@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ Fonts, sizes, colors, etc should be material design whenever possible.
* [(184) How do I password protect content?](#user-content-faq184)
* [(185) Can I install FairEmail on Windows?](#user-content-faq185)
* [(186) How can I let the app auto store iCalendar invitations?](#user-content-faq186)
* [(187) Are colored stars synchronized across devices?](#user-content-faq187)
[I have another question.](#user-content-get-support)
@ -5120,6 +5121,14 @@ This is a pro feature.
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<a name="faq187"></a>
**(187) Are colored stars synchronized across devices?**
Colored stars can't be stored on email servers because email protocols do not support this.
In other words, the color of stars is stored on your device only, and won't be synchronized across devices.
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<h2><a name="get-support"></a>Get support</h2>
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