30 Days Of React: Forms

Twitter Follow Author: Asabeneh Yetayeh
October, 2020
[<< Day 11](../11_Day_Events/11_events.md) | [Day 13 >>](../13_Day_Controlled_Versus_Uncontrolled_Input/13_uncontrolled_input.md) ![30 Days of React banner](../images/30_days_of_react_banner_day_12.jpg) - [Forms](#forms) - [Getting data from an input field](#getting-data-from-an-input-field) - [Getting multiple input data from form](#getting-multiple-input-data-from-form) - [Get data from different input field types](#get-data-from-different-input-field-types) - [Form Validation](#form-validation) - [What is validation?](#what-is-validation) - [What is the purpose of validation](#what-is-the-purpose-of-validation) - [Validation Types](#validation-types) - [Exercises](#exercises) - [Exercises: Level 1](#exercises-level-1) - [Exercises: Level 2](#exercises-level-2) - [Exercises: Level 3](#exercises-level-3) # Forms Form is used to collect data from a user. Once in a while we use form to fill our information on a paper or on a website. Either to sign up, sign in or to apply for a job we fill different form fields to submit our data to remote database. We encounter different form fields when we fill a form such as simple text, email, password, telephone, date, checkbox, radio button, option selection and text area field. Currently, HTML5 has provide quite a lot of field types. You may have a look at the following available HTML5 input types. ```html ``` Another HTML fields to get data from a form are textarea and select with options elements. ```html ``` Now, you know most of the fields we need to get data from a form. Let's start with an input with type text field. In the previous day, we saw different types of events and today we will focus on more of _onChange_ event type which triggers whenever an input field data changes. Input field has by default a memory to store input data but in this section we control that using state and we implement a controlled input. Today we will implement a controlled input. We will cover uncontrolled input in a separate section. ## Getting data from an input field So far we did not get any data from input field. Now, it is time to learn how to get data from an input field. We need an input field, event listener (onChange) and state to get data from a controlled input. See the example below. The h1 element below the input tag display what we write on the input. Check live [demo](https://codepen.io/Asabeneh/full/OJVpyqm). The input element has many attributes such as value, name, id, placeholder, type and event handler. In addition, we can link a label and an input field using an id of input field and htmlFor of the label.If label and input are linked it will focus the input when we click on label. Look at the example give below. ```js import React, { Component } from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' class App extends Component { // declaring state // initial state state = { firstName: '', } handleChange = (e) => { const value = e.target.value this.setState({ firstName: value }) } render() { /* accessing the state value and this value will injected to the input in the value attribute */ const firstName = this.state.firstName return (


) } } const rootElement = document.getElementById('root') ReactDOM.render(, rootElement) ``` We usually use form to handle user information. Let us move to form section and make use the form element. ## Getting multiple input data from form In this section we will develop a small form which collect user information. Our user is a student. We use a parent form element and certain number of input elements to collect user information. In addition to that we will have event listener for the form (onSubmit) and for the inputs (onChange). See the following example try to see the commonts too. You can also check the live [demo](https://codepen.io/Asabeneh/full/eYNvJda). ```js import React, { Component } from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' class App extends Component { // declaring initial state state = { firstName: '', lastName: '', country: '', title: '', } handleChange = (e) => { /* we can get the name and value like this: e.target.name, e.target.value but we can also destructure name and value from e.target const name = e.target.name const value = e.target.value */ const { name, value } = e.target // [variablename] to use a variable name as a key in an object // name refers to the name attribute of the input elements this.setState({ [name]: value }) } handleSubmit = (e) => { /* e.preventDefault() stops the default behavior of form element specifically refreshing of page */ e.preventDefault() /* the is the place where we connect backend api to send the data to the database */ console.log(this.state) } render() { // accessing the state value by destrutcturing the state const { firstName, lastName, title, country } = this.state return (

Add Student

) } } const rootElement = document.getElementById('root') ReactDOM.render(, rootElement) ``` The above form handles only text types but do have different input field types. Let's do another form which handle all the different input field types. ## Get data from different input field types ```js // index.js import React, { Component } from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' const options = [ { value: '', label: '-- Select Country--', }, { value: 'Finland', label: 'Finland', }, { value: 'Sweden', label: 'Sweden', }, { value: 'Norway', label: 'Norway', }, { value: 'Denmark', label: 'Denmark', }, ] // mapping the options to list(array) of JSX options const selectOptions = options.map(({ value, label }) => ( )) class App extends React.Component { // declaring state state = { firstName: '', lastName: '', email: '', country: '', tel: '', dateOfBirth: '', favoriteColor: '', weight: '', gender: '', file: '', bio: '', skills: { html: false, css: false, javascript: false, }, } handleChange = (e) => { /* we can get the name and value like: e.target.name, e.target.value Wwe can also destructure name and value from e.target const name = e.target.name const value = e.target.value */ const { name, value, type, checked } = e.target /* [variablename] we can make a value stored in a certain variable could be a key for an object, in this case a key for the state */ if (type === 'checkbox') { this.setState({ skills: { ...this.state.skills, [name]: checked }, }) } else if (type === 'file') { console.log(type, 'cehck here') this.setState({ [name]: e.target.files[0] }) } else { this.setState({ [name]: value }) } } handleSubmit = (e) => { /* e.preventDefault() stops the default behavior of form element specifically refreshing of page */ e.preventDefault() const { firstName, lastName, email, tel, dateOfBirth, favoriteColor, weight, country, gender, bio, file, skills, } = this.state const formattedSkills = [] for (const key in skills) { console.log(key) if (skills[key]) { formattedSkills.push(key.toUpperCase()) } } const data = { firstName, lastName, email, tel, dateOfBirth, favoriteColor, weight, country, gender, bio, file, skills: formattedSkills, } /* the is the place where we connect backend api to send the data to the database */ console.log(data) } render() { // accessing the state value by destrutcturing the state const { firstName, lastName, email, tel, dateOfBirth, favoriteColor, weight, country, gender, bio, } = this.state return (

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