https://onnx.ai/) (Open Neural Network Exchange) format for use in JavaScript web apps that can use the [Onnx Runtime](https://www.onnxruntime.ai/). This option will be explored in a future lesson for a Scikit-learn-trained model. - **Using Lobe.ai or Azure Custom vision**. If you are using an ML SaaS (Software as a Service) system such as [Lobe.ai](https://lobe.ai/) or [Azure Custom Vision](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/cognitive-services/custom-vision-service/?WT.mc_id=academic-15963-cxa) to train a model, this type of software provides ways to export the model for many platforms, including building a bespoke API to be queried in the cloud by your online application. You also have the opportunity to build an entire Flask web app that would be able to train the model itself in a web browser. This can also be done using TensorFlow.js in a JavaScript context. For our purposes, since we have been working with Python-based notebooks, let's explore the steps you need to take to export a trained model from such a notebook to a format readable by a Python-built web app. ## Tool For this task, you need two tools: Flask and Pickle, both of which run on Python. ✅ What's [Flask](https://palletsprojects.com/p/flask/)? Defined as a 'micro-framework' by its creators, Flask provides the basic features of web frameworks using Python and a templating engine to build web pages. Take a look at [this Learn module](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/modules/python-flask-build-ai-web-app?WT.mc_id=academic-15963-cxa) to practice building with Flask. ✅ What's [Pickle](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html)? Pickle 🥒 is a Python module that serializes and de-serializes a Python object structure. When you 'pickle' a model, you serialize or flatten its structure for use on the web. Be careful: pickle is not intrinsically secure, so be careful if prompted to 'un-pickle' a file. A pickled file has the suffix `.pkl`. ## Exercise - clean your data In this lesson you'll use data from 80,000 UFO sightings, gathered by [NUFORC](https://nuforc.org) (The National UFO Reporting Center). This data has some interesting descriptions of UFO sightings, for example: - **Long example description**. "A man emerges from a beam of light that shines on a grassy field at night and he runs towards the Texas Instruments parking lot". - **Short example description**. "the lights chased us". The [ufos.csv](./data/ufos.csv) spreadsheet includes columns about the `city`, `state` and `country` where the sighting occurred, the object's `shape` and its `latitude` and `longitude`. In the blank [notebook](notebook.ipynb) included in this lesson: 1. import `pandas`, `matplotlib`, and `numpy` as you did in previous lessons and import the ufos spreadsheet. You can take a look at a sample data set: ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np ufos = pd.read_csv('../data/ufos.csv') ufos.head() ``` 1. Convert the ufos data to a small dataframe with fresh titles. Check the unique values in the `Country` field. ```python ufos = pd.DataFrame({'Seconds': ufos['duration (seconds)'], 'Country': ufos['country'],'Latitude': ufos['latitude'],'Longitude': ufos['longitude']}) ufos.Country.unique() ``` 1. Now, you can reduce the amount of data we need to deal with by dropping any null values and only importing sightings between 1-60 seconds: ```python ufos.dropna(inplace=True) ufos = ufos[(ufos['Seconds'] >= 1) & (ufos['Seconds'] <= 60)] ufos.info() ``` 1. Import Scikit-learn's `LabelEncoder` library to convert the text values for countries to a number: ✅ LabelEncoder encodes data alphabetically ```python from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder ufos['Country'] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(ufos['Country']) ufos.head() ``` Your data should look like this: ```output Seconds Country Latitude Longitude 2 20.0 3 53.200000 -2.916667 3 20.0 4 28.978333 -96.645833 14 30.0 4 35.823889 -80.253611 23 60.0 4 45.582778 -122.352222 24 3.0 3 51.783333 -0.783333 ``` ## Exercise - build your model Now you can get ready to train a model by diving the data into the training and testing group. 1. Select the three features you want to train on as your X vector, and the y vector will be the `Country`. You want to be able to input `Seconds`, `Latitude` and `Longitude` and get a country id to return. ```python from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split Selected_features = ['Seconds','Latitude','Longitude'] X = ufos[Selected_features] y = ufos['Country'] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) ``` 1. Train your model using logistic regression: ```python from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression model = LogisticRegression() model.fit(X_train, y_train) predictions = model.predict(X_test) print(classification_report(y_test, predictions)) print('Predicted labels: ', predictions) print('Accuracy: ', accuracy_score(y_test, predictions)) ``` The accuracy isn't bad **(around 95%)**, unsurprisingly, as `Country` and `Latitude/Longitude` correlate. The model you created isn't very revolutionary as you should be able to infer a `Country` from its `Latitude` and `Longitude`, but it's a good exercise to try to train from raw data that you cleaned, exported, and then use this model in a web app. ## Exercise - 'pickle' your model Now, it's time to _pickle_ your model! You can do that in a few lines of code. Once it's _pickled_, load your pickled model and test it against a sample data array containing values for seconds, latitude and longitude, ```python import pickle model_filename = 'ufo-model.pkl' pickle.dump(model, open(model_filename,'wb')) model = pickle.load(open('ufo-model.pkl','rb')) print(model.predict([[50,44,-12]])) ``` The model returns **'3'**, which is the country code for the UK. Wild! 👽 ## Exercise - build a Flask app Now you can build a Flask app to call your model and return similar results, but in a more visually pleasing way. 1. Start by creating a folder called **web-app** next to the _notebook.ipynb_ file where your _ufo-model.pkl_ file resides. 1. In that folder create three more folders: **static**, with a folder **css** inside it, and **templates`**. You should now have the following files and directories: ```output web-app/ static/ css/ templates/ notebook.ipynb ufo-model.pkl ``` ✅ Refer to the solution folder for a view of the finished app 1. The first file to create in _web-app_ folder is **requirements.txt** file. Like _package.json_ in a JavaScript app, this file lists dependencies required by the app. In **requirements.txt** add the lines: ```text scikit-learn pandas numpy flask ``` 1. Now, run this file by navigating to _web-app_: ```bash cd web-app ``` 1. In your terminal type `pip install`, to install the libraries listed in _requirements.txt_: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 1. Now, you're ready to create three more files to finish the app: 1. Create **app.py** in the root 2. Create **index.html** in _templates_ directory. 3. Create **styles.css** in _static/css_ directory. 1. Build out the _styles.css__ file with a few styles: ```css body { width: 100%; height: 100%; font-family: 'Helvetica'; background: black; color: #fff; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 1.4px; font-size: 30px; } input { min-width: 150px; } .grid { width: 300px; border: 1px solid #2d2d2d; display: grid; justify-content: center; margin: 20px auto; } .box { color: #fff; background: #2d2d2d; padding: 12px; display: inline-block; } ``` 1. Next, build out the _index.html_ file: ```html
According to the number of seconds, latitude and longitude, which country is likely to have reported seeing a UFO?
{{ prediction_text }}