<stringname="title_setup_doze_instructions">Ændr i næste Android-dialog \"Ikke optimeret\" til \"Alle apps\", vælg denne app og \"Optimér ikke\"</string>
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Baggrundsbegrænsninger er aktive</string>
<stringname="title_setup_data">Datasparer er aktiveret</string>
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Hintergrundbeschränkungen sind aktiviert</string>
<stringname="title_auto_trash">Alte Nachrichten automatisch in den Papierkorb verschieben</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete">Automatisch alte Nachrichten dauerhaft löschen</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_hint">Alte Nachrichten sind Nachrichten, die nicht mehr auf dem Gerät vorgehalten werden</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_archive_hint">Das Löschen aus dem Archivordner wird nicht immer vom E-Mail-Server zugelassen</string>
<stringname="title_inbox_root_hint">Bei einigen Anbietern müssen neue Ordner unterhalb des Posteingangs angelegt werden. In diesem Fall können Sie den Posteingang in der Ordnerliste lange drücken und „Unterordner erstellen“ wählen.
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Hintergrundbeschränkungen sind aktiviert</string>
<stringname="title_auto_trash">Alte Nachrichten automatisch in den Papierkorb verschieben</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete">Automatisch alte Nachrichten dauerhaft löschen</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_hint">Alte Nachrichten sind Nachrichten, die nicht mehr auf dem Gerät vorgehalten werden</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_archive_hint">Das Löschen aus dem Archivordner wird nicht immer vom E-Mail-Server zugelassen</string>
<stringname="title_inbox_root_hint">Bei einigen Anbietern müssen neue Ordner unterhalb des Posteingangs angelegt werden. In diesem Fall können Sie den Posteingang in der Ordnerliste lange drücken und „Unterordner erstellen“ wählen.
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Hintergrundbeschränkungen sind aktiviert</string>
<stringname="title_auto_trash">Alte Nachrichten automatisch in den Papierkorb verschieben</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete">Automatisch alte Nachrichten dauerhaft löschen</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_hint">Alte Nachrichten sind Nachrichten, die nicht mehr auf dem Gerät vorgehalten werden</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_archive_hint">Das Löschen aus dem Archivordner wird nicht immer vom E-Mail-Server zugelassen</string>
<stringname="title_inbox_root_hint">Bei einigen Anbietern müssen neue Ordner unterhalb des Posteingangs angelegt werden. In diesem Fall können Sie den Posteingang in der Ordnerliste lange drücken und „Unterordner erstellen“ wählen.
<stringname="title_setup_doze_instructions">Στο επόμενο παράθυρο διαλόγου του Android αλλάζετε το \"Μη βελτιστοποιημένες\" σε \"Όλες οι εφαρμογές\", επιλέγετε αυτήν την εφαρμογή και επιλέγετε \"Να μην γίνεται βελτιστοποίηση\"</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_battery">Η μπαταρία χρησιμοποιείται παραπάνω από το κανονικό;</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_stopped">Σταμάτησε ο συγχρονισμός;</string>
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Οι περιορισμοί παρασκηνίου είναι ενεργοποιημένοι</string>
<stringname="title_setup_data">Η εξοικονόμηση δεδομένων είναι ενεργή</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_hint">Παλαιά μηνύματα είναι τα μηνύματα που δεν διατηρούνται πλέον στη συσκευή</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_archive_hint">Η διαγραφή από τον φάκελο αρχειοθέτησης δεν επιτρέπεται πάντα από τον διακομιστή ηλ. ταχυδρομείου</string>
<stringname="title_inbox_root_hint"> Μερικοί πάροχοι υποχρεώνουν ώστε οι νέοι φάκελοι να δημιουργούνται εντός των εισερχομένων.
Στην περίπτωση αυτή, πατήστε παρατεταμένα πάνω στα εισερχόμενα από τη λίστα φακέλων και επιλέξτε \"Δημιουργία υποφακέλου\".
<stringname="title_setup_doze_instructions">En el siguiente cuadro de diálogo de Android cambiar \"Sin optimizar\" a \"Todas las aplicaciones\", seleccione esta aplicación y seleccione \"No optimizar\"</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_battery">¿Consumo de batería elevado?</string>
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Restricciones en segundo plano habilitadas</string>
<stringname="title_setup_data">El ahorro de datos está activado</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_instructions">Dans la prochaine fenêtre de dialogue Android, changez « Non optimisées » en « Toutes les applications », sélectionnez cette application et cochez « Ne pas optimiser »</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_battery">Utilisation élevée de la pile?</string>
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Les restrictions d\'arrière-plan sont activées</string>
<stringname="title_setup_data">L\'économiseur de données est activé</string>
<stringname="title_setup_advanced_options">Afficher les options avancées</string>
<stringname="title_setup_inbox">Aller à la boîte de réception</string>
@ -709,6 +710,7 @@
<stringname="title_auto_trash">Déplacer automatiquement les anciens messages vers la corbeille</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete">Supprimer automatiquement et définitivement les anciens messages</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_hint">Les anciens messages sont ceux qui ne sont plus conservés sur l\'appareil</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_archive_hint">La suppression depuis le dossier archive n\'est pas toujours autorisée par le serveur de messagerie</string>
<stringname="title_inbox_root_hint"> Certains fournisseurs exigent que les nouveaux dossiers soient créés dans la boîte de réception.
Dans ce cas, vous pouvez appuyer longuement sur la boîte de réception dans la liste des dossiers et sélectionner «Créer un sous-dossier».
@ -1259,7 +1261,7 @@
<stringname="title_open_link">Ouvrir le lien</string>
<stringname="title_different_link">Le titre et l’adresse du lien sont différents</string>
<stringname="title_tracking_link">Ce site Web pourrait vous pister</string>
<stringname="title_suspicious_link"comment="title_suspicious_link link as in hyperlink ">Ceci est un lien suspect</string>
<stringname="title_suspicious_link">Ceci est un lien suspect</string>
<stringname="title_link_http">Le trafic ne sera pas chiffré</string>
<stringname="title_link_https">Le trafic sera chiffré</string>
<stringname="title_sanitize_link">Supprimer les paramètres de pistage</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_instructions">Dans la prochaine fenêtre de dialogue Android, changez « Non optimisées » en « Toutes les applications », sélectionnez cette application et cochez « Ne pas optimiser »</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_battery">Utilisation élevée de la batterie?</string>
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Les restrictions d\'arrière-plan sont activées</string>
<stringname="title_setup_data">L\'économiseur de données est activé</string>
<stringname="title_setup_advanced_options">Afficher les options avancées</string>
<stringname="title_setup_inbox">Aller à la boîte de réception</string>
@ -709,6 +710,7 @@
<stringname="title_auto_trash">Mettre automatiquement les anciens messages à la corbeille</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete">Supprimer automatiquement et définitivement les anciens messages</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_hint">Les anciens messages sont ceux qui ne sont plus conservés sur l’appareil</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_archive_hint">La suppression depuis le dossier archive n\'est pas toujours autorisée par le serveur de messagerie</string>
<stringname="title_inbox_root_hint"> Certains fournisseurs exigent que les nouveaux dossiers soient créés dans la boîte de réception.
Dans ce cas, vous pouvez appuyer longuement sur la boîte de réception dans la liste des dossiers et sélectionner «Créer un sous-dossier».
@ -1259,7 +1261,7 @@
<stringname="title_open_link">Ouvrir le lien</string>
<stringname="title_different_link">Le titre et l\'adresse du lien sont différents</string>
<stringname="title_tracking_link">Ce site web pourrait vous pister</string>
<stringname="title_suspicious_link"comment="title_suspicious_link link as in hyperlink ">Ceci est un lien suspect</string>
<stringname="title_suspicious_link">Ceci est un lien suspect</string>
<stringname="title_link_http">Le trafic ne sera pas chiffré</string>
<stringname="title_link_https">Le trafic sera chiffré</string>
<stringname="title_sanitize_link">Supprimer les paramètres de pistage</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_instructions">In het volgende Android dialoogvenster wijzig \"Niet geoptimaliseerd\" naar \"Alle apps\", selecteer deze app en selecteer \"Niet optimaliseren\"</string>
<stringname="title_setup_background"comment="title_setup_background https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager#isBackgroundRestricted() ">Achtergrondbeperkingen zijn ingeschakeld</string>
<stringname="title_setup_data">Gegevensbesparing is ingeschakeld</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_instructions">В следующем диалоговом окне Android измените «Не оптимизировать» на «Все приложения», выберите это приложение и для него выберите «Не оптимизировать»</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_battery">Высокий расход заряда батареи?</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_suggest_local_hint">Bên cạnh các liên hệ được Android cung cấp. Dữ liệu liên hệ sẽ được lưu trữ cho các thư mới được gửi hoặc nhận chỉ khi được bật.</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_usenet_hint">Chèn \'-- \' giữa văn bản và chữ ký</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_send_reminders_hint">Hiện một lời cảnh báo khi văn bản thư hoặc chủ đề trống hoặc khi một tệp đính kèm có thể đang thiếu</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_reply_move_hint">Máy chủ email vẫn có thể thêm thư vào thư mục thư đã gửi</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_metered_hint">Các kết nối trả phí nói chung là kết nối di động hoặc điểm phát sóng Wi-Fi trả phí</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_metered_warning">Việc tắt tuỳ chọn này sẽ tắt việc nhận và gửi thư khi dùng kết nối internet di động</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_rlah_hint">Giả sử là không chuyển vùng trong EU (Liên minh châu Âu)</string>
@ -686,6 +687,7 @@
<stringname="title_auto_trash">Tự động di chuyển các thư cũ vào thùng rác</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete">Tự động xoá các thư cũ vĩnh viễn</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_hint">Các thư cũ là các thư không còn được giữ trên thiết bị</string>
<stringname="title_auto_delete_archive_hint">Việc xoá khỏi thư mục lưu trữ không luôn được máy chủ email cho phép</string>
<stringname="title_inbox_root_hint"> Một số nhà cung cấp yêu cầu tạo các thư mục mới dưới hộp thư đến.
Trong trường hợp này, bạn có thể nhấn giữ hộp thư đến trong danh sách thư mục và chọn \'Tạo thư mục con\'.
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolut tid (modtaget) mellem (siden version 1.1540)
* Relativ tid (modtaget) mellem
@ -2196,7 +2198,7 @@ Note that the notification setting *Show launcher icon with number of new messag
Only *new* unread messages in folders set to show new message notifications will be counted, so messages marked unread again and messages in folders set to not show new message notification will not be counted.
Afhængigt af ønske, vil notifikationsindstillingen *Lad antallet af nye beskeder matcher antallet af notifikationer* skulle aktiveres eller deaktiveres (standard er inaktiv). Når aktiveret, vil badgeantallet være lig antallet af nye beskednotifikationer. Når deaktiveret, vil badgeantallet være lig antallet af ulæste beskeder, uanset om de vises i en notifikation eller er nye.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled (default disabled). When enabled the badge count will be the same as the number of new message notifications. When disabled the badge count will be the number of unread messages, independent if they are shown in a notification or are new.
This feature depends on support of your launcher. FairEmail merely 'broadcasts' the number of unread messages using the ShortcutBadger library. If it doesn't work, this cannot be fixed by changes in FairEmail.
@ -2249,7 +2251,7 @@ Some email clients use IMAP keywords for colors. However, not all servers suppor
Empty messages and/or corrupt attachments are probably being caused by a bug in the server software. Older Microsoft Exchange software is known to cause this problem. Mostly you can workaround this by disabling *Partial fetch* in the advanced account settings:
Indstillinger > Manuel opsætning > Konti > konto > avanceret > Delvis hentning > afmarkér
Settings > Manual setup > Accounts > tap account > tap advanced > Partial fetch > uncheck
After disabling this setting, you can use the message 'more' (three dots) menu to 'resync' empty messages. Alternatively, you can *Delete local messages* by long pressing the folder(s) in the folder list and synchronize all messages again.
@ -2295,7 +2297,7 @@ Biometric authentication is a pro feature.
**(114) Can you add an import for the settings of other email apps?**
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. F.eks. har FairEmail, i modsætning til de fleste andre e-mail-apps, indstillinger for antallet af synkdage for beskeder samt for antallet af dage til at beholde beskeder, hovedsageligt for at spare strøm. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. For example, FairEmail has unlike most other email apps settings for the number of days to synchronize messages and for the number of days to keep messages, mainly to save on battery usage. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
@ -2398,7 +2400,7 @@ FairEmail groups messages based on the standard *Message-ID*, *In-Reply-To* and
**(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?**
Kan FairEmail ikke forbinde til en e-mail-server for at synke beskeder, (grundet dårlig Internetforbindelse eller en firewall/VPN, der blokerer forbindelsen e.l.), vil FairEmail prøve én gang efter 8 sek. afventning, mens enheden holdes vågen (=bruger strømi). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
If FairEmail cannot connect to an email server to synchronize messages, for example if the internet connection is bad or a firewall or a VPN is blocking the connection, FairEmail will retry one time after waiting 8 seconds while keeping the device awake (=use battery power). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
Note that [Android doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) does not allow to wake the device earlier than after 15 minutes.
@ -2534,7 +2536,7 @@ Note that the desciption of FairEmail starts with the remark that non-standard p
I kontoindstillingerne (Settings > Manuel opsætning > Konti > konto) kan *Behold slettede beskeder på serveren* aktiveres.
In the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account) you can enable *Leave deleted messages on server*.
@ -2629,7 +2631,7 @@ Displaying strange characters is almost always caused by specifying no or an inv
To store draft messages a drafts folder is required. In most cases FairEmail will automatically select the drafts folders on adding an account based on [the attributes](https://www.iana.org/assignments/imap-mailbox-name-attributes/imap-mailbox-name-attributes.xhtml) the email server sends. However, some email servers are not configured properly and do not send these attributes. In this case FairEmail tries to identify the drafts folder by name, but this might fail if the drafts folder has an unusual name or is not present at all.
Dette problem kan løsee ved manuelt at vælge udkastmappen i kontoindstillingerne (Settings > Manuel opsætning > Konti > konto nederst). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
You can fix this problem by manually selecting the drafts folder in the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account, at the bottom). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
Some providers, like Gmail, allow enabling/disabling IMAP for individual folders. So, if a folder is not visible, you might need to enable IMAP for the folder.
@ -2710,7 +2712,7 @@ Since the sent date/time is optional and can be manipulated by the sender, FairE
Sometimes the server received date/time is incorrect, mostly because messages were incorrectly imported from another server and sometimes due to a bug in the email server.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. Dette kan ændres i de avancerede kontoindstillinger: Indstillinger > Manuel opsætning > Konti > konto > Avanceret.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. This can be changed in the advanced account settings: Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account, tap Advanced.
This will not change the time of already synchronized messages. To solve this, long press the folder(s) in the folder list and select *Delete local messages* and *Synchronize now*.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
@ -2994,41 +2996,41 @@ The developers guide is [here](https://developer.android.com/training/cars/messa
**(166) Kan en besked slumres på tværs af flere enheder?**
**(166) Can I snooze a message across multiple devices?**
Da der ingen standarder for beskedslumring, er alle slumringsimplementeringer er tilpassede løsninger.
First of all, there is no standard for snoozing messages, so all snooze implementations are custom solutions.
Nogle e-mailudbydere flytte slumrede beskeder til en særlig mappe. Desværre har tredjeparts-apps ingen adgang til denne specielle mappe.
Some email providers, like Gmail, move snoozed messages to a special folder. Unfortunately, third party apps have no access to this special folder.
Flytning af en besked til en anden mappe og tilbage mislykkes måske og er ikke mulig uden Internetforbindelse. Dette er problematisk, da en besked kun kan slumres efter at være blevet flyttet.
Moving a message to another folder and back might fail and might not be possible if there is no internet connection. This is problematic because a message can be snoozed only after moving the message.
For at forhindre disse problemer, sker slumring lokalt på enheden ved at skjule beskeden under slumring. Desværre er det ikke muligt også at skjule beskeder på e-mailserveren.
To prevent these issues, snoozing is done locally on the device by hiding the message while it is snoozing. Unfortunately, it is not possible to hide messages on the email server too.
## Get support
FairEmail understøttes kun på smartphones, tablets og ChromeOS.
FairEmail is supported on smartphones, tablets and ChromeOS only.
Kun seneste Play Butik- og GitHub-versioner understøttes. F-Droid build understøttes kun, hvis versionsnummeret er identisk med den seneste GitHub-udgivelses ditto. Dette betyder også, at nedgradering ikke understøttes.
Only the latest Play store version and latest GitHub release are supported. The F-Droid build is supported only if the version number is the same as the version number of the latest GitHub release. This also means that downgrading is not supported.
Der er ingen support for ting, som ikke er direkte relateret til FairEmail.
There is no support on things that are not directly related to FairEmail.
Der er ingen support til bygning og udvikling af ting fra dig selv.
There is no support on building and developing things by yourself.
Anmodede funktioner skal:
Requested features should:
* be usefulto most people
* not complicate the usage of FairEmail
* fit within the philosophy of FairEmail (privacy oriented, security minded)
* comply with common standards (IMAP, SMTP, etc)
Funktioner, som ikke opfylder disse krav, afvises sandsynligvis. Dette er mhp. at muliggøre langsigtet vedligeholdelse og support.
Features not fulfilling these requirements will likely be rejected. This is also to keep maintenance and support in the long term feasible.
Har du spørgsmål, ønsker til en funktion eller vil anmelde en fejl, **så benyt [denne formular](https://contact.faircode.eu/?product=fairemailsupport)**.
If you have a question, want to request a feature or report a bug, **please use [this form](https://contact.faircode.eu/?product=fairemailsupport)**.
GitHub-problemstillinger er deaktiveret grundet hyppigt misbrug.
GitHub issues are disabled due to frequent misusage.
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Kundenzertifikate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) können in den Konto- und Identitätseinstellungen ausgewählt werden.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute Zeit (empfangen) zwischen (seit Version 1.1540)
* Relative Zeit (empfangen) zwischen
@ -2196,7 +2198,7 @@ Note that the notification setting *Show launcher icon with number of new messag
Only *new* unread messages in folders set to show new message notifications will be counted, so messages marked unread again and messages in folders set to not show new message notification will not be counted.
Je nachdem was gewünscht wird, muss die Benachrichtigungseinstellung *Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten mit der Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen übereinstimmen lassen* aktiviert werden (Standard deaktiviert). Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, entspricht die Zahl der Kennzeichnung der Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen über neue Nachrichten. Wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist, wird die Anzahl der ungelesenen Nachrichten angezeigt, unabhängig davon, ob sie in einer Benachrichtigung angezeigt werden oder neu sind.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled (default disabled). When enabled the badge count will be the same as the number of new message notifications. When disabled the badge count will be the number of unread messages, independent if they are shown in a notification or are new.
This feature depends on support of your launcher. FairEmail merely 'broadcasts' the number of unread messages using the ShortcutBadger library. If it doesn't work, this cannot be fixed by changes in FairEmail.
@ -2295,7 +2297,7 @@ Biometric authentication is a pro feature.
**(114) Can you add an import for the settings of other email apps?**
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. Zum Beispiel hat FairEmail im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen E-Mail-Apps Einstellungen für die Anzahl der Tage, an denen Nachrichten synchronisiert werden sollen, und für die Anzahl der Tage, für die Nachrichten aufbewahrt werden sollen, hauptsächlich, um den Akkuverbrauch zu senken. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. For example, FairEmail has unlike most other email apps settings for the number of days to synchronize messages and for the number of days to keep messages, mainly to save on battery usage. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
@ -2398,7 +2400,7 @@ FairEmail groups messages based on the standard *Message-ID*, *In-Reply-To* and
**(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?**
Wenn FairEmail keine Verbindung zu einem E-Mail-Server herstellen kann, um Nachrichten zu synchronisieren (z. B. wenn die Internetverbindung schlecht ist oder eine Firewall oder ein VPN die Verbindung unterbindet), wird FairEmail nach einer Wartezeit von 8 Sekunden einen erneuten Versuch unternehmen, während das Gerät eingeschaltet bleibt (=verwendet Batterieleistung). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
If FairEmail cannot connect to an email server to synchronize messages, for example if the internet connection is bad or a firewall or a VPN is blocking the connection, FairEmail will retry one time after waiting 8 seconds while keeping the device awake (=use battery power). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
Note that [Android doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) does not allow to wake the device earlier than after 15 minutes.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
@ -2978,9 +2980,9 @@ The theme colors are based on the color circle of [Johannes Itten](https://en.wi
**(165) Wird Android Auto unterstützt?**
**(165) Is Android Auto supported?**
Ja, Android Auto wird unterstützt, aber nur mit der GitHub Version, bitte [sehen Sie hier](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/app-5-0-fairemail-fully-featured-open-source-privacy-oriented-email-app.3824168/post-83801249) nach, warum.
Yes, Android Auto is supported, but only with the GitHub version, please [see here](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/app-5-0-fairemail-fully-featured-open-source-privacy-oriented-email-app.3824168/post-83801249) about why.
For notification (messaging) support you'll need to enable the following notification options:
@ -2989,7 +2991,7 @@ For notification (messaging) support you'll need to enable the following notific
You can enable other notification actions too, if you like, but they are not supported by Android Auto.
Die Anleitung für Entwickler ist [hier](https://developer.android.com/training/cars/messaging).
The developers guide is [here](https://developer.android.com/training/cars/messaging).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Kundenzertifikate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) können in den Konto- und Identitätseinstellungen ausgewählt werden.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute Zeit (empfangen) zwischen (seit Version 1.1540)
* Relative Zeit (empfangen) zwischen
@ -2196,7 +2198,7 @@ Note that the notification setting *Show launcher icon with number of new messag
Only *new* unread messages in folders set to show new message notifications will be counted, so messages marked unread again and messages in folders set to not show new message notification will not be counted.
Je nachdem was gewünscht wird, muss die Benachrichtigungseinstellung *Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten mit der Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen übereinstimmen lassen* aktiviert werden (Standard deaktiviert). Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, entspricht die Zahl der Kennzeichnung der Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen über neue Nachrichten. Wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist, wird die Anzahl der ungelesenen Nachrichten angezeigt, unabhängig davon, ob sie in einer Benachrichtigung angezeigt werden oder neu sind.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled (default disabled). When enabled the badge count will be the same as the number of new message notifications. When disabled the badge count will be the number of unread messages, independent if they are shown in a notification or are new.
This feature depends on support of your launcher. FairEmail merely 'broadcasts' the number of unread messages using the ShortcutBadger library. If it doesn't work, this cannot be fixed by changes in FairEmail.
@ -2295,7 +2297,7 @@ Biometric authentication is a pro feature.
**(114) Can you add an import for the settings of other email apps?**
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. Zum Beispiel hat FairEmail im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen E-Mail-Apps Einstellungen für die Anzahl der Tage, an denen Nachrichten synchronisiert werden sollen, und für die Anzahl der Tage, für die Nachrichten aufbewahrt werden sollen, hauptsächlich, um den Akkuverbrauch zu senken. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. For example, FairEmail has unlike most other email apps settings for the number of days to synchronize messages and for the number of days to keep messages, mainly to save on battery usage. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
@ -2398,7 +2400,7 @@ FairEmail groups messages based on the standard *Message-ID*, *In-Reply-To* and
**(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?**
Wenn FairEmail keine Verbindung zu einem E-Mail-Server herstellen kann, um Nachrichten zu synchronisieren (z. B. wenn die Internetverbindung schlecht ist oder eine Firewall oder ein VPN die Verbindung unterbindet), wird FairEmail nach einer Wartezeit von 8 Sekunden einen erneuten Versuch unternehmen, während das Gerät eingeschaltet bleibt (=verwendet Batterieleistung). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
If FairEmail cannot connect to an email server to synchronize messages, for example if the internet connection is bad or a firewall or a VPN is blocking the connection, FairEmail will retry one time after waiting 8 seconds while keeping the device awake (=use battery power). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
Note that [Android doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) does not allow to wake the device earlier than after 15 minutes.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
@ -2978,9 +2980,9 @@ The theme colors are based on the color circle of [Johannes Itten](https://en.wi
**(165) Wird Android Auto unterstützt?**
**(165) Is Android Auto supported?**
Ja, Android Auto wird unterstützt, aber nur mit der GitHub Version, bitte [sehen Sie hier](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/app-5-0-fairemail-fully-featured-open-source-privacy-oriented-email-app.3824168/post-83801249) nach, warum.
Yes, Android Auto is supported, but only with the GitHub version, please [see here](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/app-5-0-fairemail-fully-featured-open-source-privacy-oriented-email-app.3824168/post-83801249) about why.
For notification (messaging) support you'll need to enable the following notification options:
@ -2989,7 +2991,7 @@ For notification (messaging) support you'll need to enable the following notific
You can enable other notification actions too, if you like, but they are not supported by Android Auto.
Die Anleitung für Entwickler ist [hier](https://developer.android.com/training/cars/messaging).
The developers guide is [here](https://developer.android.com/training/cars/messaging).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Kundenzertifikate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) können in den Konto- und Identitätseinstellungen ausgewählt werden.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute Zeit (empfangen) zwischen (seit Version 1.1540)
* Relative Zeit (empfangen) zwischen
@ -2196,7 +2198,7 @@ Note that the notification setting *Show launcher icon with number of new messag
Only *new* unread messages in folders set to show new message notifications will be counted, so messages marked unread again and messages in folders set to not show new message notification will not be counted.
Je nachdem was gewünscht wird, muss die Benachrichtigungseinstellung *Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten mit der Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen übereinstimmen lassen* aktiviert werden (Standard deaktiviert). Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, entspricht die Zahl der Kennzeichnung der Anzahl der Benachrichtigungen über neue Nachrichten. Wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist, wird die Anzahl der ungelesenen Nachrichten angezeigt, unabhängig davon, ob sie in einer Benachrichtigung angezeigt werden oder neu sind.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled (default disabled). When enabled the badge count will be the same as the number of new message notifications. When disabled the badge count will be the number of unread messages, independent if they are shown in a notification or are new.
This feature depends on support of your launcher. FairEmail merely 'broadcasts' the number of unread messages using the ShortcutBadger library. If it doesn't work, this cannot be fixed by changes in FairEmail.
@ -2295,7 +2297,7 @@ Biometric authentication is a pro feature.
**(114) Can you add an import for the settings of other email apps?**
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. Zum Beispiel hat FairEmail im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen E-Mail-Apps Einstellungen für die Anzahl der Tage, an denen Nachrichten synchronisiert werden sollen, und für die Anzahl der Tage, für die Nachrichten aufbewahrt werden sollen, hauptsächlich, um den Akkuverbrauch zu senken. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. For example, FairEmail has unlike most other email apps settings for the number of days to synchronize messages and for the number of days to keep messages, mainly to save on battery usage. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
@ -2398,7 +2400,7 @@ FairEmail groups messages based on the standard *Message-ID*, *In-Reply-To* and
**(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?**
Wenn FairEmail keine Verbindung zu einem E-Mail-Server herstellen kann, um Nachrichten zu synchronisieren (z. B. wenn die Internetverbindung schlecht ist oder eine Firewall oder ein VPN die Verbindung unterbindet), wird FairEmail nach einer Wartezeit von 8 Sekunden einen erneuten Versuch unternehmen, während das Gerät eingeschaltet bleibt (=verwendet Batterieleistung). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
If FairEmail cannot connect to an email server to synchronize messages, for example if the internet connection is bad or a firewall or a VPN is blocking the connection, FairEmail will retry one time after waiting 8 seconds while keeping the device awake (=use battery power). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
Note that [Android doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) does not allow to wake the device earlier than after 15 minutes.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
@ -2978,9 +2980,9 @@ The theme colors are based on the color circle of [Johannes Itten](https://en.wi
**(165) Wird Android Auto unterstützt?**
**(165) Is Android Auto supported?**
Ja, Android Auto wird unterstützt, aber nur mit der GitHub Version, bitte [sehen Sie hier](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/app-5-0-fairemail-fully-featured-open-source-privacy-oriented-email-app.3824168/post-83801249) nach, warum.
Yes, Android Auto is supported, but only with the GitHub version, please [see here](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/app-5-0-fairemail-fully-featured-open-source-privacy-oriented-email-app.3824168/post-83801249) about why.
For notification (messaging) support you'll need to enable the following notification options:
@ -2989,7 +2991,7 @@ For notification (messaging) support you'll need to enable the following notific
You can enable other notification actions too, if you like, but they are not supported by Android Auto.
Die Anleitung für Entwickler ist [hier](https://developer.android.com/training/cars/messaging).
The developers guide is [here](https://developer.android.com/training/cars/messaging).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Temps absolu (reçu) entre (depuis la version 1.1540)
* Temps relatif (reçu) entre
@ -2196,7 +2198,7 @@ Note that the notification setting *Show launcher icon with number of new messag
Only *new* unread messages in folders set to show new message notifications will be counted, so messages marked unread again and messages in folders set to not show new message notification will not be counted.
Suivant ce que vous voulez obtenir, le paramètre de notification *Faire correspondre le nombre de nouveaux messages et le nombre de notifications* doit être activé (désactivé par défaut). Lorsque cette option est activée, le compteur de badge sera le même que le nombre de notifications de nouveau message. Lorsque cette option est désactivée, le compteur de badge sera le nombre de messages non lus, indépendants s'ils sont affichés dans une notification ou s'ils sont nouveaux.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled (default disabled). When enabled the badge count will be the same as the number of new message notifications. When disabled the badge count will be the number of unread messages, independent if they are shown in a notification or are new.
This feature depends on support of your launcher. FairEmail merely 'broadcasts' the number of unread messages using the ShortcutBadger library. If it doesn't work, this cannot be fixed by changes in FairEmail.
@ -2249,7 +2251,7 @@ Some email clients use IMAP keywords for colors. However, not all servers suppor
Empty messages and/or corrupt attachments are probably being caused by a bug in the server software. Older Microsoft Exchange software is known to cause this problem. Mostly you can workaround this by disabling *Partial fetch* in the advanced account settings:
Paramètres > Configuration manuelle > Comptes > appuyez sur compte > appuyez sur Avancé > Récupération partielle > décocher
Settings > Manual setup > Accounts > tap account > tap advanced > Partial fetch > uncheck
After disabling this setting, you can use the message 'more' (three dots) menu to 'resync' empty messages. Alternatively, you can *Delete local messages* by long pressing the folder(s) in the folder list and synchronize all messages again.
@ -2295,7 +2297,7 @@ Biometric authentication is a pro feature.
**(114) Can you add an import for the settings of other email apps?**
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. Par exemple, FairEmail a, contrairement à la plupart des autres applications de messagerie, des paramètres pour le nombre de jours pour synchroniser les messages et pour le nombre de jours pour conserver les messages, principalement pour économiser l'utilisation de la batterie. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. For example, FairEmail has unlike most other email apps settings for the number of days to synchronize messages and for the number of days to keep messages, mainly to save on battery usage. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
@ -2398,7 +2400,7 @@ FairEmail groups messages based on the standard *Message-ID*, *In-Reply-To* and
**(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?**
Si FairEmail ne peut pas se connecter à un serveur de messagerie pour synchroniser les messages par exemple si la connexion Internet est mauvaise ou si un pare-feu ou un VPN bloque la connexion, FairEmail réessaiera une fois après avoir attendu 8 secondes tout en gardant l'appareil éveillé (=utilise la pile). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
If FairEmail cannot connect to an email server to synchronize messages, for example if the internet connection is bad or a firewall or a VPN is blocking the connection, FairEmail will retry one time after waiting 8 seconds while keeping the device awake (=use battery power). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
Note that [Android doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) does not allow to wake the device earlier than after 15 minutes.
@ -2534,7 +2536,7 @@ Note that the desciption of FairEmail starts with the remark that non-standard p
Dans les paramètres du compte (Paramètres, appuyez sur Configuration manuelle, appuyez sur Comptes, appuyez sur le compte) vous pouvez activer *Laisser les messages supprimés sur le serveur*.
In the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account) you can enable *Leave deleted messages on server*.
@ -2629,7 +2631,7 @@ Displaying strange characters is almost always caused by specifying no or an inv
To store draft messages a drafts folder is required. In most cases FairEmail will automatically select the drafts folders on adding an account based on [the attributes](https://www.iana.org/assignments/imap-mailbox-name-attributes/imap-mailbox-name-attributes.xhtml) the email server sends. However, some email servers are not configured properly and do not send these attributes. In this case FairEmail tries to identify the drafts folder by name, but this might fail if the drafts folder has an unusual name or is not present at all.
Vous pouvez résoudre ce problème en sélectionnant manuellement le dossier brouillons dans les paramètres du compte (Paramètres, appuyez sur Configuration manuelle, appuyez sur Comptes, appuyez sur compte, en bas de l'écran). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
You can fix this problem by manually selecting the drafts folder in the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account, at the bottom). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
Some providers, like Gmail, allow enabling/disabling IMAP for individual folders. So, if a folder is not visible, you might need to enable IMAP for the folder.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Temps absolu (reçu) entre (depuis la version 1.1540)
* Temps relatif (reçu) entre
@ -2196,7 +2198,7 @@ Note that the notification setting *Show launcher icon with number of new messag
Only *new* unread messages in folders set to show new message notifications will be counted, so messages marked unread again and messages in folders set to not show new message notification will not be counted.
Suivant ce que vous voulez obtenir, le paramètre de notification *Faire correspondre le nombre de nouveaux messages et le nombre de notifications* doit être activé (désactivé par défaut). Lorsque cette option est activée, le compteur de badge sera le même que le nombre de notifications de nouveau message. Lorsque cette option est désactivée, le compteur de badge sera le nombre de messages non lus, indépendants s'ils sont affichés dans une notification ou s'ils sont nouveaux.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled (default disabled). When enabled the badge count will be the same as the number of new message notifications. When disabled the badge count will be the number of unread messages, independent if they are shown in a notification or are new.
This feature depends on support of your launcher. FairEmail merely 'broadcasts' the number of unread messages using the ShortcutBadger library. If it doesn't work, this cannot be fixed by changes in FairEmail.
@ -2249,7 +2251,7 @@ Some email clients use IMAP keywords for colors. However, not all servers suppor
Empty messages and/or corrupt attachments are probably being caused by a bug in the server software. Older Microsoft Exchange software is known to cause this problem. Mostly you can workaround this by disabling *Partial fetch* in the advanced account settings:
Paramètres > Configuration manuelle > Comptes > appuyez sur compte > appuyez sur Avancé > Récupération partielle > décocher
Settings > Manual setup > Accounts > tap account > tap advanced > Partial fetch > uncheck
After disabling this setting, you can use the message 'more' (three dots) menu to 'resync' empty messages. Alternatively, you can *Delete local messages* by long pressing the folder(s) in the folder list and synchronize all messages again.
@ -2295,7 +2297,7 @@ Biometric authentication is a pro feature.
**(114) Can you add an import for the settings of other email apps?**
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. Par exemple, FairEmail a, contrairement à la plupart des autres applications de messagerie, des paramètres pour le nombre de jours pour synchroniser les messages et pour le nombre de jours pour conserver les messages, principalement pour économiser l'utilisation de la batterie. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. For example, FairEmail has unlike most other email apps settings for the number of days to synchronize messages and for the number of days to keep messages, mainly to save on battery usage. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
@ -2398,7 +2400,7 @@ FairEmail groups messages based on the standard *Message-ID*, *In-Reply-To* and
**(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?**
Si FairEmail ne peut pas se connecter à un serveur de messagerie pour synchroniser les messages par exemple si la connexion Internet est mauvaise ou si un pare-feu ou un VPN bloque la connexion, FairEmail réessaiera une fois après avoir attendu 8 secondes tout en gardant l'appareil éveillé (=utilise de la batterie). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
If FairEmail cannot connect to an email server to synchronize messages, for example if the internet connection is bad or a firewall or a VPN is blocking the connection, FairEmail will retry one time after waiting 8 seconds while keeping the device awake (=use battery power). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
Note that [Android doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) does not allow to wake the device earlier than after 15 minutes.
@ -2534,7 +2536,7 @@ Note that the desciption of FairEmail starts with the remark that non-standard p
Dans les paramètres du compte (Paramètres, appuyez sur Configuration manuelle, appuyez sur Comptes, appuyez sur le compte) vous pouvez activer *Laisser les messages supprimés sur le serveur*.
In the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account) you can enable *Leave deleted messages on server*.
@ -2629,7 +2631,7 @@ Displaying strange characters is almost always caused by specifying no or an inv
To store draft messages a drafts folder is required. In most cases FairEmail will automatically select the drafts folders on adding an account based on [the attributes](https://www.iana.org/assignments/imap-mailbox-name-attributes/imap-mailbox-name-attributes.xhtml) the email server sends. However, some email servers are not configured properly and do not send these attributes. In this case FairEmail tries to identify the drafts folder by name, but this might fail if the drafts folder has an unusual name or is not present at all.
Vous pouvez résoudre ce problème en sélectionnant manuellement le dossier brouillons dans les paramètres du compte (Paramètres, appuyez sur Configuration manuelle, appuyez sur Comptes, appuyez sur compte, en bas de l'écran). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
You can fix this problem by manually selecting the drafts folder in the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account, at the bottom). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
Some providers, like Gmail, allow enabling/disabling IMAP for individual folders. So, if a folder is not visible, you might need to enable IMAP for the folder.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
I [Certificati Gmail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) sono selezionabili nelle impostazioni del profilo e dell'identità.
L'[Indicazione del Nome del Server](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) è supportata da [tutte le versioni Android supportate](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
**(63) How are images resized for displaying on screens?**
**(63) Come sono ridimensionate le immagini per la visualizzazione sugli schermi?**
Large inline or attached [PNG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics) and [JPEG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG) images will automatically be resized for displaying on screens. This is because email messages are limited in size, depending on the provider mostly between 10 and 50 MB. Images will by default be resized to a maximum width and height of about 1440 pixels and saved with a compression ratio of 90 %. Images are scaled down using whole number factors to reduce memory usage and to retain image quality. Automatically resizing of inline and/or attached images and the maximum target image size can be configured in the send settings.
Le immagini in linea o allegate grandi in [PNG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics) e [JPEG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG) saranno ridimensionate automaticamente per la visualizzazione sugli schermi. Questo perché i messaggi email sono di dimensioni limitate, in base al provider, principalmente tra 10 e 50 MB. Le immagini saranno ridimensionate di default a una larghezza e altezza massima di circa 1440 pixel e salvate con un rapporto di compressione del 90%. Le immagini sono ridimensionate usando fattori interi per ridurre l'uso della memoria e mantenere la qualità dell'immagine. Il ridimensionamento automatico delle immagini in linea e/o allegate e la dimensione di destinazione massima dell'immagine sono configurabili nelle impostazioni di invio.
If you want to resize images on a case-by-case basis, you can use [Send Reduced](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/mobi.omegacentauri.SendReduced/) or a similar app.
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2196,7 +2198,7 @@ Note that the notification setting *Show launcher icon with number of new messag
Only *new* unread messages in folders set to show new message notifications will be counted, so messages marked unread again and messages in folders set to not show new message notification will not be counted.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled (default disabled). Quando abilitato, il conteggio dei badge sarà lo stesso del numero di notifiche dei nuovi messaggi. Quando disabilitato, il conteggio dei badge sarà il numero di messaggi non letti, indipendentemente se sono mostrati in una notifica o sono nuovi.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled (default disabled). When enabled the badge count will be the same as the number of new message notifications. When disabled the badge count will be the number of unread messages, independent if they are shown in a notification or are new.
This feature depends on support of your launcher. FairEmail merely 'broadcasts' the number of unread messages using the ShortcutBadger library. If it doesn't work, this cannot be fixed by changes in FairEmail.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2249,7 +2251,7 @@ Some email clients use IMAP keywords for colors. However, not all servers suppor
Empty messages and/or corrupt attachments are probably being caused by a bug in the server software. Older Microsoft Exchange software is known to cause this problem. Mostly you can workaround this by disabling *Partial fetch* in the advanced account settings:
Settings > Manual setup > Accounts > tap account > tap advanced > Partial fetch > uncheck
After disabling this setting, you can use the message 'more' (three dots) menu to 'resync' empty messages. Alternatively, you can *Delete local messages* by long pressing the folder(s) in the folder list and synchronize all messages again.
@ -2534,7 +2536,7 @@ Note that the desciption of FairEmail starts with the remark that non-standard p
W ustawieniach konta (Ustawienia, dotknij Ręczna konfiguracja, dotknij Konta, dotknij konto) możesz włączyć *Pozostaw usunięte wiadomości na serwerze*.
In the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account) you can enable *Leave deleted messages on server*.
@ -2629,7 +2631,7 @@ Displaying strange characters is almost always caused by specifying no or an inv
To store draft messages a drafts folder is required. In most cases FairEmail will automatically select the drafts folders on adding an account based on [the attributes](https://www.iana.org/assignments/imap-mailbox-name-attributes/imap-mailbox-name-attributes.xhtml) the email server sends. However, some email servers are not configured properly and do not send these attributes. In this case FairEmail tries to identify the drafts folder by name, but this might fail if the drafts folder has an unusual name or is not present at all.
Możesz rozwiązać ten problem ręcznie wybierając folder szkiców w ustawieniach konta (Ustawienia, dotknij Ręcznej konfiguracji, dotknij Konta, dotknij konto u dołu). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
You can fix this problem by manually selecting the drafts folder in the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account, at the bottom). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
Some providers, like Gmail, allow enabling/disabling IMAP for individual folders. So, if a folder is not visible, you might need to enable IMAP for the folder.
@ -2710,7 +2712,7 @@ Since the sent date/time is optional and can be manipulated by the sender, FairE
Sometimes the server received date/time is incorrect, mostly because messages were incorrectly imported from another server and sometimes due to a bug in the email server.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. Można to zmienić w zaawansowanych ustawieniach konta: Ustawienia, dotknij Ręczna konfiguracja, dotknij Konta, dotknij konto, dotknij Zaawansowane.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. This can be changed in the advanced account settings: Settings, tap Manual setup, tap Accounts, tap account, tap Advanced.
This will not change the time of already synchronized messages. To solve this, long press the folder(s) in the folder list and select *Delete local messages* and *Synchronize now*.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2398,7 +2400,7 @@ FairEmail groups messages based on the standard *Message-ID*, *In-Reply-To* and
**(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?**
Якщо FairEmail не може підключитися до сервера електронної пошти для синхронізації повідомлень, наприклад, якщо погане підключення до Інтернету або брандмауер чи VPN блокує з’єднання, FairEmail повторно спробує підключитися через 8 секунд після очікування пристрою, залишаючи пристрій активним (=використовувати заряд акумулятора). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
If FairEmail cannot connect to an email server to synchronize messages, for example if the internet connection is bad or a firewall or a VPN is blocking the connection, FairEmail will retry one time after waiting 8 seconds while keeping the device awake (=use battery power). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
Note that [Android doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) does not allow to wake the device earlier than after 15 minutes.
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
If your provider requires an unsupported authentication method, you'll likely get the error message *authentication failed*.
[Client certificates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_certificate) can be selected in the account and identity settings.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
@ -1699,10 +1701,10 @@ You can disable a rule and you can stop processing other rules after a rule has
The following rule conditions are available:
* Sender contains
* Sender contains or sender is contact
* Recipient contains
* Subject contains
* Has attachments
* Has attachments (optional of specific type)
* Header contains
* Absolute time (received) between (since version 1.1540)
* Relative time (received) between
@ -2740,7 +2742,7 @@ If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer G
**(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?**
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, so you should be able to use thequick setup wizard (other provider). If needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304) to manually set up an account.
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
@ -2989,7 +2991,7 @@ For notification (messaging) support you'll need to enable the following notific
You can enable other notification actions too, if you like, but they are not supported by Android Auto.