Updated FAQ

M66B 6 years ago
parent 1ab82368fe
commit 51cd5accf8

@ -133,9 +133,16 @@ Possible causes of messages not being synchronized (sent or received) are:
* The number of days to synchronize is set to low
* There is no usable internet connection
* The email server is temporarily not available
* Android stopped the synchronization service
So, check your account and folder settings and check if the accounts/folders are connected (see the legend menu for the meaning of the icons).
On some devices, where there are lots of applications competing for memory, Android may stop the synchronization service as a last resort.
Some Android versions,
in particular of Huawei (see [here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bensin/2016/07/04/push-notifications-not-coming-through-to-your-huawei-phone-heres-how-to-fix-it/) for a fix)
or Xiaomi (see [here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bensin/2016/11/17/how-to-fix-push-notifications-on-xiaomis-miui-8-for-real/) for a fix)
stop apps and services too aggressively.
<a name="FAQ17"></a>
**(17) Why does manual synchronize not work?**
