**Congratulations** for deciding to participate in a 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge . In this challenge you will learn everything you need to be a JavaScript programmer and in general the whole concepts of programming. In the end of the challenge you will get a 30DaysOfJavaScript programming challenge certificate. Join the [telegram group](https://t.me/ThirtyDaysOfJavaScript).
**A 30DaysOfJavaScript** challenge is a guide for both beginners and advanced JavaScript developers. Welcome to JavaScript. I enjoy using and teaching JavaScript and I hope you will do so. JavaScript is the language of the browser.
In this step by step tutorial, you will learn JavaScript, the most popular programming language in the history of mankind.
You use JavaScript **_to add interactivity to websites, to develop mobile apps, desktop applications, games_** and nowadays JavaScript can be used for **_machine learning_** and **_AI_**.
**_JavaScript (JS)_** has increased in popularity in recent years and has been the leading
programming language for four consecutive years and is the most used programming language on
Install [google chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/) if you do not have one yet. We can write small JavaScript code on the browser console, but we do not use the browser console to develop applications.
After you open the Google Chrome console, try to explore the marked buttons. We will spend most of the time on the Console part. The Console is the place where your JavaScript code goes. The Google Console V8 engine changes your JavaScript code to machine code.
Let us write a JavaScript code on the Google Chrome console:
We can write any JavaScript code on the Google console or any browser console. However, for this challenge, we only focus on Google Chrome console. Open the console using:
To write our first JavaScript code, we used a builtin function **console.log()**. We passed an argument as input data, and the function displays the output. We passed 'Hello, World' as input data or argument in the console.log() function.
We add comments to our code. Comments are very important to make code more readable and to leave remarks in our code. JavaScript does not execute the comment part of our code. Any text starts with // in JavaScript is a comment or anything enclose like this /* */ is a comment.
JavaScript is a programming language. As a result, it has its syntax like other programming languages. If we do not write a syntax that JavaScript understands, it will raise different types of errors. We will explore different kinds of JavaScript errors later. For now, let us see syntax errors.
I made a deliberate mistake. As a result, the console raises a syntax error. Actually, the syntax is very informative. It informs what type of mistake we made. By reading the error feedback guideline, we can correct the syntax and fix the problem. The process of identifying and removing errors from a program is called debugging. Let us fix the errors:
So far, we saw how to display text using a *console.log()*. If we are printing text or string using *console.log()*, the text has to be under the single, double, or backtick.
We can write our codes on the browser console, but it won't be for bigger projects. In a real working environment, developers use different code editors to write their codes. In this 30 days python JavaScript challenge, we will use visual studio code.
VVisual studio code is a very popular open-source text editor. I would recommend to [download](https://code.visualstudio.com/) visual studio code, but if you are in favor of other editors, feel free to follow with what you have.
Open the visual studio code by double-clicking the visual studio icon. When you open it, you will get this kind of interface. Try to interact with the labeled icons.
Create a folder on your desktop and call it 30DaysOfJS or in any location and create an **_index.html_** file in the project folder. Then paste the following code and open it in a browser, either in [Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/).
This is how we write the internal script most of the time. Writing the JavaScript code in the body section is the most preferred place. Open the browser console to see the output from the console.log()
Similar to the internal script, the external script link can be on the header or body, but it is preferred to put it in the body.
First, we should create an external JavaScript file with .js extension. Any JavaScript file ends with .js. Create a file introduction.js inside your project directory and write the following code and link this .js file at the bottom of the body.
In JavaScript and also other programming languages, there are different kinds of data types. The following are JavaScript primitive data types:_String, Number, Boolean, undefined, Null_, and _Symbol_.
In JavaScript, if we don't assign a value to a variable, the value is undefined. In addition to that, if a function is not returning anything, it returns undefined.
Variables are _containers_ of data. Variables used to _store_ data in a memory location. When a variable is declared, a memory location is reserved. When a variable is assigned to a value (data), the memory space will be filled with that data. To declare a variable, we use _var_, _let_, or _const_ keywords. We will talk more about var, let, and const in detail in other sections (scope). For now, the above explanation is enough.
For a variable that changes at a different time, we use _let_. If the data does not change at all, we use _const_. For example, PI, country name, gravity do no change, and we can use *const*.
Let's declare variables with different data types. To declare a variable, we need to use let or const keyword before the variable name. Following the variable name, we write an equal sign (assignment operator), and a value.
In the previous section, we mentioned a little bit about data types. Data or values have data types. Data types describe the characteristics of data. Data types can be divided into two
If we try to modify the string stored in variable *word*, JavaScript will raise an error. Any data type under a single quote, double-quote, or backtick is a string data type.
Let us see by creating an array. An array is a list of data values in a square bracket. Arrays can contain the same or different data types. Array values are referenced by their index. In JavaScript array index starts at zero. I.e., the first element of an array is found at index zero, the second element at index one, and the third element at index two, etc.
As you can see, an array in which a non-primitive data type is mutable. Non-primitive data types can not be compared by value. Even if two non-primitive data types have the same properties and values, they are not strictly equal.
Non-primitive values are referred to as reference types because they are being compared by reference instead of value. Two objects are only strictly equal if they refer to the same underlying object.
If you have a hard time understanding the difference between primitive data types and non-primitive data types, you are not the only one. Calm down and just go to the next section and try to come back after some time. Now let us start the data types by number type.
Strings are texts, which are under **_single_** or **_double_** quote. To declare a string, we need a variable name, assignment operator, a value under a single quote, double-quote, or backtick.
Concatenating using the addition operator is an old way. This way of concatenating is tedious and error-prone. It is good to know how to concatenate this way, but I strongly suggest to use the second way.
A string could be a single character or paragraph or a page. If the string length is too big it does not fit in one line. We can use the backslash character (\) at the end of each line to indicate that the string will continue on the next line.
const paragraph = "My name is Asabeneh Yetayeh. I live in Finland, Helsinki.\
I am a teacher and I love teaching. I teach HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, \
Node.js, Python, Data Analysis and D3.js for anyone who is interested to learn. \
In the end of 2019, I was thinking to expand my teaching and to reach \
to global audience and I started a Python challenge from November 20 - December 19.\
It was one of the most rewarding and inspiring experience.\
Now, we are in 2020. I am enjoying preparing the 30DaysOfJavaScript challenge and \
I hope you are enjoying too."
#### Escape Sequences in string
In JavaScript and other programming language \ followed by some characters is an escape sequence. Let's see the most common escape characters:
* \n: new line
* \t: Tab means(8 spaces)
* \\\\: Back slash
* \\': Single quote (')
* \\":Double quote (")
console.log('I hope every one is enjoying the 30 Days Of JavaScript challenge.\nDo you ?') # line break
console.log('Day 1\t3\t5')
console.log('Day 2\t3\t5')
console.log('Day 3\t3\t5')
console.log('Day 4\t3\t5')
console.log('This is a back slash symbol (\\)') # To write a back slash
console.log('In every programming language it starts with \"Hello, World!\"')
To create a template string, we use two backticks. We can inject data as expression inside a template string. To inject data, we enclose the expression with a curly bracket({}) followed by a $ sign. See the syntax below.
Using a string template or string interpolation method, we can add expression, which could be a value or some operations(comparison, arithmetic operations, ternary operation).
Everything in JavaScript is an object. A string is a primitive data type that means we can not modify once it is created. The string object has many string methods. There are different string methods that can help us to work with strings.
2.*Accessing characters in a string*: We can access each character in a string using its index. In programming, counting starts from 0. The first index of the string is zero, and the last index is one minus the length of the string.
8.*trim()*: Removes trailing space in the beginning or the end of a string.
let string = ' 30 Days Of JavaScript '
console.log(string) //
console.log(string.trim(' ')) //
let firstName = ' Asabeneh '
console.log(firstName.trim()) //
30 Days Of JavasCript
30 Days Of JavasCript
9.*includes()*: It takes a substring argument and it check if substring argument exists in the string. *includes()* returns a boolean. It checks if a substring exist in a string and it returns true if it exists and false if it doesn't exist.
let string = '30 Days Of JavaScript'
console.log(string.includes('Days')) // true
console.log(string.includes('days')) // false
console.log(string.includes('Script')) // true
console.log(string.includes('script')) // false
console.log(string.includes('java')) // false
console.log(string.includes('Java')) // true
let country = 'Finland'
console.log(country.includes('fin')) // false
console.log(country.includes('Fin')) // true
console.log(country.includes('land')) // true
console.log(country.includes('Land')) // false
10.*replace()*: takes to parameter the old substring and new substring.
string.replace(oldsubstring, newsubstring)
let string = '30 Days Of JavaScript'
console.log(string.replace('JavaScript', 'Python')) // 30 Days Of Python
11.*charAt()*: Takes index and it returns the value at that index
let string = '30 Days Of JavaScript'
console.log(string.charAt(0)) // 3
let lastIndex = string.length - 1
console.log(string.charAt(lastIndex)) // t
12.*charCodeAt()*: Takes index and it returns char code(ASCII number) of the value at that index
let string = '30 Days Of JavaScript'
console.log(string.charCodeAt(3)) // D ASCII number is 51
let lastIndex = string.length - 1
console.log(string.charCodeAt(lastIndex)) // t ASCII is 116
13.*indexOf()*: Takes takes a substring and if the substring exists in a string it returns the first position of the substring if does not exist it returns -1
let string = '30 Days Of JavaScript'
console.log(string.indexOf('D')) // 3
console.log(string.indexOf('Days')) // 3
console.log(string.indexOf('days')) // -1
console.log(string.indexOf('a')) // 4
console.log(string.indexOf('JavaScript')) // 11
console.log(string.indexOf('Script')) //15
console.log(string.indexOf('script')) // -1
14.*lastIndexOf()*: Takes takes a substring and if the substring exists in a string it returns the last position of the substring if it does not exist it returns -1
16.*startsWith*: it takes a substring as an argument and it checks if the string starts with that specified substring. It returns a boolean(true or false).
17.*endsWith*: it takes a substring as an argument and it checks if the string starts with that specified substring. It returns a boolean(true or false).
19.*match*: it takes a substring or regular expression pattern as an argument and it returns an array if there is match if not it returns null. Let us see how a regular expression pattern looks like. It starts with / sign and ends with / sign.
A boolean data type represents one of the two values:_true_ or _false_. Boolean value is either true or false. The use of these data types will be clear when you start the comparison operator. Any comparisons return a boolean value which is either true or false.
If we declare a variable and if we do not assign a value, the value will be undefined. In addition to this, if a function is not returning the value will be undefined.
let firstName;
console.log(firstName); //not defined, because it is not assigned to a value yet
In JavaScrip we use the increment operator to increase a value stored in a variable. The increment could be pre or post increment. Let us see each of them:
1. Pre-increment
let count = 0
console.log(++count) // 1
console.log(count) // 1
2. Post-increment
let count = 0
console.log(count++) // 0
console.log(count) // 1
We use most of the time post-increment. At leas you should remember how to use post-increment operator.
### Decrement Operator
In JavaScrip we use the decrement operator to decrease a value stored in a variable. The decrement could be pre or post decrement. Let us see each of them:
1. Pre-decrement
let count = 0
console.log(--count) // -1
console.log(count) // -1
2. Post-decrement
let count = 0
console.log(count--) // 0
console.log(count) // -1
### Operator Precendence
I would like to recommend you to read about operator precendence from this [link](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence)
1. Declare a variable name challenge and assign it to an initial value **'30 Days Of JavaScript'**.
2. Print the string on the browser console using __console.log()__
3. Print the __length__ of the string on the browser console using _console.log()_
4. Change all the string to capital letters using __toUpperCase()__ method
5. Change all the string to lowercase letters using __toLowerCase()__ method
6. Cut(slice) out the first word of the string using __substr()__ or __substring()__ method
7. Slice out the phrase *Days Of JavaScript* from *30 Days Of JavaScript*.
8. Use __substr__ to slice out the phase __because because because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
9. Check if the string contains a word __Script__ using __includes()__ method
10. Split the __string__ into __array__ using __split()__ method
11. Split the string 30 Days Of JavaScript at the space using __split()__ method
12. 'Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Oracle, Amazon' __split__ the string at the comma and change it to an array.
14. What is character at index 15 in '30 Days Of JavaScript' string use __charAt()__ method.
15. What is the character code of J in '30 Days Of JavaScript' string using __charCodeAt()__
16. Use __indexOf__ to determine the position of the first occurrence of a in 30 Days Of JavaScript
17. Use __lastIndexOf__ to determine the position of the last occurrence of a in 30 Days Of JavaScript.
18. Use __indexOf__ to find the position of the first occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
19. Use __lastIndexOf__ to find the position of the first occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
20. Use __search__ to find the position of the first occurrence of the word __because__ in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
21. Use __trim()__ to remove if there is trailing whitespace at the beginning and the end of a string.E.g ' 30 Days Of JavaScript '.
22. Use __startsWith()__ method with the string *30 Days Of JavaScript* make the result true
23. Use __endsWith()__ method with the string *30 Days Of JavaScript* make the result true
24. Use __match()__ method to find all the a’s in 30 Days Of JavaScript
25. Use __match()__ to count the number all because's in the following sentence:__'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'__
26. Use __concat()__ and merge '30 Days of' and 'JavaScript' to a single string, '30 Days Of JavaScript'
27. Use __repeat()__ method to print 30 Days Of JavaScript 2 times
28. Love is the best thing in this world. Some found their love and some are still looking for their love. Count the number of word love in this sentence.
29. Calculate the total annual income of the person by extract the numbers from the following text. 'He earns 5000 euro from salary per month, 10000 euro annual bonus, 15000 euro online courses per month.'
const sentence = '%I $am@% a %tea@cher%, &and& I lo%#ve %tea@ching%;. There $is nothing; &as& mo@re rewarding as educa@ting &and&@emp%o@wering peo@ple. ;I found tea@ching m%o@re interesting tha@n any other %jo@bs. %Do@es thi%s mo@tivate yo@u to be a tea@cher!? %Th#is 30#Days&OfJavaScript &is also $the $result of &love& of tea&ching'
Figure out the result of the following comparison expression first without using console.log(). After you decide the result confirm it using console.log()