A boolean data type represents one of the two values:_true_ or _false_. Boolean value is either true or false. The use of these data types will be clear when you start the comparison operator. Any comparisons return a boolean value which is either true or false.
It is good to remember those truthy values and falsy values. In later section, we will use them with conditions to make decision.
## Undefined
If we declare a variable and if we do not assign a value, the value will be undefined. In addition to this, if a function is not returning the value will be undefined.
JavaScript is some how a wired kind of programming language. JavaScript code run and give you a result but unless you are good at it may not be the desired result.
As rule of thumb, if a value is not true with == it will not be equal with ===. Using === is safer than using ==. The following [link](https://dorey.github.io/JavaScript-Equality-Table/) has an exhaustive list of comparison of data types.
In JavaScrip we use the increment operator to increase a value stored in a variable. The increment could be pre or post increment. Let us see each of them:
We use most of the time post-increment. At leas you should remember how to use post-increment operator.
### Decrement Operator
In JavaScrip we use the decrement operator to decrease a value stored in a variable. The decrement could be pre or post decrement. Let us see each of them:
I would like to recommend you to read about operator precendence from this [link](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence)
As you have seen at very beginning alert() method displays an alert box with a specified message and an OK button. It is a builtin method and it takes on argument.
The window prompt methods display a prompt box with an input on your browser to take input values and the input data can be stored in a variable. The prompt() method takes two arguments. The second argument is optional.
const agree = confirm('Are you sure you like to delete? ')
console.log(agree) // result will be true or false based on what you click on the dialog box
These are not all the window methods we will have a separate section to go deep into window methods.
## Date Object
Time is an important thing. We like to know the time a certain activity or event. In JavaScript current time and date is created using JavaScript Date Object. The object we create using Date object provides many methods to work with date and time.The methods we use to get date and time information from a date object values are started with a word _get_ because it provide the information.
🌕 You have boundless energy. You have just completed day 3 challenges and you are three steps a head in to your way to greatness. Now do some exercises for your brain and for your muscle.
1. Declare firstName, lastName, country, city, age, isMarried, year variable and assign value to it and use the typeof operator to check different data types.
2. Check if type of '10' is equal to 10
3. Check if parseInt('9.8') is equal to 10
4. Boolean value is either true or false.
1. Write three JavaScript statement which provide truthy value.
2. Write three JavaScript statement which provide falsy value.
5. Figure out the result of the following comparison expression first without using console.log(). After you decide the result confirm it using console.log()
1. 4 > 3
2. 4 >= 3
3. 4 <3
4. 4 <= 3
5. 4 == 4
6. 4 === 4
7. 4 != 4
8. 4 !== 4
9. 4 != '4'
10. 4 == '4'
11. 4 === '4'
12. Find the length of python and jargon and make a falsy comparison statement.
6. Figure out the result of the following expressions first without using console.log(). After you decide the result confirm it by using console.log()
1. Write a script that prompt the user to enter side a, side b, and side c of the triangle and and calculate the perimeter of triangle (perimeter = a + b + c)
1. Get length and width using prompt and calculate an area of rectangle (area = length x width and the perimeter of rectangle (perimeter = 2 x (length + width))
1. Get radius using prompt and calculate the area of a circle (area = pi x r x r) and circumference of a circle(c = 2 x pi x r) where pi = 3.14.
1. Calculate the slope, x-intercept and y-intercept of y = 2x -2
1. Slope is (m = y2-y1/x2-x1). Find the slope between point (2, 2) and point(6,10)
1. Compare the slope of above two questions.
1. Calculate the value of y (y = x^2 + 6x + 9). Try to use different x values and figure out at what x value y is 0.
1. Writ a script that prompt a user to enters hours and rate per hour. Calculate pay of the person?
1. Declare two variables _myAge_ and _yourAge_ and assign them initial values and myAge and yourAge.
let myAge = 250
let yourAge = 25
I am 225 years older than you.
1. Using prompt get the year the user was born and if the user is 18 or above allow the user to drive if not tell the user to wait a certain amount of years.
You are 15. You will be allowed to drive after 3 years.
1. Write a script that prompt the user to enter number of years. Calculate the number of seconds a person can live. Assume some one lives just hundred years
Enter number of yours you live: 100
You lived 3153600000 seconds.
1. Create a human readable time format using the Date time object
1. YYY-MM-DD HH:mm
3. DD/MM/YYY HH:mm
### Exercises: Level 3
1. Create a human readable time format using the Date time object. The hour and the minute should be all time two digits(7 hours should be 07 and 5 minutes should be 05 )