# Contribute by translating lessons We welcome translations for the lessons in this curriculum! ## Guidelines There are [**translations**](https://github.com/microsoft/IoT-For-Beginners/tree/main/1-getting-started/lessons/1-introduction-to-iot/translations) folders which contain the translated markdown files. Translated lessons should follow this naming convention: When translating the initial Readme, link the other translations to your translated readme and link yours to the main English Readme by using Shields as shown: ```markdown [![Bengali](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Bengali-blue)](translations/README.bn.md) ``` **README._[language]_.md** where _[language]_ is a two letter language abbreviation following the ISO 639-1 standard (e.g. `README.es.md` for Spanish and `README.nl.md` for Dutch). > Important: when translating text in this repo, please ensure that you do not use machine translation. We will verify translations via the community, so please only volunteer for translations in languages where you are proficient. ## Links When translating, please update links to the translated files. If a file hasn't been translated, keep the link to the English version. As each file is in a `translations` folder, you will also need to update the link depth for hyperlinks and images. ## Quizzes Add your translation to the quiz-app by adding a file here: https://github.com/microsoft/IoT-For-Beginners/tree/main/quiz-app/src/assets/translations. Please don't localize the words 'true' or 'false' however. thanks! ## THANK YOU We truly appreciate your efforts!