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< sub > Author:
< a href = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/asabeneh/" target = "_blank" > Asabeneh Yetayeh< / a > < br >
< small > January, 2020< / small >
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[<< Day 29 ](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/blob/master29_Day29_day_dom_day_9.md ) | [Day 30>> ](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/blob/master/30_Day/30_day_dom_day_10.md )

- [Day 30 ](#day-30 )
- [Exercises ](#exercises )
- [Exercise: Level 1 ](#exercise-level-1 )
- [Exercise: Level 2 ](#exercise-level-2 )
- [Exercise: Level 3 ](#exercise-level-3 )
# Day 30
## Exercises
### Exercise: Level 1
1. Create the following animation using (HTML, CSS, JS)

2. Validate the following form using regex.

### Exercise: Level 2
### Exercise: Level 3
🌕 Your journey to greatness completed successfully. You reached high level of greatness. Now, you are much greater than ever before. I knew what it takes to reach to this level and you made to this point. You are a real hero. Now, it is time to celebrate your success with a friend or with a family. I am looking forward to seeing you in an other challenge.
[<< Day 29 ](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/blob/master/29_Day/29_day_dom_day_9.md ) | [Day 30>> ](https://github.com/Asabeneh/30DaysOfJavaScript/blob/master/30_Day/30_day_dom_day_10.md )