OpenAI endpoint absolute

M66B 1 year ago
parent 22c6671f47
commit 728eb6fa57

@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ android {
buildConfigField "String", "ANNOUNCEMENT_URI", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "CLOUD_URI", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "CLOUD_EMAIL", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_ENDPOINT", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_ENDPOINT", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_PRIVACY", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "FDROID", "\"\""
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ android {
buildConfigField "String", "ANNOUNCEMENT_URI", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "CLOUD_URI", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "CLOUD_EMAIL", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_ENDPOINT", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_ENDPOINT", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_PRIVACY", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "FDROID", "\"\""
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ android {
buildConfigField "String", "ANNOUNCEMENT_URI", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "CLOUD_URI", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "CLOUD_EMAIL", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_ENDPOINT", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_ENDPOINT", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "OPENAI_PRIVACY", "\"\""
buildConfigField "String", "FDROID", "\"\""

@ -2662,14 +2662,6 @@ public class FragmentCompose extends FragmentBase {
OpenAI.Message[] completions =
OpenAI.completeChat(context, model, result.toArray(new OpenAI.Message[0]), temperature, 1);
try {
Pair<Double, Double> usage = OpenAI.getGrants(context);
args.putDouble("used", usage.first);
args.putDouble("granted", usage.second);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
return completions;

@ -58,39 +58,11 @@ public class OpenAI {
(!TextUtils.isEmpty(apikey) || !Objects.equals(getUri(context), BuildConfig.OPENAI_ENDPOINT)));
static Pair<Double, Double> getGrants(Context context) throws JSONException, IOException {
// dashboard/billing/credit_grants
// {
// "object": "credit_summary",
// "total_granted": <float>,
// "total_used": <float>,
// "total_available": <float>,
// "grants": {
// "object": "list",
// "data": [
// {
// "object": "credit_grant",
// "id": "<guid>>",
// "grant_amount": <float>,
// "used_amount": <float>>,
// "effective_at": <unixtime>,
// "expires_at": <unixtime>
// }
// ]
// }
JSONObject grants = call(context, "GET", "dashboard/billing/credit_grants", null);
return new Pair<>(
static void checkModeration(Context context, String text) throws JSONException, IOException {
JSONObject jrequest = new JSONObject();
jrequest.put("input", text);
JSONObject jresponse = call(context, "POST", "v1/moderations", jrequest);
JSONObject jresponse = call(context, "POST", "moderations", jrequest);
JSONArray jresults = jresponse.getJSONArray("results");
for (int i = 0; i < jresults.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jresult = jresults.getJSONObject(i);
@ -117,7 +89,7 @@ public class OpenAI {
JSONObject jrequest = new JSONObject();
jrequest.put("input", text);
jrequest.put("model", model == null ? "text-embedding-ada-002" : model);
JSONObject jresponse = call(context, "POST", "v1/embeddings", jrequest);
JSONObject jresponse = call(context, "POST", "embeddings", jrequest);
JSONObject jdata = jresponse.getJSONArray("data").getJSONObject(0);
JSONArray jembedding = jdata.getJSONArray("embedding");
double[] result = new double[jembedding.length()];
@ -143,7 +115,7 @@ public class OpenAI {
if (temperature != null)
jquestion.put("temperature", temperature);
jquestion.put("n", n);
JSONObject jresponse = call(context, "POST", "v1/chat/completions", jquestion);
JSONObject jresponse = call(context, "POST", "chat/completions", jquestion);
JSONArray jchoices = jresponse.getJSONArray("choices");
Message[] choices = new Message[jchoices.length()];
@ -227,7 +199,7 @@ public class OpenAI {
if (status == 429)
error = "\nThis is an error message from OpenAI, not of the app";
error += "\nThis is an error message from OpenAI, not of the app";
throw new IOException(error);
