374 lines
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374 lines
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// alert('Open the console and check if the countries has been loaded')
// Exercises: Level 1
// 1) Create an empty object called dog
var dog = {};
// 2) Print the the dog object on the console
// 3) Add name, legs, color, age and bark properties for the dog object. The bark property is a method which return woof woof
dog.name = "inu";
dog.legs = 4;
dog.color = "blue";
dog.age = 5;
dog.bark = function(){
return "woof woof";
// 4) Get name, legs, color, age and bark value from the dog object
// 5) Set new properties the dog object: breed, getDogInfo
dog.breed = "shiba inu";
dog.getDogInfo = function(){};
// Exercises: Level 2
const users = {
Alex: {
email: 'alex@alex.com',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 30
Asab: {
email: 'asab@asab.com',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'Redux', 'MongoDB', 'Express', 'React', 'Node'],
age: 25,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 50
Brook: {
email: 'daniel@daniel.com',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React', 'Redux'],
age: 30,
isLoggedIn: true,
points: 50
Daniel: {
email: 'daniel@alex.com',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'Python'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 40
John: {
email: 'john@john.com',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React', 'Redux', 'Node.js'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: true,
points: 50
Thomas: {
email: 'thomas@thomas.com',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 40
Paul: {
email: 'paul@paul.com',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'MongoDB', 'Express', 'React', 'Node'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 40
// 1) Find the person who has many skills in the users object.
var persons = Object.entries(users);
var count = 0;
var person = "";
for(var i = 0; i < persons.length; i++)
count = persons[i][1].skills.length;
person = persons[i][0];
console.log(person + "is the person who has many skills in the users object");
// 2) Count logged in users, count users having greater than equal to 50 points from the following object.
count = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < persons.length; i++)
if(persons[i][1].isLoggedIn == true)
count ++;
console.log(count+" logged in users");
count = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < persons.length; i++)
if(persons[i][1].points > 50)
count ++;
console.log(count+" users having greater to 50 points from the following object");
count = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < persons.length; i++)
if(persons[i][1].points == 50)
count ++;
console.log(count+" users having equal to 50 points from the following object");
// 3) Find people who are MERN stack developer from the users object
function isMERN(skills)
var mern = ['MongoDB', 'Express', 'React', 'Node'];
for(var i = 0; i < mern.length; i++)
return false;
return true;
var mern = [];
for(var i = 0; i < persons.length; i++)
console.log(mern, "are the mern dev");
// 4) Set your name in the users object without modifying the original users object
users.Faliana = Object.assign({}, users.Paul);
// 5) Get all keys or properties of users object
// 6) Get all the values of users object
// 7) Use the countries object to print a country name, capital, populations and languages.
console.log("print a country name: ", countries[0].name);
console.log("print a country capital: ", countries[0].capital);
console.log("print a country populations: ", countries[0].population);
console.log("print a country languages: ", countries[0].languages);
// Exercises: Level 3
// 1) Create an object literal called personAccount. It has firstName, lastName, incomes,
// expenses properties and it has totalIncome, totalExpense, accountInfo,addIncome, addExpense and accountBalance methods.
// Incomes is a set of incomes and its description and expenses is a set of incomes and its description.
var personAccount = {
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
incomes: 0,
expenses: 0,
totalIncome: function(){},
totalExpense: function(){},
accountInfo: function(){},
addIncome: function(){},
addExpense: function(){},
accountBalance: function(){}
// 2) **** Questions:2, 3 and 4 are based on the following two arrays:users and products ()
const users2 = [
_id: 'ab12ex',
username: 'Alex',
email: 'alex@alex.com',
password: '123123',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 9:00 AM',
isLoggedIn: false
_id: 'fg12cy',
username: 'Asab',
email: 'asab@asab.com',
password: '123456',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 9:30 AM',
isLoggedIn: true
_id: 'zwf8md',
username: 'Brook',
email: 'brook@brook.com',
password: '123111',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 9:45 AM',
isLoggedIn: true
_id: 'eefamr',
username: 'Martha',
email: 'martha@martha.com',
password: '123222',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 9:50 AM',
isLoggedIn: false
_id: 'ghderc',
username: 'Thomas',
email: 'thomas@thomas.com',
password: '123333',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 10:00 AM',
isLoggedIn: false
const products = [
_id: 'eedfcf',
name: 'mobile phone',
description: 'Huawei Honor',
price: 200,
ratings: [
{ userId: 'fg12cy', rate: 5 },
{ userId: 'zwf8md', rate: 4.5 }
likes: []
_id: 'aegfal',
name: 'Laptop',
description: 'MacPro: System Darwin',
price: 2500,
ratings: [],
likes: ['fg12cy']
_id: 'hedfcg',
name: 'TV',
description: 'Smart TV:Procaster',
price: 400,
ratings: [{ userId: 'fg12cy', rate: 5 }],
likes: ['fg12cy']
// Imagine you are getting the above users collection from a MongoDB database.
// a. Create a function called signUp which allows user to add to the collection. If user exists, inform the user that he has already an account.
function signUp(username, email, password)
var user = {};
user._id = "random";
user.username = username;
user.email = email;
user.password = password;
user.createdAt = new Date();
user.isLoggedIn = false;
if(checkExistedUser(username, password)==false)
alert(username+" already an account");
function checkExistedUser(username, password)
for(var i = 0; i < users2.length; i++)
if(users2[i].username == username || users2[i].password == password)
return true;
return false;
signUp("poupoussy", "poupoussy@gmail.com", "poupoussypoupoussy");
// signUp("Alex", "poupoussy@gmail.com", "poupoussypoupoussy");
// b. Create a function called signIn which allows user to sign in to the application
function signIn(email, password)
for(var i = 0; i < users2.length; i++)
if(users2[i].email==email && users2[i].password==password)
return "logged in";
return "wrong email or password";
console.log(signIn("poupoussy@gmail.com", "poupoussy"));
console.log(signIn("poupoussy@gmail.com", "poupoussypoupoussy"));
// 3) The products array has three elements and each of them has six properties.
// a. Create a function called rateProduct which rates the product
function rateProduct(product, user, rate)
product.ratings.push({userId: user._id, rate: rate});
// console.log("alala", users2[5]);
rateProduct(products[0], users2[5], 3.69);
// b. Create a function called averageRating which calculate the average rating of a product
function averageRating(product)
var count = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < product.ratings.length; i++)
count += product.ratings[i].rate;
return count/product.ratings.length;
console.log("averageRating", averageRating(products[0]))
// 4) Create a function called likeProduct. This function will helps to like to the product if it is not liked and remove like if it was liked.
function likeProduct(product, user){
if(product.likes.indexOf(user._id)==-1 || product.likes.length==0)
product.likes.splice(product.likes.indexOf(user._id), 1);
// console.log(product.likes);
likeProduct(products[0], users2[5]);
console.log("ajout like", products[0]);
likeProduct(products[0], users2[5]);
console.log("delete like", products[0]);