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Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft are pleased to offer a 10-week, 20-lesson curriculum all about Data Science. Each lesson includes pre-lesson and post-lesson quizzes, written instructions to complete the lesson, a solution, and an assignment. Our project-based pedagogy allows you to learn while building, a proven way for new skills to 'stick'.
- [Student Hub page](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/learn/student-hub?WT.mc_id=academic-77958-bethanycheum) In this page, you will find beginner resources, Student packs and even ways to get a free cert voucher. This is one page you want to bookmark and check from time to time as we switch out content at least monthly.
- [Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors](https://studentambassadors.microsoft.com?WT.mc_id=academic-77958-bethanycheum) Join a global community of student ambassadors, this could be your way into Microsoft.
> **Teachers**: we have [included some suggestions](for-teachers.md) on how to use this curriculum. We'd love your feedback [in our discussion forum](https://github.com/microsoft/Data-Science-For-Beginners/discussions)!
> **[Students](https://aka.ms/student-page)**: to use this curriculum on your own, fork the entire repo and complete the exercises on your own, starting with a pre-lecture quiz. Then read the lecture and complete the rest of the activities. Try to create the projects by comprehending the lessons rather than copying the solution code; however, that code is available in the /solutions folders in each project-oriented lesson. Another idea would be to form a study group with friends and go through the content together. For further study, we recommend [Microsoft Learn](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/users/jenlooper-2911/collections/qprpajyoy3x0g7?WT.mc_id=academic-77958-bethanycheum).
We have chosen two pedagogical tenets while building this curriculum: ensuring that it is project-based and that it includes frequent quizzes. By the end of this series, students will have learned basic principles of data science, including ethical concepts, data preparation, different ways of working with data, data visualization, data analysis, real-world use cases of data science, and more.
In addition, a low-stakes quiz before a class sets the intention of the student towards learning a topic, while a second quiz after class ensures further retention. This curriculum was designed to be flexible and fun and can be taken in whole or in part. The projects start small and become increasingly complex by the end of the 10 week cycle.
> Find our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md), [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md), [Translation](TRANSLATIONS.md) guidelines. We welcome your constructive feedback!
> **A note about quizzes**: All quizzes are contained in the Quiz-App folder, for 40 total quizzes of three questions each. They are linked from within the lessons, but the quiz app can be run locally or deployed to Azure; follow the instruction in the `quiz-app` folder. They are gradually being localized.
| 01 | Defining Data Science | [Introduction](1-Introduction/README.md) | Learn the basic concepts behind data science and how it’s related to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data. | [lesson](1-Introduction/01-defining-data-science/README.md) [video](https://youtu.be/beZ7Mb_oz9I) | [Dmitry](http://soshnikov.com) |
| 02 | Data Science Ethics | [Introduction](1-Introduction/README.md) | Data Ethics Concepts, Challenges & Frameworks. | [lesson](1-Introduction/02-ethics/README.md) | [Nitya](https://twitter.com/nitya) |
| 03 | Defining Data | [Introduction](1-Introduction/README.md) | How data is classified and its common sources. | [lesson](1-Introduction/03-defining-data/README.md) | [Jasmine](https://www.twitter.com/paladique) |
| 04 | Introduction to Statistics & Probability | [Introduction](1-Introduction/README.md) | The mathematical techniques of probability and statistics to understand data. | [lesson](1-Introduction/04-stats-and-probability/README.md) [video](https://youtu.be/Z5Zy85g4Yjw) | [Dmitry](http://soshnikov.com) |
| 05 | Working with Relational Data | [Working With Data](2-Working-With-Data/README.md) | Introduction to relational data and the basics of exploring and analyzing relational data with the Structured Query Language, also known as SQL (pronounced “see-quell”). | [lesson](2-Working-With-Data/05-relational-databases/README.md) | [Christopher](https://www.twitter.com/geektrainer) | | |
| 06 | Working with NoSQL Data | [Working With Data](2-Working-With-Data/README.md) | Introduction to non-relational data, its various types and the basics of exploring and analyzing document databases. | [lesson](2-Working-With-Data/06-non-relational/README.md) | [Jasmine](https://twitter.com/paladique)|
| 07 | Working with Python | [Working With Data](2-Working-With-Data/README.md) | Basics of using Python for data exploration with libraries such as Pandas. Foundational understanding of Python programming is recommended. | [lesson](2-Working-With-Data/07-python/README.md) [video](https://youtu.be/dZjWOGbsN4Y) | [Dmitry](http://soshnikov.com) |
| 08 | Data Preparation | [Working With Data](2-Working-With-Data/README.md) | Topics on data techniques for cleaning and transforming the data to handle challenges of missing, inaccurate, or incomplete data. | [lesson](2-Working-With-Data/08-data-preparation/README.md) | [Jasmine](https://www.twitter.com/paladique) |
| 09 | Visualizing Quantities | [Data Visualization](3-Data-Visualization/README.md) | Learn how to use Matplotlib to visualize bird data 🦆 | [lesson](3-Data-Visualization/09-visualization-quantities/README.md) | [Jen](https://twitter.com/jenlooper) |
| 10 | Visualizing Distributions of Data | [Data Visualization](3-Data-Visualization/README.md) | Visualizing observations and trends within an interval. | [lesson](3-Data-Visualization/10-visualization-distributions/README.md) | [Jen](https://twitter.com/jenlooper) |
| 12 | Visualizing Relationships | [Data Visualization](3-Data-Visualization/README.md) | Visualizing connections and correlations between sets of data and their variables. | [lesson](3-Data-Visualization/12-visualization-relationships/README.md) | [Jen](https://twitter.com/jenlooper) |
| 13 | Meaningful Visualizations | [Data Visualization](3-Data-Visualization/README.md) | Techniques and guidance for making your visualizations valuable for effective problem solving and insights. | [lesson](3-Data-Visualization/13-meaningful-visualizations/README.md) | [Jen](https://twitter.com/jenlooper) |
| 14 | Introduction to the Data Science lifecycle | [Lifecycle](4-Data-Science-Lifecycle/README.md) | Introduction to the data science lifecycle and its first step of acquiring and extracting data. | [lesson](4-Data-Science-Lifecycle/14-Introduction/README.md) | [Jasmine](https://twitter.com/paladique) |
| 15 | Analyzing | [Lifecycle](4-Data-Science-Lifecycle/README.md) | This phase of the data science lifecycle focuses on techniques to analyze data. | [lesson](4-Data-Science-Lifecycle/15-analyzing/README.md) | [Jasmine](https://twitter.com/paladique) | | |
| 16 | Communication | [Lifecycle](4-Data-Science-Lifecycle/README.md) | This phase of the data science lifecycle focuses on presenting the insights from the data in a way that makes it easier for decision makers to understand. | [lesson](4-Data-Science-Lifecycle/16-communication/README.md) | [Jalen](https://twitter.com/JalenMcG) | | |
| 17 | Data Science in the Cloud | [Cloud Data](5-Data-Science-In-Cloud/README.md) | This series of lessons introduces data science in the cloud and its benefits. | [lesson](5-Data-Science-In-Cloud/17-Introduction/README.md) | [Tiffany](https://twitter.com/TiffanySouterre) and [Maud](https://twitter.com/maudstweets) |
| 18 | Data Science in the Cloud | [Cloud Data](5-Data-Science-In-Cloud/README.md) | Training models using Low Code tools. |[lesson](5-Data-Science-In-Cloud/18-Low-Code/README.md) | [Tiffany](https://twitter.com/TiffanySouterre) and [Maud](https://twitter.com/maudstweets) |
| 19 | Data Science in the Cloud | [Cloud Data](5-Data-Science-In-Cloud/README.md) | Deploying models with Azure Machine Learning Studio. | [lesson](5-Data-Science-In-Cloud/19-Azure/README.md)| [Tiffany](https://twitter.com/TiffanySouterre) and [Maud](https://twitter.com/maudstweets) |
| 20 | Data Science in the Wild | [In the Wild](6-Data-Science-In-Wild/README.md) | Data science driven projects in the real world. | [lesson](6-Data-Science-In-Wild/20-Real-World-Examples/README.md) | [Nitya](https://twitter.com/nitya) |
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