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* @Author: ch
* @Date: 2022-03-23 10:31:12
* @LastEditors: ch
* @LastEditTime: 2022-04-20 18:29:40
* @Description: file content
<view class="banner">
<u-swiper bgColor="none" radius="18rpx" keyName="img" :list="data" height="240rpx" indicator indicatorMode="dot"></u-swiper>
<view class="desc">
<view class="desc--item">
<image class="desc--icon" src='@/static/index/bz.png'></image>
<text class="desc--txt">马士兵严选</text>
<view class="desc--item">
<image class="desc--icon" src='@/static/index/bz.png'></image>
<text class="desc--txt">100%正品</text>
<view class="desc--item">
<image class="desc--icon" src='@/static/index/bz.png'></image>
<text class="desc--txt">365天质保</text>
<view class="desc--item">
<image class="desc--icon" src='@/static/index/bz.png'></image>
<text class="desc--txt">售后无忧</text>
export default {
return {
data : {
type : Array,
default : []
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