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5 years ago
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5 years ago
<h1> 30 Days Of JavaScript: Objects</h1>
5 years ago
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5 years ago
<a href="" target="_blank">Asabeneh Yetayeh</a><br>
<small> January, 2020</small>
5 years ago
5 years ago
[<< Day 7](../07_Day_Functions/ | [Day 9 >>](../09_Day_Higher_order_functions/
5 years ago
5 years ago
![Thirty Days Of JavaScript](../images/banners/day_1_8.png)
5 years ago
- [📔 Day 8](#-day-8)
3 years ago
- [Scope](#scope)
- [Window Global Object](#window-global-object)
- [Global scope](#global-scope)
- [Local scope](#local-scope)
- [📔 Object](#-object)
- [Creating an empty object](#creating-an-empty-object)
- [Creating an objecting with values](#creating-an-objecting-with-values)
- [Getting values from an object](#getting-values-from-an-object)
- [Creating object methods](#creating-object-methods)
- [Setting new key for an object](#setting-new-key-for-an-object)
- [Object Methods](#object-methods)
- [Getting object keys using Object.keys()](#getting-object-keys-using-objectkeys)
- [Getting object values using Object.values()](#getting-object-values-using-objectvalues)
- [Getting object keys and values using Object.entries()](#getting-object-keys-and-values-using-objectentries)
- [Checking properties using hasOwnProperty()](#checking-properties-using-hasownproperty)
- [💻 Exercises](#-exercises)
- [Exercises: Level 1](#exercises-level-1)
- [Exercises: Level 2](#exercises-level-2)
- [Exercises: Level 3](#exercises-level-3)
5 years ago
5 years ago
# 📔 Day 8
5 years ago
## Scope
3 years ago
Variable is the fundamental part in programming. We declare variable to store different data types. To declare a variable we use the key word _var_, _let_ and _const_. A variable can be declared at different scope. In this section, we will see the scope variables, scope of variables when we use var or let.
5 years ago
Variables scopes can be:
- Global
- Local
3 years ago
Variable can be declared globally or locally scope. We will see both global and local scope.
Anything declared without let, var or const is scoped at global level.
5 years ago
3 years ago
Let us imagine that we have a scope.js file.
5 years ago
3 years ago
### Window Global Object
5 years ago
Without using console.log() open your browser and check, you will see the value of a and b if you write a or b on the browser. That means a and b are already available in the window.
3 years ago
a = 'JavaScript' // declaring a variable without let or const make it available in window object and this found anywhere
b = 10 // this is a global scope variable and found in the window object
5 years ago
function letsLearnScope() {
console.log(a, b)
if (true) {
console.log(a, b)
console.log(a, b) // accessible
### Global scope
A globally declared variable can be accessed every where in the same file. But the term global is relative. It can be global to the file or it can be global relative to some block of codes.
5 years ago
let a = 'JavaScript' // is a global scope it will be found anywhere in this file
let b = 10 // is a global scope it will be found anywhere in this file
function letsLearnScope() {
console.log(a, b) // JavaScript 10, accessible
if (true) {
let a = 'Python'
let b = 100
console.log(a, b) // Python 100
console.log(a, b)
console.log(a, b) // JavaScript 10, accessible
### Local scope
A variable declared as local can be accessed only in certain block code.
5 years ago
3 years ago
- Block Scope
- Function Scope
5 years ago
let a = 'JavaScript' // is a global scope it will be found anywhere in this file
let b = 10 // is a global scope it will be found anywhere in this file
3 years ago
// Function scope
5 years ago
function letsLearnScope() {
console.log(a, b) // JavaScript 10, accessible
3 years ago
let value = false
3 years ago
// block scope
5 years ago
if (true) {
// we can access from the function and outside the function but
// variables declared inside the if will not be accessed outside the if block
let a = 'Python'
let b = 20
3 years ago
let c = 30
5 years ago
let d = 40
3 years ago
value = !value
3 years ago
console.log(a, b, c, value) // Python 20 30 true
5 years ago
// we can not access c because c's scope is only the if block
3 years ago
console.log(a, b, value) // JavaScript 10 true
5 years ago
console.log(a, b) // JavaScript 10, accessible
3 years ago
Now, you have an understanding of scope. A variable declared with *var* only scoped to function but variable declared with *let* or *const* is block scope(function block, if block, loop block, etc). Block in JavaScript is a code in between two curly brackets ({}).
5 years ago
function letsLearnScope() {
var gravity = 9.81
// console.log(gravity), Uncaught ReferenceError: gravity is not defined
if (true){
var gravity = 9.81
console.log(gravity) // 9.81
console.log(gravity) // 9.81
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
3 years ago
console.log(i) // 0, 1, 2
5 years ago
3 years ago
console.log(i) // 3
5 years ago
In ES6 and above there is *let* and *const*, so you will not suffer from the sneakiness of *var*. When we use *let* our variable is block scoped and it will not infect other parts of our code.
5 years ago
function letsLearnScope() {
// you can use let or const, but gravity is constant I prefer to use const
const gravity = 9.81
// console.log(gravity), Uncaught ReferenceError: gravity is not defined
if (true){
const gravity = 9.81
console.log(gravity) // 9.81
// console.log(gravity), Uncaught ReferenceError: gravity is not defined
for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){
3 years ago
console.log(i) // 0, 1, 2
5 years ago
3 years ago
// console.log(i), Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined
5 years ago
3 years ago
The scope *let* and *const* are the same. The difference is only reassigning. We can not change or reassign the value of the `const` variable. I would strongly suggest you to use *let* and *const*, by using *let* and *const* you will write clean code and avoid hard to debug mistakes. As a rule of thumb, you can use *let* for any value which change, *const* for any constant value, and for an array, object, arrow function and function expression.
5 years ago
## 📔 Object
Everything can be an object and objects do have properties and properties have values, so an object is a key value pair. The order of the key is not reserved, or there is no order.
To create an object literal, we use two curly brackets.
5 years ago
### Creating an empty object
An empty object
const person = {}
### Creating an objecting with values
Now, the person object has firstName, lastName, age, location, skills and isMarried properties. The value of properties or keys could be a string, number, boolean, an object, null, undefined or a function.
Let us see some examples of object. Each key has a value in the object.
5 years ago
const rectangle = {
length: 20,
width: 20
console.log(rectangle) // {length: 20, width: 20}
const person = {
firstName: 'Asabeneh',
lastName: 'Yetayeh',
age: 250,
country: 'Finland',
city: 'Helsinki',
skills: [
isMarried: true
### Getting values from an object
We can access values of object using two methods:
- using . followed by key name if the key-name is a one word
- using square bracket and a quote
const person = {
firstName: 'Asabeneh',
lastName: 'Yetayeh',
age: 250,
country: 'Finland',
city: 'Helsinki',
skills: [
getFullName: function() {
return `${this.firstName}${this.lastName}`
'phone number': '+3584545454545'
// accessing values using .
3 years ago
console.log(person.location) // undefined
5 years ago
// value can be accessed using square bracket and key name
3 years ago
console.log(person['location']) // undefined
5 years ago
// for instance to access the phone number we only use the square bracket method
console.log(person['phone number'])
### Creating object methods
Now, the person object has getFullName properties. The getFullName is function inside the person object and we call it an object method. The _this_ key word refers to the object itself. We can use the word _this_ to access the values of different properties of the object. We can not use an arrow function as object method because the word this refers to the window inside an arrow function instead of the object itself. Example of object:
const person = {
firstName: 'Asabeneh',
lastName: 'Yetayeh',
age: 250,
country: 'Finland',
city: 'Helsinki',
skills: [
getFullName: function() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
// Asabeneh Yetayeh
### Setting new key for an object
An object is a mutable data structure and we can modify the content of an object after it gets created.
Setting a new keys in an object
const person = {
firstName: 'Asabeneh',
lastName: 'Yetayeh',
age: 250,
country: 'Finland',
city: 'Helsinki',
skills: [
getFullName: function() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
person.nationality = 'Ethiopian' = 'Finland'
person.title = 'teacher'
person.isMarried = true
person.getPersonInfo = function() {
let skillsWithoutLastSkill = this.skills
.splice(0, this.skills.length - 1)
.join(', ')
let lastSkill = this.skills.splice(this.skills.length - 1)[0]
let skills = `${skillsWithoutLastSkill}, and ${lastSkill}`
let fullName = this.getFullName()
let statement = `${fullName} is a ${this.title}.\nHe lives in ${}.\nHe teaches ${skills}.`
return statement
Asabeneh Yetayeh is a teacher.
He lives in Finland.
He teaches HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, MongoDB, Python, D3.js, Meteor, and SasS.
### Object Methods
There are different methods to manipulate an object. Let us see some of the available methods.
_Object.assign_: To copy an object without modifying the original object
const person = {
5 years ago
firstName: 'Asabeneh',
age: 250,
5 years ago
country: 'Finland',
5 years ago
5 years ago
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JS'],
title: 'teacher',
address: {
street: 'Heitamienkatu 16',
pobox: 2002,
city: 'Helsinki'
getPersonInfo: function() {
return `I am ${this.firstName} and I live in ${}, ${}. I am ${this.age}.`
5 years ago
//Object methods: Object.assign, Object.keys, Object.values, Object.entries
const copyPerson = Object.assign({}, person)
#### Getting object keys using Object.keys()
_Object.keys_: To get the keys or properties of an object as an array
const keys = Object.keys(copyPerson)
console.log(keys) //['firstName', 'age', 'country','city', 'skills','title', 'address', 'getPersonInfo']
5 years ago
const address = Object.keys(copyPerson.address)
console.log(address) //['street', 'pobox', 'city']
#### Getting object values using Object.values()
_Object.values_:To get values of an object as an array
const values = Object.values(copyPerson)
#### Getting object keys and values using Object.entries()
_Object.entries_:To get the keys and values in an array
const entries = Object.entries(copyPerson)
#### Checking properties using hasOwnProperty()
_hasOwnProperty_: To check if a specific key or property exist in an object
🌕 You are astonishing. Now, you are super charged with the power of objects. You have just completed day 8 challenges and you are 8 steps a head in to your way to greatness. Now do some exercises for your brain and for your muscle.
5 years ago
5 years ago
## 💻 Exercises
5 years ago
### Exercises: Level 1
5 years ago
1. Create an empty object called dog
1. Print the the dog object on the console
1. Add name, legs, color, age and bark properties for the dog object. The bark property is a method which return _woof woof_
1. Get name, legs, color, age and bark value from the dog object
1. Set new properties the dog object: breed, getDogInfo
5 years ago
### Exercises: Level 2
1. Find the person who has many skills in the users object.
3 years ago
1. Count logged in users, count users having greater than equal to 50 points from the following object.
5 years ago
const users = {
Alex: {
email: '',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 30
Asab: {
email: '',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'Redux', 'MongoDB', 'Express', 'React', 'Node'],
age: 25,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 50
Brook: {
email: '',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React', 'Redux'],
age: 30,
isLoggedIn: true,
points: 50
Daniel: {
email: '',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'Python'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 40
John: {
email: '',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React', 'Redux', 'Node.js'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: true,
points: 50
Thomas: {
email: '',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 40
Paul: {
email: '',
skills: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'MongoDB', 'Express', 'React', 'Node'],
age: 20,
isLoggedIn: false,
points: 40
1. Find people who are MERN stack developer from the users object
1. Set your name in the users object without modifying the original users object
1. Get all keys or properties of users object
1. Get all the values of users object
1. Use the countries object to print a country name, capital, populations and languages.
5 years ago
### Exercises: Level 3
1. Create an object literal called _personAccount_. It has _firstName, lastName, incomes, expenses_ properties and it has _totalIncome, totalExpense, accountInfo,addIncome, addExpense_ and _accountBalance_ methods. Incomes is a set of incomes and its description and expenses is a set of incomes and its description.
2. **** Questions:2, 3 and 4 are based on the following two arrays:users and products ()
const users = [
_id: 'ab12ex',
username: 'Alex',
email: '',
password: '123123',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 9:00 AM',
isLoggedIn: false
_id: 'fg12cy',
username: 'Asab',
email: '',
password: '123456',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 9:30 AM',
isLoggedIn: true
_id: 'zwf8md',
username: 'Brook',
email: '',
password: '123111',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 9:45 AM',
isLoggedIn: true
_id: 'eefamr',
username: 'Martha',
email: '',
password: '123222',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 9:50 AM',
isLoggedIn: false
_id: 'ghderc',
username: 'Thomas',
email: '',
password: '123333',
createdAt:'08/01/2020 10:00 AM',
isLoggedIn: false
const products = [
_id: 'eedfcf',
name: 'mobile phone',
description: 'Huawei Honor',
price: 200,
ratings: [
{ userId: 'fg12cy', rate: 5 },
{ userId: 'zwf8md', rate: 4.5 }
likes: []
_id: 'aegfal',
name: 'Laptop',
description: 'MacPro: System Darwin',
price: 2500,
ratings: [],
likes: ['fg12cy']
_id: 'hedfcg',
name: 'TV',
description: 'Smart TV:Procaster',
price: 400,
ratings: [{ userId: 'fg12cy', rate: 5 }],
likes: ['fg12cy']
5 years ago
Imagine you are getting the above users collection from a MongoDB database.
a. Create a function called signUp which allows user to add to the collection. If user exists, inform the user that he has already an account.
b. Create a function called signIn which allows user to sign in to the application
5 years ago
3. The products array has three elements and each of them has six properties.
5 years ago
a. Create a function called rateProduct which rates the product
b. Create a function called averageRating which calculate the average rating of a product
5 years ago
4. Create a function called likeProduct. This function will helps to like to the product if it is not liked and remove like if it was liked.
5 years ago
5 years ago
[<< Day 7](../07_Day_Functions/ | [Day 9 >>](../09_Day_Higher_order_functions/