
xuxueli 5 years ago
parent 039f8d2b68
commit 6e86a7e499

@ -78,59 +78,62 @@ public class XxlJobSpringExecutor extends XxlJobExecutor implements ApplicationC
// init job handler from method
String[] beanDefinitionNames = applicationContext.getBeanDefinitionNames();
for (String beanDefinitionName : beanDefinitionNames) {
Object bean = applicationContext.getBean(beanDefinitionName);
Method[] methods = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method method: methods) {
XxlJob xxlJob = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, XxlJob.class);
if (xxlJob != null) {
// name
String name = xxlJob.value();
if (name.trim().length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler name invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] .");
if (loadJobHandler(name) != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job jobhandler[" + name + "] naming conflicts.");
if (beanDefinitionNames!=null && beanDefinitionNames.length>0) {
for (String beanDefinitionName : beanDefinitionNames) {
Object bean = applicationContext.getBean(beanDefinitionName);
Method[] methods = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method method: methods) {
XxlJob xxlJob = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, XxlJob.class);
if (xxlJob != null) {
// name
String name = xxlJob.value();
if (name.trim().length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler name invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] .");
if (loadJobHandler(name) != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job jobhandler[" + name + "] naming conflicts.");
// execute method
if (!(method.getParameterTypes()!=null && method.getParameterTypes().length==1 && method.getParameterTypes()[0].isAssignableFrom(String.class))) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler param-classtype invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] , " +
"The correct method format like \" public ReturnT<String> execute(String param) \" .");
if (!method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(ReturnT.class)) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler return-classtype invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] , " +
"The correct method format like \" public ReturnT<String> execute(String param) \" .");
// init and destory
Method initMethod = null;
Method destroyMethod = null;
if(xxlJob.init().trim().length() > 0) {
try {
initMethod = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(xxlJob.init());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler initMethod invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] .");
// execute method
if (!(method.getParameterTypes()!=null && method.getParameterTypes().length==1 && method.getParameterTypes()[0].isAssignableFrom(String.class))) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler param-classtype invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] , " +
"The correct method format like \" public ReturnT<String> execute(String param) \" .");
if(xxlJob.destroy().trim().length() > 0) {
try {
destroyMethod = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(xxlJob.destroy());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler destroyMethod invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] .");
if (!method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(ReturnT.class)) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler return-classtype invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] , " +
"The correct method format like \" public ReturnT<String> execute(String param) \" .");
// init and destory
Method initMethod = null;
Method destroyMethod = null;
if(xxlJob.init().trim().length() > 0) {
try {
initMethod = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(xxlJob.init());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler initMethod invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] .");
if(xxlJob.destroy().trim().length() > 0) {
try {
destroyMethod = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(xxlJob.destroy());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler destroyMethod invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#"+ method.getName() +"] .");
// registry jobhandler
registJobHandler(name, new MethodJobHandler(bean, method, initMethod, destroyMethod));
// registry jobhandler
registJobHandler(name, new MethodJobHandler(bean, method, initMethod, destroyMethod));
// ---------------------- applicationContext ----------------------
