Please download project source code,get db scripts and execute, it will generate 16 tables if succeed.
The relative path of db scripts is as follows:
The xxl-job-admin can be deployed as a cluster,all nodes of the cluster must connect to the same mysql instance.
If mysql instances is deployed in master-slave mode,all nodes of the cluster must connect to master instace.
### 2.2 Compile
Source code is organized by maven,unzip it and structure is as follows:
xxl-job-admin:schedule admin center
xxl-job-core:public common dependent library
xxl-job-executor:executor Sample(Select appropriate version of executor,Can be used directly,You can also refer to it and transform existing projects into executors)
:xxl-job-executor-sample-spring:Spring version,executors managed by Spring,general and recommend;
:xxl-job-executor-sample-springboot:Springboot version,executors managed by Springboot;
:xxl-job-executor-sample-jfinal:JFinal version,executors managed by JFinal;
### 2.3 Configure and delploy "Schedule Center"
schedule center project:xxl-job-admin
target:Centralized management、Schedule and trigger task
#### Step 1:Configure Schedule Center
Configure file’s path of schedule center is as follows:
### TOKEN used for communication between the executor and schedule center, enabled if it’s not null
#### Step 2:Deploy:
If you has finished step 1,then you can compile the project in maven and deploy the war package to tomcat.
the url to visit is :http://localhost:8080/xxl-job-admin (this address will be used by executor and use it as callback url),the index page after login in is as follow
![index page after login in]( "index page after login in")
Now,the “xxl-job-admin” project is deployed success.