# Introduction to Data Science ![data in action](images/data.jpg) >Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash In these lessons, you will discover how Data Science is defined and learn about ethical considerations that must be considered by a data scientist. You will also learn how data is defined and learn a bit about statistics and probability, the core academic domains of Data Science. ### Topics 1. [Defining Data Science](01-defining-data-science/README.md) 2. [Data Science Ethics](02-ethics/README.md) 3. [Defining Data](03-defining-data/README.md) 4. [Introduction to Statistics and Probability](04-stats-and-probability/README.md) ### Credits These lessons were written with ❤️ by [Nitya Narasimhan](https://twitter.com/nitya) and [Dmitry Soshnikov](https://twitter.com/shwars).