19. In above countries array, check if there is a country or countries containing the word 'land'. If there are countries containing 'land', print it as array. If there is no country containing the word 'land', print 'These are countries without land'.
22. In above countries array, check if there is a country or countries containing the word 'land'. If there are countries containing 'land', print it as array. If there is no country containing the word 'land', print 'These are countries without land'.
['Finland', 'Iceland']
20. In above countries array, check if there a country or countries end with a substring 'ia'. If there are countries end with, print it as array. If there is no country containing the word 'land', print 'These are countries ends without ia'.
23. In above countries array, check if there a country or countries end with a substring 'ia'. If there are countries end with, print it as array. If there is no country containing the word 'land', print 'These are countries ends without ia'.
['Albania', 'Bolivia','Ethiopia']
21. Using the above countries array, create an array for countries length'.
[7, 7, 6, 7, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5, 5]
22. Using the above countries array, find the country containing the biggest number of characters.
24. Using the above countries array, find the country containing the biggest number of characters.
23. Using the above countries array, find the country containing only 5 characters.
25. Using the above countries array, find the country containing only 5 characters.
['Japan', 'Kenya']
24. Find the longest word in the webTechs array
25. Use the webTechs are to create the following array of arrays:
26. Find the longest word in the webTechs array
27. Use the webTechs are to create the following array of arrays:
26. An application created using MongoDB, Express, React and Node is called a MERN stack. Create the acronym MERN by using the array mernStack
27. Iterate through the array, ["HTML", "CSS", "JS", "React", "Redux", "Node", "Express", "MongoDB"] using a for loop or for of loop and print out the items.
28. This is a fruit array , ['banana', 'orange', 'mango', 'lemon'] reverse the order using loop without using a reverse method.
29. Extract all the countries contain the word 'land' from the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and print it as array
30. Find the country containing the hightest number of characters in the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js)
31. Extract all the countries contain the word 'land' from the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and print it as array
32. Extract all the countries containing only four characters from the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and print it as array
33. Extract all the countries containing two or more words from the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and print it as array
34. Reverse the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and capitalize each country and stored it as an array
28. An application created using MongoDB, Express, React and Node is called a MERN stack. Create the acronym MERN by using the array mernStack
29. Iterate through the array, ["HTML", "CSS", "JS", "React", "Redux", "Node", "Express", "MongoDB"] using a for loop or for of loop and print out the items.
30. This is a fruit array , ['banana', 'orange', 'mango', 'lemon'] reverse the order using loop without using a reverse method.
31. Print all the elements of array as shown below.
const fullStack = [
['HTML', 'CSS', 'JS', 'React'],
['Node', 'Express', 'MongoDB']
32. Extract all the countries contain the word 'land' from the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and print it as array
33. Find the country containing the hightest number of characters in the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js)
35. Extract all the countries contain the word 'land' from the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and print it as array
36. Extract all the countries containing only four characters from the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and print it as array
37. Extract all the countries containing two or more words from the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and print it as array
38. Reverse the [countries array](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/tree/master/data/countries.js) and capitalize each country and stored it as an array