1. Create a human readable time format using the Date time object. The hour and the minute should be all the time two digits(7 hours should be 07 and 5 minutes should be 05 )
1. Create a human readable time format using the Date time object. The hour and the minute should be all the time two digits(7 hours should be 07 and 5 minutes should be 05 )
1. YYY-MM-DD HH:mm eg. 20120-01-02 07:05
1. YYY-MM-DD HH:mm eg. 20120-01-02 07:05
[<< Day 2](../02_Day_Data_types/02_day_data_types.md) | [Day 4 >>](../04_Day_Conditionals/04_day_conditionals.md)
[<< Dia 2](../Dia_02_Tipos_Dados/dia_02_tipos_dados.md) | [Dia 4 >>](../04_Day_Conditionals/04_day_conditionals.md)