@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
private SwitchCompat swActionbarColor ;
private SwitchCompat swHighlightUnread ;
private ViewButtonColor btnHighlightColor ;
private SwitchCompat swColorStripe ;
private SwitchCompat swAvatars ;
private TextView tvGravatarsHint ;
@ -104,7 +105,6 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
private SwitchCompat swSubjectItalic ;
private SwitchCompat swHighlightSubject ;
private Spinner spSubjectEllipsize ;
private ViewButtonColor btnHighlightColor ;
private SwitchCompat swKeywords ;
private SwitchCompat swLabels ;
private SwitchCompat swFlags ;
@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
private final static String [ ] RESET_OPTIONS = new String [ ] {
"theme" , "startup" , "cards" , "beige" , "date" , "navbar_colorize" , "portrait2" , "landscape" , "landscape3" ,
"threading" , "threading_unread" , "indentation" , "seekbar" , "actionbar" , "actionbar_color" ,
"highlight_unread" , " color_stripe",
"highlight_unread" , " highlight_color", " color_stripe",
"avatars" , "gravatars" , "favicons" , "generated_icons" , "identicons" , "circular" , "saturation" , "brightness" , "threshold" ,
"name_email" , "prefer_contact" , "distinguish_contacts" , "show_recipients" ,
"subject_top" , "font_size_sender" , "font_size_subject" , "subject_italic" , "highlight_subject" , "subject_ellipsize" , "highlight_color" ,
"subject_top" , "font_size_sender" , "font_size_subject" , "subject_italic" , "highlight_subject" , "subject_ellipsize" ,
"keywords_header" , "labels_header" , "flags" , "flags_background" ,
"preview" , "preview_italic" , "preview_lines" ,
"addresses" ,
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
swActionbarColor = view . findViewById ( R . id . swActionbarColor ) ;
swHighlightUnread = view . findViewById ( R . id . swHighlightUnread ) ;
btnHighlightColor = view . findViewById ( R . id . btnHighlightColor ) ;
swColorStripe = view . findViewById ( R . id . swColorStripe ) ;
swAvatars = view . findViewById ( R . id . swAvatars ) ;
swGravatars = view . findViewById ( R . id . swGravatars ) ;
@ -200,7 +201,6 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
swSubjectItalic = view . findViewById ( R . id . swSubjectItalic ) ;
swHighlightSubject = view . findViewById ( R . id . swHighlightSubject ) ;
spSubjectEllipsize = view . findViewById ( R . id . spSubjectEllipsize ) ;
btnHighlightColor = view . findViewById ( R . id . btnHighlightColor ) ;
swKeywords = view . findViewById ( R . id . swKeywords ) ;
swLabels = view . findViewById ( R . id . swLabels ) ;
swFlags = view . findViewById ( R . id . swFlags ) ;
@ -356,6 +356,41 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
} ) ;
btnHighlightColor . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) {
public void onClick ( View v ) {
Context context = getContext ( ) ;
int editTextColor = Helper . resolveColor ( context , android . R . attr . editTextColor ) ;
int highlightColor = prefs . getInt ( "highlight_color" , Helper . resolveColor ( context , R . attr . colorAccent ) ) ;
ColorPickerDialogBuilder builder = ColorPickerDialogBuilder
. with ( context )
. setTitle ( R . string . title_advanced_highlight_color )
. initialColor ( highlightColor )
. showColorEdit ( true )
. setColorEditTextColor ( editTextColor )
. wheelType ( ColorPickerView . WHEEL_TYPE . FLOWER )
. density ( 6 )
. lightnessSliderOnly ( )
. setPositiveButton ( android . R . string . ok , new ColorPickerClickListener ( ) {
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int selectedColor , Integer [ ] allColors ) {
prefs . edit ( ) . putInt ( "highlight_color" , selectedColor ) . apply ( ) ;
btnHighlightColor . setColor ( selectedColor ) ;
} )
. setNegativeButton ( R . string . title_reset , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) {
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) {
prefs . edit ( ) . remove ( "highlight_color" ) . apply ( ) ;
btnHighlightColor . setColor ( Helper . resolveColor ( context , R . attr . colorAccent ) ) ;
} ) ;
builder . build ( ) . show ( ) ;
} ) ;
swColorStripe . setOnCheckedChangeListener ( new CompoundButton . OnCheckedChangeListener ( ) {
public void onCheckedChanged ( CompoundButton compoundButton , boolean checked ) {
@ -572,39 +607,6 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
} ) ;
btnHighlightColor . setOnClickListener ( new View . OnClickListener ( ) {
public void onClick ( View v ) {
Context context = getContext ( ) ;
int editTextColor = Helper . resolveColor ( context , android . R . attr . editTextColor ) ;
ColorPickerDialogBuilder builder = ColorPickerDialogBuilder
. with ( context )
. setTitle ( R . string . title_advanced_highlight_color )
. showColorEdit ( true )
. setColorEditTextColor ( editTextColor )
. wheelType ( ColorPickerView . WHEEL_TYPE . FLOWER )
. density ( 6 )
. lightnessSliderOnly ( )
. setPositiveButton ( android . R . string . ok , new ColorPickerClickListener ( ) {
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int selectedColor , Integer [ ] allColors ) {
prefs . edit ( ) . putInt ( "highlight_color" , selectedColor ) . apply ( ) ;
btnHighlightColor . setColor ( selectedColor ) ;
} )
. setNegativeButton ( R . string . title_reset , new DialogInterface . OnClickListener ( ) {
public void onClick ( DialogInterface dialog , int which ) {
prefs . edit ( ) . remove ( "highlight_color" ) . apply ( ) ;
btnHighlightColor . setColor ( Helper . resolveColor ( context , R . attr . colorAccent ) ) ;
} ) ;
builder . build ( ) . show ( ) ;
} ) ;
swKeywords . setOnCheckedChangeListener ( new CompoundButton . OnCheckedChangeListener ( ) {
public void onCheckedChanged ( CompoundButton compoundButton , boolean checked ) {
@ -879,6 +881,10 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
swActionbarColor . setEnabled ( swActionbar . isChecked ( ) ) ;
swHighlightUnread . setChecked ( prefs . getBoolean ( "highlight_unread" , true ) ) ;
btnHighlightColor . setColor ( prefs . getInt ( "highlight_color" ,
Helper . resolveColor ( getContext ( ) , R . attr . colorUnreadHighlight ) ) ) ;
swColorStripe . setChecked ( prefs . getBoolean ( "color_stripe" , true ) ) ;
swAvatars . setChecked ( prefs . getBoolean ( "avatars" , true ) ) ;
swGravatars . setChecked ( prefs . getBoolean ( "gravatars" , false ) ) ;
@ -928,9 +934,6 @@ public class FragmentOptionsDisplay extends FragmentBase implements SharedPrefer
break ;
btnHighlightColor . setColor ( prefs . getInt ( "highlight_color" ,
Helper . resolveColor ( getContext ( ) , R . attr . colorUnreadHighlight ) ) ) ;
swKeywords . setChecked ( prefs . getBoolean ( "keywords_header" , false ) ) ;
swLabels . setChecked ( prefs . getBoolean ( "labels_header" , true ) ) ;
swFlags . setChecked ( prefs . getBoolean ( "flags" , true ) ) ;