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Jim Bennett 36434c6691
Some edge dev stuff (#122)
4 years ago
translations Translations folders Structured (#66) 4 years ago Some edge dev stuff (#122) 4 years ago Lesson 15 (#54) 4 years ago Some edge dev stuff (#122) 4 years ago

Run your fruit detector on the edge

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This video gives an overview of running image classifiers on IoT devices, the topic that is covered in this lesson.

Custom Vison AI on Azure IoT Edge

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Pre-lecture quiz


In this lesson you will learn about

In this lesson we'll cover:

Edge computing

Azure IoT Edge

The Azure IoT Edge logo

IoT Edge runs code from containers.

Register an IoT Edge device

To use an IoT Edge device, it needs to be registered in IoT Hub.

Task - register an IoT Edge device

  1. Create an IoT Hub in the fruit-quality-detector resource group. Give it a unique name based around fruit-quality-detector.

  2. Register an IoT Edge device called fruit-quality-detector-edge in your IoT Hub. The command to do this is similar to the one used to register a non-edge device, except you pass the --edge-enabled flag.

    az iot hub device-identity create --edge-enabled \
                                      --device-id fruit-quality-detector-edge \
                                      --hub-name <hub_name>

    Replace <hub_name> with the name of your IoT Hub.

  3. Get the connection string for your device using the following command:

    az iot hub device-identity connection-string show --device-id fruit-quality-detector-edge \
                                                      --output table \
                                                      --hub-name <hub_name>

    Replace <hub_name> with the name of your IoT Hub.

    Take a copy of the connection string that is shown in the output.

Set up an IoT Edge device

Task - set up an IoT Edge device

The IoT Edge runtime only runs Linux containers. It can be run on Linux, or on Windows using Linux Virtual Machines.

Create a classifier that can run on the edge

Run your classifier on the edge

Task - deploy your classifier using IoT Edge

Task - use the edge classifier from your IoT device

🚀 Challenge

Post-lecture quiz

Post-lecture quiz

Review & Self Study
