In this curriculum, you have learned many ways to prepare data for training and create machine learning models. You built a series of classic Regression, Clustering, Classification, Natural Language Processing, and Time Series models. Congratulations! Now, you might be wondering what it's all for...what are the real world applications for these models?
While a lot of interest in industry has been garnered by AI, which usually leverages Deep Learning, there are still valuable applications for classical machine learning models, some of which you use today, although you might not be aware of it. In this lesson, you'll explore how ten different industries and subject-matter domains use these types of models to make their applications more performant, reliable, intelligent, and thus more valuable to users.
We learned about [k-means clustering](Clustering/2-K-Means/ earlier in the course, but how can it be used to solve problems related to credit card fraud?
This article discusses in detail how clustering and time series forecasting help predict future energy use in Ireland, based off of smart metering: